Statistics to Measure Offshoring and its Impact
Robert C. Feenstra
University of California, Davis, and NBER
October 1, 2016
We identify “first generation” statistics to measure offshoring as the share of imported
intermediate inputs in costs, along with O*NET data to measure the tradability of tasks. These
data were used to measure the shifts in relative labor demand and relative wages due to
offshoring. A limitation of these statistics is that they cannot be used to measure the impact on
real wages, and for that purpose, we need price-based measures of offshoring. More recently,
“second generation” statistics have arisen from global input-output tables. These measures
include the foreign value-added in exports, or its counterpart, the domestic value-added in
exports. We illustrate the foreign value-added component in the surge of Chinese exports
following its WTO entry in 2001. We argue that such second-generation statistics should also be
supplemented by price-based measure of offshoring, and we propose one simple measure that
extends the effective rate of protection on imports to apply to exported goods.
Prepared for the Fourth IMF Statistical forum, “Lifting the Small Boats: Statistics for Inclusive
Growth,” November 17-18, Washington, D.C.
1. Introduction
From the early research on offshoring, a primary motivation was to explain the inequality
in the earnings of labor. Evidence from the United States and other countries showed that during
the 1980s the relative wages shifted towards more-skilled workers, so that a “wage gap”
developed between those with higher and lower skills.
To explain that gap, Feenstra and
Hanson (1996, 1997) developed a model that allows for a continuum of imported intermediate
within each industry, which are sourced from the lowest-cost country. The model predicted that
offshoring would lead to an increase in the relative demand for high-skilled labor in both the
country initiating the offshoring and in the country receiving these tasks. It follows that both
relative wage and the relative employment of skilled workers would increase in both countries,
as occurred during the 1980s. The statistic used by Feenstra and Hanson (1999) to measure
offshoring was the cost share of imported intermediate inputs in each industry.
The story for the 1990s and later is quite different. There has continued to be an increase
in the relative wage of skilled workers in U.S. manufacturing, but the relative employment of
these workers has sometimes fallen. That finding is strongly suggestive of the offshoring of
service activities, whereby the more routine service activities are sent overseas. This new form of
offshoring can be explained by Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2008). Their model allows for
the offshoring the tasks performed by low-skilled labor, but allows for the offshoring of tasks
that use high-skilled labor, like service tasks, as is needed to explain the more recent empirical
observations for the U.S. In the associated empirical work, O*NET data are typically used to
measure the tradability of tasks which, in addition to the imported input share, becomes another
“first generation” statistic used to measure the impact of offshoring.
See Bhagwati and Kosters (1994), Collins (1998), Feenstra (1998, 2000), Feenstra and Hanson (2003), Freeman
(1995), Johnson and Stafford (1999), Katz and Autor (1999), Richardson (1995), and Wood (1995).
The share of intermediate inputs in costs can be constructed with publically-available
data only by using the so-called proportionality assumption, whereby an input used in an
industry has the same ratio of imports to domestically-sourced value as does the economy as a
whole. That assumption has been criticized (e.g. Housman et al., 2011), and can be overcome by
having either firm-level values of imported inputs, or price-based measures of imported input
use. These improved statistics are particularly important when evaluating whether offshoring
leads to real losses for low-skilled labor, beyond just changes in the relative wage. In Feenstra
and Hanson (1996), the possibility of real losses depends on whether the efficiency gains from
offshoring dominate the shift in relative wages away from that factor. So to evaluate the real
gains and losses, we need a good estimate of the efficiency gains from offshoring, as the price
measures help to provide.
In a world with globalized production, the share of inputs that are imported becomes
especially difficult to measure when goods cross border multiple times. To give an example, a
U.S import from China might contain U.S. value-added. This concern has led to “second
generation” measures of offshoring developed from global input-output tables. Measures such as
the foreign value-added in exports (Hummels et al., 2001; Johnson and Noguera, 2012, 2016;
Koopmans et al., 2014; Los et al., 2016) have been proposed to indicate the extent to which
countries are tied into global supply chains. We review these measures and give an application to
the “China shock”, i.e. to the dramatic rise in Chinese exports following its entry to the World
Trade Organization in 2001. We measure the extent to which different countries have shared in
this export increase through their value-added in China. We further use the global input-output
framework to develop a new price-based measure of global offshoring, which extends the
effective rate of protection on imports to apply to exported goods.
In section 2 we review the data on the wage and employment of nonproduction relative to
production workers in the United States, which was the starting point for the early literature on
offshoring. The models developed to explain those trends are presented in sections 3 and 4, along
with the tests of those models using the cost share of intermediate inputs and O*NET data as
offshoring statistics. Limitations of those statistics are discussed in section 5. More recent
literature uses global input-output tables to measure offshoring and has its own set of limitations,
as discussed in sections 6 and 7. The price-based measure of global offshoring is presented in
section 8, where we argue that China’s own reduction in its tariffs on imported inputs can
partially explain its export surge (see also Amiti et al., 2016). Section 9 concludes.
2. Offshoring and Wage Inequality
We begin by examining the pattern of wages over time in U.S. manufacturing, which
motivated the early research on offshoring. In Figures 1 and 2 we show the wage and
employment of “nonproduction” relative to “production” workers in U.S. manufacturing.
Nonproduction workers tend to require more education, and so we will treat these workers as
skilled, while production workers are treated as less-skilled, though these categories are
admittedly highly imperfect measures of skill.
In Figure 1, we see that the earnings of nonproduction relative to production workers
moved erratically from the late 1950s to the late 1960s, and from that point until the early 1980s,
relative wages were on a downward trend. It is generally accepted that the relative wage fell
during this period because of an increase in the supply of college graduates, skilled workers who
moved into nonproduction jobs. Starting in the early 1980s, however, this trend reversed itself
and the relative wage of nonproduction workers increased steadily to 2000, with a decline to
2005 and a further increase thereafter.
Figure 1: Relative Wage of Nonproduction/Production Workers,
U.S. Manufacturing, 1958-2014
Figure 2: Relative Employment of Nonproduction/Production Workers,
U.S. Manufacturing, 1958-2014
Source: NBER productivity database, updated after 1996 from Bureau of the Census.
Turning to Figure 2, we see that there was a steady increase in the ratio of nonproduction
to production workers through the end of the 1980s, but then a fall in the 1990s, with an erratic
recovery since 2000. The increase in the relative supply of workers through the 1970s can
account for the reduction in the relative wage of nonproduction workers that decade, as shown in
Figure 1, but is at odds with the increase in the relative nonproduction wage during the 1980s.
The rising relative wage should have led to a shift in employment away from skilled workers,
along a demand curve, but it did not. Thus, the only explanation consistent with these facts is that
there was an outward shift in the demand for more-skilled workers during the 1980s, leading to
an increase in their relative employment and wages, as shown in Figure 3.
What factors can lead to an outward shift in the relative demand for skilled labor? Such a
shift can arise from the use of computers and other high-tech equipment, or skill-biased
technological change. Researchers such as Berman, Bound and Griliches (1994) argued that such
technological change was the dominant explanation for the rising relative wage of skilled labor
in the United States, and other countries. Their findings for the United States were reinforced by
the work of Berman, Bound and Machin (1998) who looked at cross-country data. They found
that the same shift towards skilled workers in the U.S. also occurred abroad. That finding
appeared to rule out the Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model as an explanation, because in that model
we expect wages to move in opposite directions between countries when comparing autarky to
free trade, as factor price equalization occurs. Instead, the evidence was that wages moved in the
same direction across countries – with an increase in the relative wage of skilled workers.
The same decline in the relative wages of blue-collar workers during the 1980s and into the 1990s was found for
Australia, Canada, Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Anderton and Brenton 1999; Freeman and Katz 1994;
Katz and Autor 1999; Görg, Hijzen, and Hine 2003, 2005),
for Hong Kong and Mexico (Cragg and Epelbaum 1996;
Hanson and Harrison 1999; Hsieh and Woo 2005; Robertson 2004), and for Denmark (Hummels et al. 2014) over
1995–2006. More recent evidence for the United States is provided by Voigtländer (2014).
Figure 3: Relative Wage and Employment of Nonproduction/Production
Workers in U.S. Manufacturing, 1979-1990
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Nonproduction/Production Employment
Nonproduction/Production Wage
Source: NBER productivity database; see Figures 1 and 2.
But this early rejection of international trade as an explanation for rising wage inequality
was really just a rejection of the simple HO model. There are now several models of offshoring
that can be used to predict the wages movements for the 1980s as shown in Figure 3, and also
wage movements in later decades, as we review below.
3. A Model of Offshoring
To determine the extent to which international trade can explain the shift in demand
towards skilled labor in the United States, and which occurred in other countries, Feenstra and
Hanson (1996, 1997) present a model of an industry in which there are many intermediate inputs,
denoted by the index z[0,1], involved in the manufacture of a good. Rather than listing these
inputs in their temporal order, we will instead list them in increasing order of high/low-skilled
labor where, for example, the least skill-intensive input is assembly and the most skill-intensive
input is R&D. We let a
(z) and a
(z) denote the high-skilled and low-skilled labor, respectively,
needed to produce one unit of the good in question. We order the activities z so that
(z) is non-decreasing in z.
In general, firms doing the assembly will wish to source the inputs from the minimum-
cost location. To determine this, we assume that the relative wage of skilled labor at home,
w / w , is lower at home than that abroad,
w / w . This assumption is realistic if
the home country is skilled-labor abundant, like the United States: despite the increase in the
relative wage of skilled labor in the United States during the past several decades, it is still much
lower than that in Mexico.
In equilibrium, countries will specialize in different portions along the continuum of
intermediate inputs. Under our assumption that the relative wage of skilled labor is higher
abroad, and that goods are arranged in increasing order of their skill intensity, then the ratio of
the home to foreign unit-costs is downward sloping, as shown by the schedule c/c* in Figure 4.
Foreign production – or offshoring – occurs where the relative costs at home are greater than
unity, in the range [0,z'), whereas home production occurs where the relative costs at home are
less than unity, in the range (z',1].
Suppose now that the home firm wishes to offshore more activities. The reason for this
could be a capital flow from the home to foreign country, reducing the rental abroad and
increasing it at home; or alternatively, it could arise from neutral technological progress abroad,
but exceeding such progress at home. In both cases, the relative costs of production at home
Figure 4
increase, which is an upward shift in the relative cost schedule, as shown in Figure 5. As a result,
the borderline between the activities performed at home and abroad therefore shifts from the
point z' to the point z", with z" > z'.
What is the impact of this increase in offshoring on the relative demand for skilled labor
at home and abroad? Notice that the activities no longer performed at home (those in-between z'
and z") are less skill-intensive than the activities still done there (those to the right of z"). This
means that the range of activities now done at home are more skilled-labor intensive, on average,
than the set of activities formerly done at home. For this reason, the relative demand for skilled
labor at home increases, as occurred in the United States during the 1980s. That increase in
demand will also increase the relative wage for skilled labor, as shown in Figure 6 (where we use
a fixed relative supply of high/low-skilled labor, but it could be upward sloping instead).
z' 1 z
Figure 5
Figure 6
0 z' z" 1 z
What about in the foreign country? The activities that are newly sent offshore (those in-
between z' and z") are more skill-intensive than the activities that were initially done in the
foreign country (those to the left of z'). That means that the range of activities now done abroad
is also more skilled-labor intensive, on average, than the set of activities formerly done there. For
this reason, the relative demand for high-skilled labor in the foreign country also increases, just
as shown in Figure 6. With this increase in the relative demand for high-skilled labor, the relative
wage of skilled labor also increases in the foreign country. This is a realistic description of the
wage movements in the United States and many other countries during the 1980s.
In contrast to this result, it is difficult to generate the same direction of movements in
relative wages across countries from the HO model, as we have found in this offshoring model.
Of course, this explanation does not prove that offshoring was the source of the wage changes,
since skill-biased technological change is equally well an explanation. So determining which of
these explanations accounts for the changes observed during the 1980s is an empirical question.
We review the literature on this question and then discuss the wage movements for the U.S. in
the 1990s and 2000s.
4. Testing the Model of Offshoring
Evidence from the 1980s
Feenstra and Hanson (1999) measure offshoring in each industry by the share of imported
intermediate inputs in costs. This measure is constructed from input-output tables using the so-
called “proportionality” assumption, e.g. that steel imported into the automobile industry uses the
same ratio of imports to domestically-sourced inputs as does the economy as a whole. This
measure of offshoring can be constructed using either a broad definition, which includes all
See note 2.
imported inputs, or a narrow definition, which focuses on imported inputs within the same 2-
digit industry (e.g. the automobile industry importing auto parts). High-technology equipment is
also measured in two ways: either as a fraction of the total capital equipment installed in each
industry; or as a fraction of new investment in capital that is devoted to computers and other
high-tech devices.
An increase in offshoring as illustrated in Figure 6 can be treated as an (exogenous) shift
to labor demand, and its impact can be measured by estimating the associated labor demand
Here we simply describe the results from this estimation. In Table 1, the results from
the broader measure of offshoring are reported, including imported inputs from other industries,
for the 1980s. Using the first measure of high-tech equipment (i.e. fraction of the capital stock),
the results in the first row show that roughly 25% of the increase in the relative wage of
nonproduction workers was explained by offshoring, and about 30% of that increase was
explained by the growing use of high-tech capital. So we conclude that both offshoring and the
increased use of high-tech capital are important in explaining the actual increase in the relative
wage of skilled workers. In the second row we use the other measure of high-tech equipment (i.e.
fraction of new investment). In that case, the large spending on high-tech equipment in new
investment can explain nearly all (99%) of the increased relative wage for nonproduction
workers, leaving little room for offshoring to play much of a role (it explains only 12% of the
increase in the relative wage). These results are lopsided enough that we might be skeptical of
using new investment to measure high-tech equipment and therefore prefer the results using the
capital stocks.
Wright (2014) introduces an instrumental variable strategy to treat this offshoring statistic as endogenous, based
on a “shift-share” analysis that interacts each industry’s initial level of offshoring to China with China’s subsequent
growth in offshoring to the U.S. over all industries.
Table 1: Impact on the Relative Wage of Nonproduction
Labor in U.S. Manufacturing, 1979-1990
Percent of Total Increase Explained by each Factor
Offshoring Equipment
Measurement of high-tech equipment:
As a share of the capital stock 21 – 27% 29 – 32%
As a share of capital flow (i.e. new investment) 12% 99%
Source: Robert C. Feenstra and Gordon H. Hanson, “The Impact of Outsourcing and High-Technology Capital on
Wages: Estimates for the U.S., 1979-1990,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1999, 114(3), 907-940.
Evidence from the 1990’s and 2000s
In Figure 7 we report the relative wage and employment of nonproduction/production
workers in U.S. manufacturing over 1990-2000. While picture for the 1980s is well-known and
launched dozens of research studies, but it is surprising that the picture for the 1990s and 2000s,
as shown in Figure 7, is not familiar. We see that from 1989-1999 (shown in red), there
continued to be an increase in the relative wage of nonproduction/production labor in U.S.
manufacturing, but in addition, there was a decrease in the relative employment of these
workers. From 2000-2005 (shown in green), there are very erratic movements in the relative
wage and relative employment, sometimes reversing the 1989-2000 movements. Then, from
2006-2011 (in purple) there is once again an increase in the relative wage and the relative
employment of high-skilled labor, as we found for the 1980s. The final two years that are plotted
(in yellow), 2013 and 2014, show an erratic fall in relative employment.
Figure 7: Relative Wage and Employment of Nonproduction/Production
Workers in U.S. Manufacturing, 1989-2014
Source: NBER productivity database; see Figures 1 and 2.
There are two possible explanations for the pattern shown during 1989-1999, with an
increase in the relative wage but a decrease in the relative employment of skilled labor. First,
some labor economists have argued that the 1990s witnessed a changing pattern of labor
demand, benefitting those in the highest and lowest-skilled occupations, at the expense of others
in moderately skilled occupations. Autor, Katz and Kearney (2008, p. 301) attribute this once
again to technological change: “…we find that these patterns may in part be explained by a
richer version of the skill-biased technical change (SBTC) hypothesis in which information
technology complements highly educated workers engaged in abstract tasks, substitutes for
moderately educated workers performing routine tasks, and has less impact on low-skilled
workers performing manual tasks.” This is the job polarization explanation.
A second possibility is that the evidence over 1989-2000 shown in Figure 7 is a
“smoking gun” for service offshoring from U.S. manufacturing. To the extent that the back-
office jobs being offshored from manufacturing use the lower-paid nonproduction workers, then
the offshoring of those jobs could very well raise the average wage among nonproduction
workers, while lowering their employment.
That outcome can arise in the offshoring model of Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2008),
provided that we focus on the offshoring of high-skilled labor tasks rather than low-skilled tasks.
In their model, offshoring of high-skilled labor acts just like a high-skilled-labor-saving
innovation. The offshoring of high-skilled tasks, which we are thinking of as service activities,
leads to an increase in the relative wage of high-skilled labor and no change in the relative wage
of low-skilled labor.
Furthermore, such offshoring will reduce demand for skilled labor, at given
industry outputs, as we have seen occurred in the United States during the 1990s. So an
important contribution of Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg’s model is that it gives us a robust way
to model this service offshoring in addition to the low-skilled offshoring of the 1980s. The rich
specification of offshoring costs that are built into the model allow for a wide array of outcomes,
beyond those in Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1997).
There are several studies that document the growing importance of service offshoring for
the U.S. One study separates the impact of offshoring on production and nonproduction workers
in U.S. manufacturing for the 1990s (Sitchinava, 2008). She applies the procedure of Feenstra
and Hanson (1999), using materials offshoring and service offshoring (both measured as shares
See the explanation of this result in Feenstra (2010, Lecture 1) and Feenstra (2015, chapter 4).
of purchased inputs), as well as computer capital as shifters of labor demand. While the relative
wage of nonproduction workers continued to rise during this period, materials offshoring
explains only 7% of that increase. Service offshoring is twice as important, explaining some 15%
of the increase in the relative wage. But the increased use of computers (as a share of the capital
stock) can account for nearly the entire rise in the relative wage.
Other studies do not focus on the relative wage but on other aspects of offshoring. Amiti
and Wei (2009) find that for U.S. manufacturing, imported services grew from two-tenths of one
percent of total inputs used in 1992, to three-tenths by 2000. The fact that imported services are
so small does not prevent them from being important for productivity, however. They find that
service offshoring accounts for around 10 percent of labor productivity growth over this period,
which is quite robust across specifications, while material offshoring accounts for a smaller and
less-robust 5 percent of labor productivity growth.
What about employment? We have seen the relative employment of nonproduction
workers fell during the 1990s, in marked contrast to the 1980s. Can we attribute that fall to tasks
that require skills but are more routine, allowing them to be offshored? Amiti and Wei (2005a,b)
do not identify a significant impact of service offshoring on employment, possibly because they
work with a single aggregate of labor. But another study of white-collar employment in the
United States (Crinò, 2010), for both manufacturing and services, suggests that offshoring had an
impact. Crinò finds that service offshoring raises high-skilled employment and lowers medium
and low-skilled employment. Within each skill group, there is a differential response depending
on whether the tasks being performed are classified as “routine”, requiring “face-to-face”
communication or not, and “interaction with PCs”, which Crinò combines to obtain a tradability
index for each occupation. Service offshoring is found to penalize the tradable occupations and
benefit the non-tradable occupations, consistent with the theory. Crinò (2008, 2013) further
discusses the impact of service offshoring on productivity and labor demand in Western Europe.
In order to develop his “tradability” index, Crinò relied on the O*NET database which
provides information on job characteristics for 812 occupations. Ebenstein et al. (2014),
Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2006), Liu and Trefler (2011), Odenski (2012, 2014) and Wright
(2014) all find evidence that these O*NET characteristics make a difference for measuring the
effects of offshoring in the United States. Wright (2014) constructs an index of offshorability
from the O*NET data and test whether the extent of low-skilled (production) jobs and high-
skilled (non-production) job loss responds differently in industries that have greater
offshorability: while more low-skilled jobs are lost when the tasks done in an industry are more
routine, the opposite occurs for high-skilled jobs. That hypothesis is strongly confirmed in his
results, and in fact, the gain of high-skilled jobs more than offsets the loss in low-skilled jobs.
Adding together these two effects, he concludes that: “the aggregate effect of offshoring is
estimated to have led to a cumulative increase in aggregate employment of 2.6% over the period
2001 to 2007, a relatively minor effect” (p. 76).
Perhaps the most compelling argument supporting the idea that offshoring in the 1980s
was different from that in the 1990s and 2000s is provided by Basco and Mesteiri (2013). They
argue that trade liberalization in the 1980s increased trade in low-skilled goods (what they call L-
globalization), while reduction in information and communication costs in the 1990s and 2000s
increased trade in middle- and high-skilled intensive goods (what they call C-globalization).
They present a model that integrates Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1997) with Grossman and
Rossi-Hansberg (2008), allowing for both trade in intermediate inputs and trade in tasks. The
Ottaviano, Peri and Wright (2013) further estimate the effects of offshoring and immigration on jobs in the United
difference between the two types of globalizations is that the reduction of trade costs applies to
different segments in the continuum of intermediate inputs/tasks. As a theoretical result, L-
globalization increased the wage of middle- and high-skilled labor relative to low-skilled labor,
but C-globalization has a quite different effect: while high-skilled labor still gains, the wage of
middle-skilled relative to low-skilled labor can fall as the demand for middle-skilled labor is
reduce due to service offshoring. This outcome accords well with the evidence on job
polarization for the United States, whereby the workers in the middle of the skill range have
suffered (Autor, Katz and Kearney, 2008). Notably, they find that the time as which wage
polarization due to C-globalization occurs is delayed when there is more L-globalization.
5. Limitations of First-Generation Offshoring Statistics
To summarize our discussion so far, by using the share of inputs that are imported to
measure offshoring, it was possible to explain the pattern of wage movements found in the
United States and other countries during the 1980s. For the 1990s and later periods, the
offshoring of service activities (using nonproduction labor) became more important, and then it
becomes necessarily to measure the offshorability of tasks using O*NET data. Are we to
conclude that these first-generation measures of offshoring and its impact are adequate enough?
Or are there important questions that are left unexplained by these statistics?
In the remainder of this paper we lean towards the second of these statements: while the
phenomenon of offshoring has been firmly integrated into both trade theory and its empirical
implementation, there are important questions not addressed by the studies we have reviewed.
The first and perhaps most important of these is the welfare impact of offshoring, especially for
low-skilled labor. Feenstra and Hanson (1996) examine this issue in theory, and conclude that
while the relative wage of low-skilled workers fall in both countries, their real wages need not
fall. Low-skilled workers in the home country are the most disadvantaged by the offshoring, but
nevertheless, it is possible that they gain due to lower prices of the final good. Whether or not
low-skilled labor loses depends on whether the efficiency gains from offshoring dominate the
shift in relative wages away from that factor. So to evaluate the real gains and losses, we need a
good estimate of the efficiency gains from offshoring.
A second very important issue is to improve the measures of offshoring itself. As we
have noted, the statistic introduced by Feenstra and Hanson (1999) was the share of imported
intermediate inputs in costs. That measure relies on the proportionality assumption, whereby the
ratio of imports to domestically-purchased inputs is assumed to be the same in every industry,
and so the economy-wide ratio (as obtained from a domestic input-output table) is used for every
industry. The validity of this assumption is explored by Feenstra and Jensen (2012) for the
United States and by Winkler and Milberg (2012) for Germany, and the latter authors especially
question its accuracy.
An alternative to the proportionality assumption is to use the share of inputs imported by
each firm, when such firm-level data are available. A recent example of this approach is Blaum
et al. (2016), who utilize firm-level information for France to evaluate the gains from input trade.
The availability of newly imported inputs is accounted for by using the share of spending on
those new imports, which is a sufficient statistic for gains in a CES framework, analogous to
Feenstra (1994) and Arkolakis et al. (2012). So we see that improving the measure of offshoring
by using firm-level data also turns out to give an accurate measure of the welfare gains due to
that offshoring. Still, we might not expect the firm-level import statistics to be available for all
countries in the foreseeable future.
Housman et al. (2011) also criticize the proportionality assumption used to construct the
imported input share, and as an alternative statistic for offshoring, propose a price-based
measure of offshoring obtained from unpublished Bureau of Economic Analysis data on
imported input prices at a detailed commodity level. These price data are used to distinguish
between domestic and imported input prices, where we expect firms to substitute towards lower-
cost foreign sources. Without such a correction to existing statistics, the growth in the import
price index will generally be overstated, with the following consequences:
As a result of this price index problem, the real growth of imported inputs has been
understated. Furthermore, if input growth is understated, it follows that the growth in
multifactor productivity and real value added in the manufacturing sector have been
overstated. We estimate that average annual multifactor productivity growth in
manufacturing was overstated by 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points and real value added
growth by 0.2 to 0.5 percentage points from 1997 to 2007. Moreover, this bias may
have accounted for a fifth to a half of the growth in real value added in manufacturing
output excluding the computer and electronics industry. [Housman et al. (2011), p. 115]
Note that correcting the import price index to allow for the substitution of firms towards lower-
cost import sources was also recommended by Alterman (2010).
The usefulness of such price-based measure of offshoring (or the share-based measure of
new inputs as in Blaum et al., 2016) is that they facilitate measurement of the efficiency gains
from offshoring. Whether we are dealing at the firm-level, industry-level, or economy-wide
level, measuring the gains from offshoring requires knowing the prices that firms are paying for
inputs from different sources, and in particular, the price differences when they substitute across
countries. An attempt to measure this substitution as the economy-wide level for the United
States was made by Feenstra et al. (2013). They rely on import price data collected by the
International Price Program of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and experiment with alternative
formulas for constructing the U.S. import price index as well as incorporating tariff reductions,
especially for information-technology products. Like Housman et al. (2011), whenever the
growth in the import price index is overstated, then the growth in import quantity will be
understated, and so overall multifactor productivity growth is also overstated. It is important to
emphasize, however, that households and firms still benefit from reductions in import prices and
the substitution towards cheaper imports, but this is a terms of trade gain rather than productivity
growth. Feenstra et al. (2013) find that such terms of trade gains (and tariff reductions) account
for nearly 0.2 percentage points, or about one-fifth of the reported 1996-2006 increase in U.S.
productivity growth, at the lower end of the estimates in Housman et al. (2011).
6. Offshoring Statistics from Global Input-Output Tables
The studies that we have summarized in section 4, used to test the simple offshoring
model, tended to focus on the impact of offshoring in a particular country. Of course, there is
nothing to prevent that analysis being done over a larger set of countries, and a good example of
that global approach was in Chapter 5, “The Globalization of Labor”, in the World Economic
Outlook (Jaumotte and Tytell, 2007). That study allowed for trade in final goods, in intermediate
inputs, and also immigration to impact factor payments worldwide.
A limitation of these cross-country studies, however, is that they do not allow for the
global production linkages that occur when goods cross multiple borders during their production.
There are only a limited number of theoretical studies that allow for multiple countries, and even
these studies tend to have uni-directional movement of unfinished goods between countries, until
the final good is assembled and shipped worldwide.
Reinsdorf and Yuskavage (2016) have recently re-examined the bias in multifactor productivity growth through
not accounting for changing sourcing between domestic and imported goods, and find that one-tenth of the reported
speedup in productivity over 1997-2007 can be explained by this bias.
For example, Costinot, Vogel and Wang (2012) model a sequential supply chain in which mistakes potentially
occur at each stage in a continuum. There are many countries which differ in their probabilities of making mistakes.
In equilibrium there is a matching between stages of production and countries. Baldwin and Venables (2013) call
this type of sequential product chain a “snake”, and call the assembly of multiple parts at a central facility a
To empirically implement multi-country measures of offshoring, global input-output
tables are used, of which examples are the World Input-Output Database or WIOD (Timmer et
al., 2014, 2015), and EORA (Lenzen et al., 2012, 2013). From these databases, measures of
offshoring more complex than the simple share of imported intermediate inputs have been
proposed, and we refer to these as “second generation” statistics. Specifically, the domestic
value-added in exports and its counterpart, the foreign value-added in exports (Hummels et al.,
2001; Johnson and Noguera, 2012, 2016; Koopmans et al., 2014; Los et al., 2016), can be
constructed to indicate the extent to which countries are tied into global supply chains.
We illustrate foreign value-added in exports, or FVAiX, by constructing it according to
the method in Foster-McGregor and Stehrer (2013). To use their illustration with three countries
and one aggregate sector, we construct the following matrix for China as country 1,
2212223 21
3313233 31
1 11 1* 1 12 21 1 13 31
2 21 1* 2 22 21 2
00 0 0
00()0 0
00 0 0
00 0 0
00 0 0
00 0 0
vlll x
vl l l x
vl x vl x vl x
vl x vl x v
23 31
331 1* 332 21 333 31
vl x vl x vl x
“spider.” They provide a partial equilibrium model that illustrates the difficulties of solving for the location of stages
in this framework, and also that the assignments might be non-monotonically related to transportation costs. The
difficulty of solving for the sources of import supply chosen by firms is illustrated in the work of Antràs et al.
(2014), and they also provide and implement an elegant solution.
A different measure of the fragmentation of the production process has been developed by Antràs et al. (2012), and
applied theoretically by Antràs and Chor (2013) and by Fally and Hillberry (2015).
In this expression, A denotes the global input-output matrix for China, detailing the domestic and
international flows between country-industries listed on the rows towards the country-industries
listed on the columns. The input-output matrix is expressed in value terms, i.e. the share of $1 in
country-industry j accounted for by the flow from country-industry i. We denote
with individual coefficient
l in this inverse matrix. The terms
v are the ratio of value-added to
gross output for country i.
The terms appearing on the right are country 1’s exports to the rest
of the world,
1* 12 13
and country 1’s imports from country i,
, for i=2,3.
Focusing on the first column of the final matrix, the term
111 1*
vl x is the domestic value
added in the exports of country 1, or DVAiX. The sum of the remaining terms,
vl x
is the foreign value added in the exports of country 1, or FVAiX. The remaining columns reflect
the value added content of country 1’s imports (see Foster-McGregor and Stehrer, 2013). We
focus our attention here on China, and calculate FVAiX, because we are interested in whether
the surge in Chinese exports following its entry to the WTO in 2001 led to a corresponding rise
in the value-added of other countries as they exported to China. We expect that China might be
using other countries in Asia as part of its supply chain, as well as e.g. Australia for certain raw
material. If we also find that China is relying on the United States, then that could offset the
negative impacts that growing Chinese exports have had on U.S. wages and employment, as
found by Autor, Dorn and Hanson (2013) and Acemoglu et al. (2014).
In order to calculate FVAiX we must choose a database. WIOD includes 40 countries
plus the rest of the world, but unfortunately, these do not include the smaller countries of
Southeast Asia who might be serving as suppliers to China. So instead we turned to the EORA
With multiple sectors, these are the diagonal matrices with the ratio of value-added to gross output for each
industry in country i. As a column vector, this can be constructed as
database, , which has 187 countries. Because that very large number
means that some of the input-output tables are inaccurate, and because it becomes difficult to
invert the global input-output table, we aggregated across the smaller countries to arrive at 45
plus the rest of the world. That list of countries includes 11 Southeast Asian countries that do not
appear in WIOD, which are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan,
the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
These are in addition to 5 other Asian
countries – China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea (or South Korea), and Taiwan – that are
included in WIOD and in our aggregated EORA country list.
The result for the aggregate Chinese economy is shown in Figure 8, with the top 20
contributors to FVAiX and the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013. In Panel A
we see that the foreign valued added in Chinese exports is about 30% in 2013, with domestic
value-added accounting for the remaining 70%. That foreign share has nearly doubled from
about 17% since China’s entry to the WTO in 2001. The countries that provide the greatest value
added in 2013 are Japan, the United States and Germany. Of course, these three countries are
also the world’s largest exporters aside from China itself. Besides them, the next countries with
the largest value added in China’s exports are all in Asia, and are South Korea, Singapore,
Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. These countries are followed by Mongolia, the U.K., Taiwan,
Australia, Indonesia, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Cambodia, India, the Philippines and
Belgium. So we see that Southeast Asian countries indeed show up prominently in this list of the
top 20 countries, along with Mongolia and Australia due to their proximity and raw materials,
and also a number of European nations.
Hong Kong and Macau are included as distinct customs regions in the calculations of FVAiX, but then are
aggregated within China when reporting our results.
Figure 8: Foreign Value Added in Exports of China: Aggregate
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
Japan USA Germany South Korea Singapore Thailand Malaysia
Viet Nam Mongolia UK Taiwan Australia Indonesia France
Netherlands Italy Cambodia India Philippines Belgium RoW
B: Foreign value-added by country (value, billion US$)
Japan USA Germany South Korea Singapore Thailand Malaysia
Viet Nam Mongolia UK Taiwan Australia Indonesia France
Netherlands Italy Cambodia India Philippines Belgium RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
In panel B we show information but now in billions of US$, rather than as a share. In the
aggregate, the foreign valued added in Chinese exports grew from about $50 billion in 2001 to
more than $700 billion in 2013, or an increase of more than 12 times in 12 years. That increase
corresponds to a compound nominal growth rate of 23% annually, or real growth exceeding 20%
annually. These results indicate that the surge in Chinese exports contributed significantly to
increased exports of their trading partners, including many countries of Southeast Asia. Further
analysis would be needed to infer how this increase in exports contributed to GDP and
employment growth in these countries, as we discuss in the next section. In Appendix A, we
provide similar diagrams for the 10 traded sectors in the EORA database, detailing the top 20
contributors and RoW to the foreign value added in each sector’s exports.
7. Limitations of Second-Generation Offshoring Statistics
The results of the previous section illustrate the extent to which China’s exports rely on
those of other countries. We are certainly not the first to calculate FVAiX, or its counterpart
domestic value-added, for China.
To give just one example, Los et al. (2015) calculate the
extent to which the employment growth in Chinese 1995-2009 was due to i) export growth, ii)
rising domestic demand, or iii) was negatively impacted by technological progress. The same
calculations but extended to other Southeast Asian countries could show how their dramatic
increase in exports to China since its WTO entry affected employment in those countries. While
these are interesting calculations made possible by the second generation of offshoring statistics,
i.e. global input-output tables, they are not without their own limitations.
Calculations for China are included in Chen et al. (2012), Dean et al. (2011), Duan et al. (2012), Kee and Tang
(2016), Koopman et al. (2008), Los et al. (2015) and Yao et al. (2015). For the entire world, a very ambitious Global
Value Chains project is being undertaken at the University of International Business and Economic in Beijing, under
the direction of Zhi Wang,
Most importantly, these calculations of employment effects take as exogenous the
increase in exports and other changes in final demand, while in fact, such changes and their
employment effects are endogenous to the general equilibrium of the economy. For example,
Los et al. (2015) calculate that over 2001-2006 the dramatic rise in China exports, and its own
domestic content in those exports, accounted for job growth of 71 million jobs. If exports had
risen less, however, then many of those workers still would have found jobs elsewhere (possibly
by not migrating from the rural regions). Los et al. (2015, p. 23) are certainly aware of this
limitation and note that computable general equilibrium models can overcome it, but at the cost
of complexity. There is recent work in international trade that integrates the global input-output
tables into quantitative general equilibrium models. Examples include di Giovanni (2014) and
Caliendo et al. (2015) focusing on China, Caliendo and Parro (2015) focusing on NAFTA, and
Costinot and Rodriguez-Clare (2014) and Caliendo et al. (2016) focusing on global tariff cuts.
By making use of input-output tables, these models incorporate the global linkages between
countries while preserving the general equilibrium structure of the world economy.
Related to this limitation, it is unclear how the changes in the domestic or foreign value
added in exports, or other second generation measure of offshoring, would impact factor prices.
A focus of research using the first generation statistics, and especially the share of costs
accounted for by imported intermediate inputs, was to show that these variables acted as shift
parameters in the demand for labor – as illustrated in Figures 3 and 6 – in a manner that is fully
consistent with general-equilibrium trade models.
At this time, we do not really know how
FVAiX or its counterparts would influence labor demand and hence impact wages.
See Feenstra and Hanson (1999) and especially the discussion of short-run versus long-run labor demand in
Feenstra (2004, chapter 4).
But see the initial work along these lines by Los et al. (2014).
One way to make progress on both these concerns is to focus future attention on the price
side of global input-output models. Recall from section 5, where we discussed the limitation of
offshoring statistics as applied particular countries, we argued that one important direction for
future research was to develop price measures of offshoring. We believe that the same lesson
applies in the context of multi-country, input-output analysis. The use of domestic input-output
matrices has always had a dual counterpart in prices, and likewise, we can develop a dual
counterpart with global matrices. One example of this approach is the attention given by Bems
and Johnson (2012, 2015) to real effective exchange rates (REERs) that allow for vertical
specialization in trade, obtaining a value-added REER. We conclude our paper by providing
another example to the effective rate of protection (ERP), but extending it to reflect the impact of
import tariffs on the foreign value added in an industry’s exports.
8. Price-Based Measure of Global Offshoring
The import-based ERP for industry j, or what we call
, is intended to reflect the
percentage change in an industry’s value added due to the tariffs imposed on its inputs and
output. It is defined as:
1( )
iij ij
ij ij
In this expression,
a denotes the input coefficient in the Leontief matrix, measuring the amount
of input
i that is domestically sourced from all countries for $1 output in industry j, whereas
denotes the amount of input
i that is sourced from all foreign countries for $1 output in industry
j. The tariff
t (or
t ) equals one plus the Chinese ad valorem tariff in industry i (or industry j),
while the denominator
is the value-added in industry j. Expression (2) equals the
percentage change in value added in industry
j under the assumption that there is full pass-
through of the tariffs
t and
t to the domestic prices for the inputs and the output, as occurs
under perfect competition and perfect substitution between imported and domestic products.
With imperfect substitutes or imperfect competition, however, then the domestic prices of inputs
and outputs will not change by the full amount of the tariffs, so that (2) does not accurately
reflect the percentage change in value added.
In that case, we can consider the alternative expression for the effective rate of protection
which assumes that there is a pass-through coefficient of
from changes in tariffs to
changes in the prices of domestically-produced goods. The change in any tariff as compared to
free trade is ( 1)
t , and so ( 1)
of that amount is reflected in the domestic price, which are
normalized at unity under free trade so that with the tariff the domestic price is 1 ( 1)
this case, the effective rate of protection becomes,
1(1) [1(1)]
1( )
ij ij
Notice that unlike expression (2), this measure of the effective rate of protection requires
knowledge of the import coefficients
a in the Leontief matrix as distinct from the domestic
a , so that if reflects the extent to which the economy is engaged in global value
chains. We can also imagine generalizations of this concept that allow for the prices of
inputs to have partial pass-through from tariffs, or to have different tariffs applied to various
source countries, etc. We will take the generalization in a different direction, however, by
considering how the effective rate of protection can apply to exports.
For the normalization of prices at unity in the IO table, see Miller and Blair (2009, p. 43).
in (3), we obtain:
1( )
1( )
ij i ij
ij ij
We interpret this expression as the effective rate of protection that applies to
exports, or XERP.
We are treating the world prices for exports as fixed, and we assume that there are no domestic
subsidies (or domestic tariffs) applied to exports. Then exporters face only the tariffs on their
imported inputs, which are reflected in the term
ta appearing in (4). This expression ignores
the impact of
foreign tariffs on the price of exports, and also ignores any pass-through from
domestic tariffs to the domestic prices of those import-competing goods. So (4) gives a lower
bound to the change in export value added under tariff liberalization, by measuring
only the
impact of reduced domestic tariffs in imported inputs.
We illustrate the import-based effective rate of protection (MERP) and the export-based
effective rate of protection (XERP) in Figures 9 and 10. Notice that if the output and the input
tariffs are at the same
ad valorem rate, then
ERP equals one plus that ad valorem rate. More
> (<)
t when
t > (<)
t for all the input industries i. In Figure 9, industries
like agriculture, fishing, mining and quarrying, food and beverages, and textiles and wearing
apparel, have the highest MERPs, which exceed one plus their
ad valorem tariff rates in 1996.
On the other hand, wood and paper, petroleum, metal products, electrical and machinery and
transport equipment have lower MERPs, which are often less than one plus their
ad valorem
rates in 1996. All MERPs and the ad valorem rates fell after China’s WTO entry in 2001.
The source and construction of the ad valorem tariff rates are discussed in Appendix B. We construct simple
averages of the HS 2-digit tariffs within each EORA sector, and for this reason our calculations should be
interpreted as illustrative only.
Figure 9: Chinese
for 10 sectors in EORA
Notes: The vertical axis measures the import-based ERP, defined using the ad valorem tariff rates
on imports and on the inputs used in the production of import-competing goods.
Figure 10: Chinese
for 10 sectors in EORA
Notes: The vertical axis measures the export-based ERP, defined using the ad valorem tariff rates
on inputs used in the production of export goods.
The export-based effective rate of protection (XERP), illustrated in Figure 10, shows
considerably less movement over time than MERP, but that is because we are treating the world
prices for these exports as fixed. By only considering the changes in the tariffs on imported,
intermediate inputs, and not the changes to foreign tariffs when China joined the WTO,
we are
constructing a lower-bound to the actual change in Chinese export value added. Nevertheless,
some sectors have a noticeable rise in the effective rate of protection, especially for electrical &
machinery, followed by metal products, textiles and apparel, and petroleum, chemicals and non-
metallic mineral products. The rise in XERP towards unity indicates that the sectors are no
longer effectively taxed by the tariffs on their imported inputs, thereby making Chinese firms
more competitive on international markets and partially explaining the surge in Chinese exports.
That argument is made formally by Amiti et al. (2016), but even the simple measure of effective
protection provided to exports as displayed in Figure 10, shows that China’s own tariff reduction
on intermediate inputs created an incentives for the surge in its exports. This incentive reflects
both the tariffs reductions themselves and the extent to which the inputs are sourced from abroad.
Further exploration of this
price measure of offshoring would be desirable.
9. Conclusions
We began our paper with the observation that the earliest work on offshoring was
motivated by rising wage inequality in the United States and other countries. The first generation
offshoring statistics were designed to measure that shift in demand. The changes in relative
wages and employment have become more complex over time with the job polarization that we
now see in the U.S. and abroad. As a result, statistics such as the share of imported input in costs
The reduction in tariffs applied by the United States took the form of the elimination in risk that the U.S. would
not grant most-favored-nation tariffs, which were approved by an annual vote in Congress before China’s WTO
entry (see Handley and Limão, 2013, and Pierce and Schott, 2016)
must be supplemented with O*NET data on job characteristics in order to determine the
tradability of various tasks or occupations. An ongoing concern is that along with these first
generation statistics, we must also have price-based measures of offshoring in order to infer its
impact on the efficiency of firms and on aggregate real GDP.
Second generation statistics take advantage of global input-output tables which have
recently been developed. These offer a much more complete pictures of how the value chain of a
products is spread across multiple countries, as reflected in the value added that one country has
in another’s exports. We have suggested that additional price-based measures of offshoring will
be important for these second-generation statistics, and have illustrated this by extending the
effective rate of protection on imports to apply to exports. But along the way, we have lost sight
of the initial goal of research on offshoring, and that is to explain how this form of trade affects
the inequality of earnings. So we conclude by mentioning more recent work on inequality and its
potential link to international trade.
In the heterogeneous-firm model of Melitz (2003), more productive firms expand due
to export opportunities while less productive firms contract. If the profits of firms are reflected in
the wages that they pay, then workers employed in these firms can be expected to experience
differing outcomes due to trade liberalization. Along these lines, Helpman et al. (2010, 2013,
2016) examine the inequality between workers of similar characteristics that can arise
within a
sector, in a heterogeneous-firm model that incorporates a matching process between firms and
workers. These models also allow for frictional unemployment and confirm the intuition from
the Melitz model that opening trade can lead to greater inequality (though it also increases
welfare). The evidence for Brazil provided by Helpman et al. (2016) shows that greater within-
sector inequality is indeed correlated with the exposure of firms to international trade.
Antràs et al. (2016) examine the impact of international trade on inequality using
measures of the welfare cost of income redistribution from Atkinson (1970). Calibrating their
model to the United States over 1997-2007, they find that increased inequality due to trade
reduces the welfare gains by some 20 percent, while the gains from trade would be 15% higher if
income distribution was implemented by non-distortionary means.
More generally, there is the question of whether the increases linkages between countries
through global value chains can lead to the changes in global inequality that have occurred:
falling inequality
overall due to the growth of average income in China, but rising inequality
within some countries (including China) . This topic is examined theoretically by Basco and
Mestieri (2014) and by Matsuyama (2013). Both papers show that the unbundling of production
can lead to income divergence between
ex ante identical countries. But the former authors also
find that technology diffusion leads to income convergence between countries. It remains to be
seen whether the statistics used to measure offshoring and the associated empirical work can link
this phenomena to the global distribution of income.
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Appendix A: Foreign value added in Chinese exports, by sector
Figure A1: Agriculture
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan South Korea Thailand Indonesia New Zealand Malaysia
Mongolia Singapore Australia Germany Spain Russia Netherlands
Philippines UK Cambodia France Taiwan Italy RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan South Korea Thailand Indonesia New Zealand Malaysia
Mongolia Singapore Australia Germany Spain Russia Netherlands
Philippines UK Cambodia France Taiwan Italy RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A2: Fishing
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
Japan Indonesia Australia Philippines USA Thailand South Korea
Taiwan Norway Singapore Germany Canada Malaysia UK
New Zealand France Spain India Russia Netherlands RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
Japan Indonesia Australia Philippines USA Thailand South Korea
Taiwan Norway Singapore Germany Canada Malaysia UK
New Zealand France Spain India Russia Netherlands RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A3: Mining and Quarrying
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
Mongolia USA Japan India Australia Malaysia Spain
South Korea Germany Indonesia Taiwan Russia North Korea UK
Belgium Singapore Cambodia Netherlands Brazil Switzerland RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
Mongolia USA Japan India Australia Malaysia Spain
South Korea Germany Indonesia Taiwan Russia North Korea UK
Belgium Singapore Cambodia Netherlands Brazil Switzerland RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A4: Food & Beverages
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan Singapore Spain Australia South Korea Malaysia
Mongolia New Zealand Germany UK North Korea Thailand Switzerland
Indonesia Netherlands Cambodia Canada Philippines Taiwan RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan Singapore Spain Australia South Korea Malaysia
Mongolia New Zealand Germany UK North Korea Thailand Switzerland
Indonesia Netherlands Cambodia Canada Philippines Taiwan RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A5: Textiles and Wearing Apparel
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan Germany Italy Spain South Korea Thailand
New Zealand Singapore Philippines UK Malaysia Mongolia Australia
France Canada Russia Indonesia Netherlands Mexico RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan Germany Italy Spain South Korea Thailand
New Zealand Singapore Philippines UK Malaysia Mongolia Australia
France Canada Russia Indonesia Netherlands Mexico RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A6: Wood and Paper
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Mongolia Japan Germany Brazil South Korea Indonesia
Spain Malaysia Russia UK Singapore Australia Thailand
Italy France Cambodia Netherlands Taiwan New Zealand RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Mongolia Japan Germany Brazil South Korea Indonesia
Spain Malaysia Russia UK Singapore Australia Thailand
Italy France Cambodia Netherlands Taiwan New Zealand RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A7: Petroleum, Chemical and Non-Metallic Mineral Products
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan Viet Nam New Zealand Mongolia Germany Spain
Malaysia Singapore Thailand Brazil Indonesia India UK
Australia South Korea Russia Philippines France Italy RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan Viet Nam New Zealand Mongolia Germany Spain
Malaysia Singapore Thailand Brazil Indonesia India UK
Australia South Korea Russia Philippines France Italy RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A8: Metal Products
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan Malaysia Germany Mongolia New Zealand Singapore
Australia South Korea Spain India Thailand Indonesia UK
Cambodia Brazil Philippines Italy Russia France RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan Malaysia Germany Mongolia New Zealand Singapore
Australia South Korea Spain India Thailand Indonesia UK
Cambodia Brazil Philippines Italy Russia France RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A9: Electrical and Machinery
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan Germany Mongolia Thailand UK Spain
South Korea Malaysia Singapore France Cambodia Nepal Italy
Netherlands Brazil Australia Switzerland New Zealand Taiwan RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan Germany Mongolia Thailand UK Spain
South Korea Malaysia Singapore France Cambodia Nepal Italy
Netherlands Brazil Australia Switzerland New Zealand Taiwan RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Figure A10: Transport Equipment
A: Foreign value added by country (share)
USA Japan South Korea Germany Viet Nam Spain Singapore
Malaysia UK Indonesia Australia North Korea France Taiwan
Switzerland Mongolia Italy Thailand Netherlands Philippines RoW
B: Foreign value added by country (value, billion US$)
USA Japan South Korea Germany Viet Nam Spain Singapore
Malaysia UK Indonesia Australia North Korea France Taiwan
Switzerland Mongolia Italy Thailand Netherlands Philippines RoW
Notes: The foreign value added in China’s exports is computed as illustrated by in the top-left
term in equation (1), as explained in the main text. The calculation is based on the data from the
EORA global input-output table (aggregated to 45 countries), showing the top 20 contributors and
the Rest of the World (RoW) based on the data in 2013.
Appendix B: Ad valorem tariff rates in China
We use the data on Harmonized System 2-digit level Chinese tariff rates from the Tariff
Analysis Online Facility
provided by WTO (TAO, ). The downloaded tariffs
are the “MFN Applied Duty Rates” and available for 97 products for 1996, 1997 and 2001-2013.
We calculate the simple average tariff rate for each of 11 traded EORA sectors using the tariff
data for 97 products. The resulting
ad valorem tariff rates are shown in Table B1.
Figure B1: The Chinese tariff rates (in %) for 10 sectors in EORA
Notes: The vertical axis measures the tariff rate (in %).