CJCSM 5120.01B
6 November 2020
J-7 CJCSM 5120.01B
DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C 6 November 2020
References: See Enclosure I for References.
1. Purpose. This manual establishes adaptive joint doctrine procedures in
support of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (CJCS’s) (referred to as
the Chairman, based on the context of use, for the remainder of the document)
responsibility to develop doctrine for the joint employment of the Armed Forces
of the United States, as directed in reference a and as established in references
b and c. Adaptive management of joint doctrine reduces revision time, while
maintaining high quality. It optimizes the joint doctrine library and preserves
linkage to joint functions and warfighter needs.
2. Superseded/Cancellation. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual
(CJCSM) 5120.01A, “Joint Doctrine Development Process,” 29 December 2014,
is hereby superseded.
3. Applicability. This manual applies to the Services, combatant commands
(CCMDs), Joint Staff, National Guard Bureau (NGB), combat support agencies
(CSAs), and other organizations involved in the development of joint doctrine.
4. Procedures. Detailed procedures for the development and staffing of joint
doctrine are provided in the enclosures.
5. Summary of Changes. This manual clarifies the responsibilities of the
Director, Joint Force Development (DJ-7); adds responsibilities of the Chief,
Joint Education and Doctrine, Joint Staff J-7 (Joint Force Development);
revises lead agent (LA), Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (JSDS), and technical
review authority (TRA) responsibilities (including the development and revision
of classified joint publications [JPs]); adds information on the purpose and
potential results of a preliminary review (PR); and provides details on LA/JSDS
6 November 2020
ENCLOSURE A -- GENERAL ....................................................................... A-1
The Chairman ....................................................................................... A-1
The DJ-7 ............................................................................................... A-1
The Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine ............................................... A-1
The JDDC ............................................................................................. A-4
Services, CCMDs, Joint Staff Directorates, the NGB, and Selected
CCAs ............................................................................................... A-4
CSAs and the CCAs ............................................................................... A-5
Joint Doctrine Development and Revision Roles ..................................... A-6
PROCESS ................................................................................................... B-1
Introduction .......................................................................................... B-1
JP Life Cycle .......................................................................................... B-2
Initiation Stage ...................................................................................... B-2
Development Stage ................................................................................ B-6
Approval Stage .................................................................................... B-18
Maintenance Stage .............................................................................. B-20
Revision Stage ..................................................................................... B-26
Appendix A -- Sample Project Proposal Format .................................. B-A-1
Appendix B -- Sample Program Directive Format ............................... B-B-1
Appendix C -- Joint Doctrine Research Sources (By Type) .................. B-C-1
Appendix D -- Sample Doctrine Tasker E-Mail ................................... B-D-1
Appendix E -- Sample Comment Matrix and Line-Out/Line-In
Format ........................................................................................ B-E-1
Appendix F -- Procedures to Comment on Adjudicated Comment
Matrix .......................................................................................... B-F-1
General ................................................................................................. C-1
The JDDT .............................................................................................. C-1
Basic Workflow Outline ......................................................................... C-3
Responsibilities ..................................................................................... C-4
6 November 2020
FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................ D-1
JP Hierarchy ........................................................................................ D-1
JP Series Description ............................................................................ D-1
JP Titles ............................................................................................... D-2
JP Releasability .................................................................................... D-3
Printing and Distribution ...................................................................... D-3
ENCLOSURE E -- FORMATTING JOINT PUBLICATIONS .............................. E-1
Structure .............................................................................................. E-1
Page Formatting .................................................................................... E-9
Other Guidance ................................................................................... E-13
Appendix A -- Sample Joint Publication Organization and Format ..... E-A-1
ENCLOSURE F -- INFORMATION SYSTEMS ................................................ F-1
General ................................................................................................. F-1
Overview ............................................................................................... F-1
Information Systems ............................................................................. F-1
Purpose ................................................................................................. F-1
ENCLOSURE G -- JOINT DOCTRINE NOTE ................................................ G-1
General ................................................................................................ G-1
Purpose ................................................................................................ G-1
Objective and Scope ............................................................................. G-1
Procedures ........................................................................................... G-2
DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................... H-1
Introduction ......................................................................................... H-1
Background .......................................................................................... H-1
Development ........................................................................................ H-2
WGs ..................................................................................................... H-3
Staffing ................................................................................................ H-3
Implementation .................................................................................... H-5
6 November 2020
ENCLOSURE I -- REFERENCES ................................................................... I-1
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................... GL-1
Part I -- Shortened Word Forms (Abbreviations, Acronyms, and
Initialisms) ............................................................................. GL-1
Part II -- Terms and Definitions ........................................................... GL-4
1. Joint Publication Life Cycle ............................................................... B-2
2. Initiation Stage ................................................................................. B-3
3. Development Stage – New Publication ............................................... B-7
4. Program Directive Phase – New Publication ....................................... B-8
5. First Draft Development Phase – New Publication ........................... B-10
6. Final Coordination Development Phase – New Publication ............... B-15
7. Approval Stage – New and Existing Publications ............................. B-19
8. Revision Stage ................................................................................ B-27
9. Program Directive Phase – Existing Publication ............................... B-28
10. Revision Final Coordination Phase – Existing Publication .............. B-29
11. Joint Doctrine Note Timeline .......................................................... G-4
1. Sample Standard Comment Resolution Matrix .............................. B-E-4
2. Sample Joint Publication Adjudicated Matrix ................................ B-E-5
3. Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix ... B-F-2
4. Glossary Notations for Terms and Definitions Placement .................. E-8
5. Indenting Sample ........................................................................... E-11
6 November 2020
6 November 2020
A-1 Enclosure A
1. The Chairman. Reference c outlines the Chairman’s responsibilities.
2. The DJ-7:
a. Represents and advises the Chairman on all matters concerning joint
doctrine in accordance with (IAW) Title 10, United States Code (USC), Section
153 (reference a).
b. Approves JPs as described in reference c.
c. Approves outcomes for joint doctrine as described in Enclosure B.
Outcomes occur at any stage of the JP life cycle include validate (which
includes revalidation of doctrinal frameworks and terminology), update, revise,
consolidate, transfer, or cancel.
d. Chairs general officer/flag officer (GO/FO) or civilian equivalent-level
meetings, that include Services and CCMDs, to discuss and resolve joint
doctrine issues not resolved at the Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, level.
e. Sponsors any contentious joint doctrine issue for resolution in the Tank
process (see references d and e), if not satisfactorily resolved at the DJ-7 GO/
FO level.
3. The Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will:
a. Be responsible to the DJ-7 on all matters concerning the joint doctrine
development process.
b. Ensure joint doctrine is consistent with DoD and Chairman policies and
strategic guidance.
c. Manage the joint doctrine development and revision process described in
Enclosure B: with Joint Doctrine Branch (JDB) managing JP hierarchy content
placement, packaging, and publishing and Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch
(JDAB) managing the content analysis and validation.
d. Waive, cease, or suspend any portion of the joint doctrine development
and revision process described in this document or Enclosure B.
6 November 2020
A-2 Enclosure A
e. Implement CJCS directives and adaptive practice and disposition
recommendations. These changes will be made after review with the LA and
JSDS and notification to the joint doctrine development community (JDDC).
f. Publish and disseminate the Joint Doctrine Development and Assessment
Schedule (JDDAS) to the JDDC. The JDDAS will prioritize JP development; list
LAs and JSDSs; and project formal assessment report (FAR) completion, PRs,
special studies, and signature dates over a one-year period. This document is
published annually and updated semi-annually.
g. Produce a monthly joint doctrine assessment plan that refines FARs, PRs,
and special study scheduling and a monthly milestones schedule that reflects
due dates, dates for JWGs, JSDS and LA assignment changes, and additional
information prioritized as required.
h. Assign publication numbers for JPs and JDNs.
i. Assign LA, JSDS, and, when appropriate, a TRA. Review and approve
requests for adjustment of LA, JSDS, or TRA.
j. Incorporate joint lessons learned, insights, and validated elements of
approved concepts into joint doctrine.
k. Coordinate with Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, Joint Test
and Evaluation (JT&E) for test projects that may impact joint doctrine.
l. Train JSDS and LA action officers (AOs). Train and support JSDS and LA
to develop quality JPs. Areas of focus include an overview of the joint doctrine
development process; JP draft writing standards; Joint Doctrine Development
Tool (JDDT) use; comment resolution matrix (CRM) adjudication; and
techniques to conduct JWGs that resolve issues and, when possible, achieve
JWG consensus on JP content.
m. Conduct front-end analysis (FEA) of all joint doctrine project proposals
and evaluate requirements. Recommend disposition to the Joint Doctrine
Planning Conference (JDPC) or staff a recommendation IAW out-of-cycle
proposal procedures (see Validation Phase).
n. Serve as the coordinating review authority (CRA) for the Joint Staff
unless otherwise directed to JSDSs. Collect and collate Joint Staff comments
to prepare the Joint Staff CRM for all publications, program directives (PDs),
and requests for feedback (RFFs). While a single Joint Staff position for
6 November 2020
A-3 Enclosure A
conflicting comments is not required, the assigned JDB/JDAB AO will work in
consultation with the JSDS to minimize differences. However, when a JWG
requires a formal vote to decide an issue, the designated representative of the
Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will cast a single vote for the Joint Staff.
Submit CRMs to the LA, JSDS, or assessment agent (AA), as required.
o. Sponsor and chair semiannual JDPCs to bring together representatives
from the JDDC to address doctrinal issues. Approve and promulgate the JDPC
minutes, which capture the discussions, recommendations, and decisions, to
the JDDC. Consider JDPC recommendations when making doctrine
development decisions.
p. Coordinate and manage the U.S. contribution to multinational joint
doctrine development efforts (references c, f, and g).
(1) Staff draft multinational doctrine publications with Joint Staff
directorates, Services, and selected CCMDs to ensure consistency with U.S.
law, policy, regulation, and doctrine to establish a coordinated U.S. position.
(2) Serve as JSDS for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Allied
Joint Doctrine (AJD) development and terminology committee proposal review
(a) Establish procedures to ensure effective U.S. participation in
NATO AJD publication development and Military Committee Terminology Board
(MCTB) proposal review efforts.
(b) Appoint the U.S. head of delegation (HOD) to the Allied Joint
Operations Doctrine Working Group (AJODWG).
(c) Identify, staff, and submit relevant formal U.S. responses to AJD
development projects and actions to the U.S. Military Representative to the
Military Committee.
(d) Set and manage internal U.S. milestones (and alliance-wide
milestones when the U.S. is the custodian or leader) for AJD development
(e) Represent the U.S. (or delegate authority for establishing the
U.S. position) at AJD custodial meetings and MCTB conferences. If not
attending, ensure the U.S. joint position is represented or submitted.
6 November 2020
A-4 Enclosure A
q. Review doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and
education, personnel, facilities, and policy change recommendation (DCR)
packages submitted to the Joint Staff per reference h that contain joint
doctrine-related recommendations for their potential impact on current and
emerging joint doctrine.
r. Make recommendations to validate, update, revise, consolidate, transfer,
cancel, or conduct special studies regarding JPs at any stage of the JP life
s. Remove JPs from the hierarchy that are not changed or revised within
five years. Identify relevant material in JPs slated to be removed to be
integrated into other JPs during their revision processes.
4. The JDDC. The JDDC is a diverse body of organizations that includes the
Joint Staff; CCMDs; Services; NGB; CSAs; National Defense University; United
States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command; and Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-controlled activities (CCAs). Reference c outlines
JDDC responsibilities.
5. Services, CCMDs, Joint Staff directorates, the NGB, and selected CCAs will:
a. Perform joint doctrine development activities as described in this
b. Serve as LA for assigned joint doctrine projects.
c. Assist in developing joint doctrine projects.
d. Participate in joint doctrine meetings (e.g., JDPCs and JWGs).
e. Assess JPs and observe exercises, real-world operations, war games, and
experiments to gather input. Respond to RFFs in support of the assessment
f. Assign a single point of contact (POC), normally the CRA, for all joint
doctrine matters.
g. Joint Staff directorates will assign a POC to each JP for which the
directorate is assigned as JSDS. The POC will fully participate in doctrine
development from FEA (or RFF for approved JPs), through PD development, to
revision (or development) of drafts, to signature by the Chairman or DJ-7, as
well as in maintenance issues and actions.
6 November 2020
A-5 Enclosure A
h. Except for Joint Staff directorates, assign a CRA for each joint doctrine
project to serve as the POC for the assigned publication.
i. Except for Joint Staff directorates, send a designated representative
(normally in the grade of O-6 or a civilian equivalent) to attend JDPCs and final
coordination (FC)/revision final coordination (RFC) JWGs. The representative
should be prepared to vote their organization’s position. If an appropriate
representative is not available, an O-6 or civilian equivalent-level representative
from a JDDC organization must send a delegation of authority memorandum
or e-mail identifying the alternate attendee for FC JWGs and JDPCs.
j. Review draft JPs, RFFs, and PDs for accuracy and relevancy. Ensure
capabilities, roles, and, where appropriate, tactics are properly described.
Comment on horizontal and vertical consistency with other approved and
emerging joint doctrine.
k. Services will review their Service and multi-Service publications for
horizontal and vertical consistency with joint doctrine.
l. Identify practices, procedures, and organizational constructs validated by
Service and joint war games and experiments, and based on extant capabilities,
for the JDDC to evaluate to improve joint doctrine.
m. Assign draft JPs for review by subordinate commands, components,
organizations, and agencies, as appropriate. Consolidate and adjudicate
comments and provide a coordinated position.
n. Make, validate, update, revise, consolidate, transfer, cancel, or special
study recommendations for JP disposition.
o. Except for the NGB, serve as U.S. custodian POC and conduct NATO
Allied joint publication (AJP) custodial duties for the development, maintenance,
and revision of NATO publications when assigned custodianship responsibilities
of a NATO publication.
6. CSAs and the CCAs will:
a. Assign a POC to support the joint doctrine development process.
b. Assist in developing joint doctrine projects as appropriate.
c. Serve as TRA for assigned joint doctrine projects.
6 November 2020
A-6 Enclosure A
d. Participate in joint doctrine conferences (e.g., JDPCs and JWGs).
e. Support the assessment of JPs; provide inputs from the analysis of
exercises, real-world operations, and experiments. Respond to all RFFs in
support of the assessment process.
f. Review, analyze, and evaluate draft JPs for technical accuracy and
relevancy. Comment on horizontal and vertical consistency with other
approved and emerging joint doctrine.
g. Make, validate, update, revise, consolidate, transfer, or cancel
recommendations for JP disposition.
h. Ensure agency capabilities, roles, and procedures are accurately
7. Joint Doctrine Development and Revision Roles. Joint Staff J-7 will post
joint doctrine management products on the Joint Electronic Library Plus
(JEL+) Website at <https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/generic.jsp>. The JDDC will also
receive most products posted on JEL+ via e-mail. Additionally, JDAB will
distribute RFFs and JDB will distribute JP draft products directly to
interorganizational stakeholders. Members of the JDDC participate in the joint
doctrine development process in one or more of the following roles:
a. LA. JDB, on behalf of the DJ-7, assigns an LA for each joint doctrine
(1) The LA authors, develops, and maintains an assigned JP.
(2) The LA will meet milestones in the PD or promulgation
memorandum. If unable to meet these milestones, the LA will coordinate a
GO/FO or civilian equivalent request for milestone adjustment and forward it
to the Joint Staff J-7. The LA will provide products to the JSDS that adhere to
the standards outlined in this manual. The JSDS, in coordination with Chief,
Joint Education and Doctrine, may return substandard products to the LA for
(3) Joint Staff J-7 is the LA for the capstone publications, JP 1, Volume
1, “Joint Warfighting,” and Volume 2, “The Joint Force.
6 November 2020
A-7 Enclosure A
(4) JDB, on behalf of the Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will
assign a Joint Staff directorate, Service, CCMD, or the NGB as LA for all other
joint doctrine projects.
(5) The assignment of the LA is based on available expertise in the
subject matter of the joint doctrine project and resources available. LA
assignments or reassignments are formalized in the PD or by Chief, Joint
Education and Doctrine, memorandum if a PD revision is not anticipated.
(6) Upon assignment as LA, the LA will contact the Joint Staff J-7 JDB
to receive information and training. This can include coordinating
interorganizational stakeholder submissions with the JSDS and reviewing
procedures for creating or revising a classified JP.
b. Joint Staff Directorate and JSDS. JDB, on behalf of the Director, Joint
Staff (DJS), assigns a Joint Staff directorate to sponsor each joint doctrine
project. Joint Staff directorates have cognizance over their keystone
publication and each assigned publication. Each directorate will annually
advise DJ-7 of potential consolidation, cancellation, or transfer of publications
they sponsor. Joint Staff directorates, in coordination with or initiated by J-7
JDB, may recommend an update, change, or early revision to any JP they
sponsor, regardless of where that JP is in its normal life cycle. The JSDS can
present content and terminology solutions for their JP series by identifying
modifications to keystone publications.
c. Sponsoring directorates appoint an AO to be the JSDS for each assigned
JP. The JSDS works with the LA or primary review authority (PRA), reviews
and adjudicates comments received from the JDDC during Joint Staff action
processing (JSAP) staffing, and leads joint doctrine projects from assignment
through signature.
(1) Joint Staff directorates will notify Joint Staff J-7 when JSDS AOs
are assigned or changed. The Joint Staff J-7 will notify the JDDC of JSDS
assignments and changes. The JSDS AO will either manage or participate in
the assessment, development or revision, and approval of JPs under their
purview. JSDS AO responsibilities start with developing RFF questions with
the AA and LA, and include participation in and preparation of JWGs to
adjudicate JDDC comments and manage signature draft facilitation.
(2) JSDSs will monitor the development of their publications; work with
the Joint Staff J-7 AO to resolve contentious issues; and analyze publications
for possible consolidation, cancellation, or transition. When requested, the
6 November 2020
A-8 Enclosure A
JSDS will provide access to subject matter experts (SMEs) and source
documents and otherwise facilitate resolution of contentious issues.
(3) The JSDS communicates with the Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD) on JP issues and relays OSD’s position back to the Joint Staff J-7 and
the JDDC. JSDS coordination with OSD should start with the RFF. JSDSs
represent OSD on all matters related to joint doctrine revision. In all stages of
JP development and revision, the JSDS facilitates Joint Staff review and
identifies additional participants and staffing requirements. Other participants
may include other USG departments and agencies, nongovernmental
organizations, and private-sector stakeholder input. For JPs with multiple
OSD primary staff assistant (PSA) responses, the Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Policy deconflicts OSD PSA comments through the JSDS. These
comments are provided to the JSDS or LA through the JDDT. Comments
provided from outside DoD will follow procedures outlined in a separate
interorganizational matrix to be submitted directly to the JSDS for
incorporation into the JDDT.
(4) For Presidential, Secretary of Defense (SecDef), Chairman, or Joint
Staff J-7 policy revisions that affect joint doctrine, Joint Staff J-7 will
coordinate content changes developed by the assigned JSDS and LA to align
joint doctrine with that policy.
(5) The JSDS or LA will meet milestones in the PD or promulgation
memorandum. If the JSDS or LA cannot meet these milestones, the JSDS or
LA will submit a GO/FO or civilian equivalent-level request to the Joint Staff J-
7 for milestone adjustment.
(6) Upon assignment as a JSDS, the lead AO will contact Chief, Joint
Education and Doctrine, or JDB to receive training on the duties and
responsibilities of a JSDS.
(7) If any portion of a JP, to include appendices and annexes, contains
classified or other sensitive information, the JSDS, in consultation with the LA
and appropriate security manager (and PRA, if one has been designated, and
TRA, if one has been assigned), will verify the proper security classification
markings and handling restrictions (including paragraph and figure portion
marking) are implemented. This responsibility applies to both derivative and
originally developed classified content. JPs will only have one classified
d. PRA. The LA may assign a PRA for each joint doctrine project.
6 November 2020
A-9 Enclosure A
(1) The LA and the PRA may be the same.
(2) In general, the PRA is the primary author of a JP project. The PRA
conducts the detailed research, analysis, and coordination to develop and
maintain the assigned publication under the guidance of the LA IAW
Enclosures B and C.
e. CRA. The CRA is an agency or organization, Service, CCMD, the NGB, or
a CSA appointed to assist the LA, PRA, JSDS, and AA to develop and maintain
joint doctrine.
(1) CRAs review, analyze, and comment on each version of a new or
revised JP or JDN. Additionally, CRAs collate and adjudicate command
responses, providing a single, coordinated organizational position for PDs,
drafts, proposed JP changes, and RFFs. When processing classified content,
the CRA verifies that a valid source provides the required classification,
releasability, and portion marking for all classified text or figures.
(2) JDB consolidates input from the Air Land Sea Application Center,
National Defense University, JT&E, CCAs, and other non-voting DoD members
that participate in the doctrine development process. The Joint Staff J-7
consolidates these comments, checks for duplications, corrects administrative
errors, and submits a single CRM to the LA, JSDS, or AA. For classified
publications, the Joint Staff J-7 verifies that responding organizations have
provided a valid source for the classified comments (including classification,
releasability, and portion markings) prior to submitting the CRM to the
LA/JSDS/AA. The JDB AO incorporates the Joint Staff J-7 consolidated
comments into the overall CRM and the LA, JSDS, or AA adjudicates them via
normal doctrine development processes. Non-voting organizations are
encouraged to attend JWGs to participate in discussions and defend their
(3) CRAs ensure joint doctrine proposals or products produced by their
commands or organizations are prepared and processed IAW reference c, this
manual, and other applicable guidelines.
f. TRA. A TRA is an organization that may be tasked to provide specialized
technical or administrative expertise to the PRA and LA. TRAs are secondary
researchers and writers in their areas of expertise throughout the development
or revision phase. To ensure the best product, the TRA should be involved in
the drafting of the development or revision.
6 November 2020
A-10 Enclosure A
(1) Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, approves TRA support from
outside the LA’s chain of command.
(2) Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, may assign more than one
(3) The PD normally designates the TRA(s), but Chief, Joint Education
and Doctrine, may assign a TRA based on the request of an LA or PRA during
the development process.
(4) TRAs review, analyze, and provide comments on draft PDs and JPs
for accuracy and compliance with policy and current and emerging doctrine in
their areas of expertise. The TRA is part of the writing team and assists the LA
and PRA (if designated) in the authorship of the publication. The TRA may also
assist the LA and JSDS during adjudication of CRMs by providing
recommendations in their area of expertise. Additionally, TRAs should attend
(5) TRAs will assist the JSDS in determining the classification and
marking of information within a classified JP or a classified appendix or annex.
g. AA. Joint Staff J-7 will assign an AA for each publication. The AA,
normally from JDAB, conducts PRs, targeted updates, or assessments on JPs
IAW the JDDAS. The depth of analysis for a PR and FAR vary, but each
revolves around the analysis process described in Enclosure B, paragraph 6.b.
h. JDDC. In addition to responsibilities described earlier in this manual,
members of the JDDC, specified in reference c, comprise the primary
publication review community for joint doctrine products. JDDC members
review and comment on new JPs and JDNs, those in revision, and assessment
(1) JDDC members normally meet semiannually at the JDPC. While
JDPCs are usually conducted in person, they may be held via teleconference at
the discretion of the Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, who chairs the JDPC
for the DJ-7. This is a forum for JDDC voting members to share perspectives;
vote on formal project proposals; address key joint doctrinal and operational
issues; and discuss potential changes to the joint doctrine development
process, the status of JP projects and emerging publications, and other
initiatives. The JDPC and the plenary session are typically an unclassified
forum. Classified executive or breakout sessions may be conducted.
6 November 2020
A-11 Enclosure A
(2) The chairperson moderates the members’ discussion to achieve
consensus on issues and future actions. If required, such as for a formal
project proposal, the chairperson will ask for and record the voting members’
votes to determine the majority position. The chairperson also considers the
perspectives of non-voting JDDC members. However, DoD non-voting
members that fall under OSD oversight (PSAs, DoD agencies, and field
activities) must coordinate their position(s) through the JSDS for Joint Staff J-
7 consideration. In the case of a tie vote, the chairperson will provide a single
vote for the Joint Staff. After the JDPC, Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine,
will send a JDPC report to the DJ-7 with a memorandum of recommendations
for actions based on the voting members’ discussion and votes. The DJ-7 will
publish a subsequent memorandum with decisions. Chief, Joint Education
and Doctrine, will forward the final JDPC report and DJ-7 memorandum to the
JDDC and post a copy on JEL+.
(3) The voting members of the JDDC are the CCMDs, Services, NGB,
and Joint Staff J-7. While every effort is made to disseminate issues prior to
the JDPC, previously announced issues may change and new issues may
surface that require discussion by all members and adjudication by the voting
members. The voting members vote based upon discussions and material
presented at the JDPC. However, this requirement does not relieve Joint Staff
J-7 of staffing responsibilities as outlined in references c and d.
(4) Non-voting members of the JDDC, interagency representatives, and
multinational partners also frequently attend the JDPC. Non-voting members’
positions are addressed through the Joint Staff J-7.
6 November 2020
A-12 Enclosure A
6 November 2020
B-1 Enclosure B
1. Introduction. This enclosure describes the joint doctrine development and
revision process.
a. General. Joint doctrine’s purpose is to enhance readiness and improve
the operational effectiveness of joint forces by providing fundamental principles
that guide the development and employment of U.S. military forces toward
common objectives. Based on extant capabilities, joint doctrine reflects best
practices and lessons learned from operations, training, exercises, and, when
appropriate, validated concepts. Joint doctrine also includes standardized
terminology and may include tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), where
TTP add clarity to the operational discussion or joint equities are not
adequately covered in Service or multi-Service doctrine. The Chairman,
through the Joint Staff J-7, distributes joint doctrine using the Joint Electronic
Library (JEL) and JEL+ web portals. The JDDC uses the JDDT to revise
existing publications and develop new ones.
b. Development Philosophy. The goal of joint doctrine is to optimize the
application of U.S. military power, in conjunction with other instruments of
national power, to support strategic objectives. Remembering this goal assists
in keeping focus throughout the joint doctrine development process. While the
principal target audiences for these publications are military forces at the
operational level of warfare, various interorganizational participants may use
these publications in both operational and strategic forums to better
understand the organizations, capabilities, and operating philosophy of joint
forces. Joint doctrine evolves to meet continuously changing national security
challenges. The JDDC identifies and addresses these challenges through
development of new JPs and revisions of existing JPs. The hierarchy of JPs
holistically supports joint employment of the Armed Forces of United States.
Individual JPs focus on specific topics, but they are not intended as single-
source documents. Joint forces use each JP in conjunction with other JPs in
the joint doctrine hierarchy. While some redundancy of content is necessary
for continuity between JPs, redundant information, especially overviews and
general descriptions, is restricted to material necessary to that JP’s purpose.
JPs will refer readers to the appropriate source publication for additional
details specific to that function or operation.
c. Information Systems. Various information systems support
development, revision, and distribution of approved joint doctrine. See
Enclosure F for a description of these systems.
6 November 2020
B-2 Enclosure B
2. JP Life Cycle. The life cycle of a JP is a sequence of five stages—initiation,
development (a new JP), approval, maintenance, and revision (an existing
JP). The stages reflect the systematic way the JDDC creates, validates, and
revises joint doctrine. Once approved, a publication remains in the life cycle
until it is no longer required. When no longer required as a separate product,
relevant strategic and operational material in the publication will be
consolidated with another JP or transferred to another publication. Each stage
contains discrete phases that include key actions and deliverables, as Figure 1
3. Initiation Stage. All new JPs begin in the initiation stage (Figure 2). This
stage starts when Joint Staff J-7 receives a proposal to develop a new JP and
ends at the conclusion of the validation phase. The initiation stage has three
phases: proposal, FEA, and validation.
Figure 1. Joint Publication Life Cycle
If Required
If Required
Joint Publication Life Cycle
new publication existing publication start point new/existing publication
6 November 2020
B-3 Enclosure B
a. Proposal Phase. Any JDDC member may propose a new JP. However, a
Service, CCMD, the NGB, or a Joint Staff directorate must formally submit the
proposal by GO/FO or civilian equivalent memorandum.
(1) While the Joint Staff J-7 solicits project proposals for consideration
four months prior to each semiannual JDPC, the JDDC members may submit
a proposal at any time to the Joint Staff J-7, ATTN: Chief, Joint Education and
Doctrine, using the format shown in Appendix A to Enclosure B. Adherence to
this format, and early coordination with Joint Staff J-7 doctrine personnel,
facilitates the proposal’s staffing and review. Joint Staff J-7 reviews proposals
for content, rationale, and completeness and returns insufficient proposals to
the submitting agency with comment. A clear and complete proposal, with
sound justification and an explicit scope, is essential to the Joint Staff J-7 FEA
and an informed JDPC vote on the proposal. Proposals will include a draft of
the PD as depicted in Appendix B to Enclosure B and a concept paper. The
Figure 2. Initiation Stage
1 2
Proposal Phase
Front End
Initiation Development
Approval Maintenance
Initiation Stage
6 November 2020
B-4 Enclosure B
detailed concept paper provides the basis for completing the FEA and should,
at a minimum:
(a) Show how the subject meets the definition of joint doctrine.
(b) Identify the perceived doctrinal void.
(c) Explain how the new publication will fill the identified doctrinal
(d) List the capabilities necessary to execute the doctrine.
(e) Identify relevant sections of JPs and other sources deemed
critical to an accurate analysis of the proposal.
(f) Describe the scope of the publication.
(g) Recommend any unique command relationships necessary to
execute the doctrine.
(2) A JDDC member may propose moving information in a multi-
Service publication or related information to a new or existing JP. Multi-
Service transition proposals will consist of:
(a) An information paper outlining the doctrinal void the multi-
Service publication or information fills, the value it adds, and
recommendations for its placement in the joint doctrine hierarchy;
(b) A PD based on the publication’s program statement, to include
assignment of JSDS and LA (and TRA, if applicable); and
(c) The current version of the multi-Service publication.
b. FEA Phase. After Joint Staff J-7 accepts a project proposal as sufficient
(i.e., meets the above requirements), Joint Staff J-7 will conduct the FEA.
(1) The FEA includes an examination of relevant sources, such as
current law and policies; international agreements; lessons learned files and
databases; extant and emerging joint, multi-Service, Service, and multinational
doctrine and TTP; approved campaign and operation plans, exercise issues,
and observations; related joint concepts; experimentation results; JT&E
reports; and DCR packages. It might also include the results of interviews,
meetings, and JWGs, as well as research from other sources. This research
6 November 2020
B-5 Enclosure B
should identify relevant sources critical to an accurate analysis of the proposal
and to the initial development of the PD and first draft (FD).
(2) The FEA analyst determines whether the subject meets the
definition of joint doctrine, whether a doctrinal void actually exists (i.e., if there
is an existing requirement), and whether the proposed doctrine is based on
extant capabilities. These criteria are used to determine whether the proposal
is acceptable. Based on this analysis, the FEA will recommend one of the
following options to the JDPC at the validation phase:
(a) There is no requirement for a new publication.
(b) There is a requirement to change or revise an existing
(c) There is a requirement for a new publication.
(d) The proposal addresses subjects that should be nominated for
possible multi-Service, multinational, or other publication such as a JDN.
(3) If the FEA recommends a new publication, it may also recommend
an LA. However, the Joint Staff J-7 will formally assign the LA in the PD as
outlined in paragraph 4.a.
(4) Joint Staff J-7 will distribute the completed FEA in the JDPC read-
ahead package by posting the FEA and associated proposal on the JDPC
Intelink Website at least 30 calendar days before the JDPC convenes. Decision
briefings will not be presented to the JDPC until this requirement is met.
c. Validation Phase
(1) Routine Proposals for Joint Doctrine. The sponsoring organization
briefs the proposal and the Joint Staff J-7 briefs the FEA at a semiannual
JDPC. JDDC voting members deliberate and vote on the proposal and
corresponding FEA recommendations. JDDC voting members may also
recommend an LA. Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, consolidates the
voting results and forwards a formal recommendation to DJ-7 for decision.
(2) Out-of-Cycle Proposal. The Joint Staff J-7 will review project
proposals submitted outside the semiannual JDPC to determine sufficiency.
JDAB will conduct a FEA to determine whether the proposal meets the
requirements. If the proposal is insufficient, the Joint Staff J-7 returns it to
the sponsoring organization with comment. Joint Staff J-7 forwards an
6 November 2020
B-6 Enclosure B
accepted proposal and FEA recommendations to JDDC voting members for
immediate review and vote via a JSAP IAW references c and d. The Joint Staff
J-7 collects and adjudicates the voting members’ responses and develops a
consolidated recommendation that is submitted to the DJ-7 for a decision. The
JDDC will have 15 calendar days for planner-level review of the
recommendation and, if required, an additional 15 calendar days to resolve
contentious issues.
(3) DJ-7’s decision will result in one of the following:
(a) No action required (i.e., no need for the proposed publication).
(b) Revise an existing publication or a publication under
(c) Develop a new publication.
(d) Determine whether an alternate publication, such as a multi-
Service or multinational publication or a JDN, would be more appropriate.
(4) After DJ-7 approves a proposal for development, Joint Staff J-7 will
monitor the progress of each joint doctrine project; present status updates
during each JDPC; and assist the LA and the JSDS, as required, to ensure
complete coordination and timely completion.
4. Development Stage. The development stage starts when a new publication
project is validated or initiated (e.g., new, Change 1). It ends with a post-JWG-
adjudicated CRM. Additional information and assistance is also available in
reference i.
a. Development Stage—New Publication. Normal development of a JP
follows a 20-month process that starts with the proposal approval and ends
with a post-JWG-adjudicated CRM (see Figure 3). The development stage has
three phases: PD development, FD development, and FC development.
b. The Writing Team. Each JP in development or revision has a writing
team that prepares the draft JP. The writing team includes the JSDS, LA, and,
if assigned, a TRA and a PRA. Enclosure A describes responsibilities of each
individual. The JSDS, LA, TRA, and PRA can have other individuals assist
them. Under JSDS and LA leadership, the team collaborates on the
distribution of writing responsibilities, which may vary based on available
expertise, the JP’s topic, and other factors. Regardless of the distribution of
writing responsibilities, the LA and JSDS are responsible for delivering
6 November 2020
B-7 Enclosure B
products as this manual describes and for coordinating development with the
JDDC. This manual refers to “writing team” as an informal convention unless
reference to a specific individual is necessary.
c. PD Development Phase. Joint Staff J-7 develops and coordinates PDs for
joint doctrine projects (Figure 4). The DJ-7 approves PDs. The PD provides the
JDDC with the JP scope, which covers the framework for the type and detail of
information desired within the JP. The PD also provides a chapter outline,
major paragraph entries, and appendices the writing team will follow during
development. JDDC voting members must review and agree to the proposed
changes. Additionally, the PD contains milestones, references recommended
for use in developing the publication, and POCs (see Appendix B of this
enclosure for an example of a PD).
(1) Once a DJ-7 memorandum approves a new publication project, the
LA has 15 calendar days to announce to the JDDC the intent to convene a PD
JWG or provide a preliminary coordination (PC) draft PD to Joint Staff J-7 for
Figure 3. Development Stage – New Publication
5 10
15 20
Directive Phase
(5 Months)
First Draft Phase
(9.5 Months)
Final Coordination
(5.5 Months)
Initiation Development
Approval Maintenance
Development Stage - New Publication
CRM comment resolution matrix JWG joint working group
6 November 2020
B-8 Enclosure B
staffing. If contentious issues are anticipated, the LA should schedule a PD
(a) If the LA decides to host a PD JWG, Joint Staff J-7 provides the
JDDC at least 30 days’ notice. Joint Staff J-7 and the JSDS will assist the LA
with the PD JWG. Attendees should include JDDC voting members, the LA,
the JSDS, the PRA (if assigned), and Joint Staff directorates. Other interested
parties may also attend. The PD JWG will develop the PD FC draft, which the
LA submits to Joint Staff J-7 for staffing. Joint Staff J-7 will normally release
the draft FC PD for coordination within 15 calendar days of receipt. The JDDC
will have 30 days for planner-level review of the FC PD and, if required, 15
calendar days to resolve contentious issues.
(b) If the LA chooses not to convene a PD JWG, the LA will develop
a PC PD in coordination with the TRA (if assigned). Joint Staff J-7 will
normally release the submitted draft PC PD for staffing within 15 days of
receipt. Joint Staff J-7 will staff the PC PD for 30 calendar days, and the LA
Figure 4. Program Directive Phase – New Publication
1 2 4
3 5
Draft Program
(1 Month)
PC PD (2 Months)
JSAP JSAPAdjudication
FC PD (1.5 Months)
Program Directive Phase (5 Months)
Program Directive Phase - New Publication
DJ-7 Director, Joint Staff J-7
FC final coordination
J-7 Joint Staff Directorate for Joint Force Development
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
LA lead agent
PC preliminary coordination
PD program directive
Draft PD
due from
LA to J-7.
LA has 30
days to
issues and
send FC PD
to J-7. Draft
PD due from
LA to J-7.
LA has 15
days to
issues and
PD draft to
no later
+ 30
6 November 2020
B-9 Enclosure B
will have 30 calendar days to resolve issues and submit an FC PD to Joint Staff
J-7. Joint Staff J-7 will normally release the draft FC PD for coordination
within 15 calendar days of receipt. The JDDC will have 30 days for planner-
level review of the FC PD and, if required, 15 calendar days to resolve
contentious issues.
(2) Approval of the PD starts the time line for the FD development
phase of the publication, unless DJ-7 directs alternative time lines to the ones
specified in the approved PD.
(3) If the writing team decides to adjust the JP’s scope with
administrative changes during the FD (or RFC), the team will address changes
in appropriate comments. The JWG will adjudicate the changes by a
consensus vote. However, if Joint Staff J-7 determines the JWG-proposed
changes significantly alter the intent of the original PD, Joint Staff J-7 may
direct staffing IAW reference d and adjust development or revision milestones.
d. FD Development. As Figure 5 shows, the writing team will develop an
FD of the JP based on guidance provided in the PD and the procedures
described below. The LA will submit the completed FD to Joint Staff J-7 based
on the milestone established in the PD, which is normally five months after the
PD is published. Joint Staff J-7 will format the FD and subsequent versions,
post them on JEL+, and staff them IAW reference d after loading into the
(1) Early in the development of the FD, the writing team should
produce an expanded outline as a project management tool. This can range
from detailed paragraphs for each chapter outlined in the approved PD to the
inclusion of drafts of essential subject matter or potentially contentious
portions for review and concurrence. This outline helps confirm that the
direction of the publication’s development complies with the intended scope
and addresses operational-level considerations of interest to the target
audience. It also reduces time lost due to misunderstanding within the writing
team, ensures the PD outline is being followed, eases resolution of complex and
contentious issues, and enhances the quality of the FD. The LA/JSDS should
submit the expanded draft, if developed, to the Joint Staff J-7 AO for internal
staffing to ensure the scope is not exceeded.
(2) The writing team will adhere to formatting rules in Enclosure E.
The writing team and Joint Staff J-7 will create and edit all drafts in Microsoft
(MS) Word.
6 November 2020
B-10 Enclosure B
(3) The writing team may quote verbatim sentences, paragraphs, and
passages taken directly from previously approved publications. It is not
common practice to cite the reference unless the context is written as to allow
such reference; for example “As stated in JP 1…” is acceptable. Limit copying
text verbatim from other JPs to information that is within the scope of the
publication, provides context, and does not repeat information found
elsewhere. Quoting a paragraph and putting “(JP 1)” at the end is not
acceptable. Likewise, the writing team should not include extensive, duplicate
text from policy documents; instead, refer readers to the applicable document.
Some duplication of the text from policy documents for roles and
responsibilities discussion relevant to a JP’s topic and scope may be
acceptable. The LA and JSDS must align JPs with policy. Alignment means
that the doctrine must faithfully implement the intentions of DoD and National
policy even if doctrine uses different organization and terminology.
(4) The writing team will use, to the greatest extent possible, previously
approved terminology contained in the text of other JPs or in the DoD
Figure 5. First Draft Development Phase – New Publication
1 2 64
75 9 9.5
First Draft
due from
LA to J-7.
CRM due
(JSAP + 30
FD Production
(5 Months)
(2 Months)
Adjudication LA
(2 Months)
FD Review and Adjudication
First Draft Phase (9.5 Months)
First Draft Development Phase - New Publication
CRM comment resolution matrix
DJ-7 Director, Joint Staff J-7
FD first draft
J-7 Joint Staff Directorate for Joint Force Development
JDDC joint doctrine development community
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JWG joint working group
LA lead agent
Mos months
PD program directive
Prep preparation
6 November 2020
B-11 Enclosure B
Dictionary. The writing team, assisted by the JDB AO, must review existing
DoD Dictionary terminology sourced by or related to the subject matter of the
publication for relevance and currency. Include and annotate obsolete
terminology in the glossary for deletion from reference j. When use of terms
and definitions not contained in reference j is required, include these terms
and their proposed definitions in the draft publication’s glossary (see Enclosure
E for additional guidance). The glossary of a JP will contain only terms and
definitions that are sourced, or proposed to be sourced, in reference j to that
specific JP. Upon approval of the publication (or upon approval of a change or
revision), Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will include any changes to
reference j (new, modified, or deleted terms and definitions).
(5) While references k, l, and m provide editorial guidance relevant to
the development and revision of JPs and JDNs, the editorial guidance
presented in this manual takes precedence.
(6) Use only photographs, figures, quotes, and vignettes relevant to the
subject matter and essential to the clarity and understanding of the content in
a JP. Include these items in the FD for JDDC review and acceptance.
(7) When using the Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS),
an after action report, or other source file information, authors should provide
sourcing information (such as JLLIS reference identification numbers) with the
comment rationale to allow for independent analysis by the LA and JDDC.
(8) The LA or PRA shall review and update all references to ensure the
most recent issuances were used to update the text and are reflected in
reference list prior to staffing the FD or an RFC.
(9) Most joint doctrine is written for public release. The LA/PRA and
JSDS should minimize the use of classified or operationally sensitive
information. When classified or operationally sensitive information is essential
to develop a topic, the LA/PRA and JSDS must portion mark classified content
and should obtain assistance in overall classification and marking from the
appropriate classifying authority. The JSDS will also determine the
releasability of sensitive, controlled, or classified JPs to domestic and foreign
audiences. Pursuant to the JSDS’s determination, JDB will provide
releasability and distribution guidance in each JP’s administrative instructions
(see sample administrative instructions appendix in Enclosure E). When
feasible, the LA/PRA and JSDS should place classified content in an appendix
to facilitate releasability of the JP.
6 November 2020
B-12 Enclosure B
(10) The writing team should use collaboration tools and, if required,
conduct coordination meetings and JWGs to develop the FD. Collaborative
practices enable SMEs to provide accurate information on extant roles,
organizations, capabilities, employment philosophy, and specific Service
equities and how they integrate and synchronize enabling the joint force
commander (JFC) to optimize the joint force. Collaboration also enables a more
detailed and accurate review for vertical and horizontal consistency with other
approved JPs. Later in the development of the FD, it may be useful for the
writing team to produce an author’s draft for informal review by the JDDC.
This may consist of complete drafts of each of the chapters and appendices.
This collaborative approach helps confirm the publication’s development is
consistent with current joint doctrine and enhances the quality of the FD.
(11) Upon completion of the draft publication, the LA will ensure any
TRA named in the PD has reviewed it for technical accuracy. Joint Staff J-7
will verify with the LA that any TRA review was completed prior to formatting.
The LA will then forward an electronic version of the draft in MS Word as
described in paragraph 2.b. of Enclosure E to Joint Staff J-7 for formatting. JP
drafts that do not meet writing standards briefed during training will be
returned to the LA for corrective action. Joint Staff J-7 will review the draft for
administrative and editorial errors, and correct them, before placing the draft
in JDDT. The text will be in a single column, with single-space layout. Line
numbers will be included in draft publications to enable accurate reference to
change recommendations. Publication figures will be provided to Joint Staff J-
7 electronically as separate files in a common graphics format, appropriately
annotated to convey location in the publication. Photos included, if any,
should graphically illustrate a particular doctrinal point. Because JPs are not
printed, but are distributed electronically, every effort should be made to
minimize the bandwidth requirements to transmit a publication. Should it be
necessary to insert photographs, they will be provided in Joint Photographic
Experts Group (JPEG) format with a minimum resolution of 266 dots per inch
(dpi) with a size of 5.75 inches x 3.75 inches for landscape orientation and 3
inches x 4.6 inches for portrait orientation.
(12) After formatting, Joint Staff J-7 will post the FD on JEL+ and on
JDDT. Joint Staff J-7 will prepare and disseminate the FD from the LA and
staff the package IAW the PD. The glossary will use line-out/line-in format to
highlight any new or proposed changes to terms and definitions for which the
new JP is assuming prepotency and that would be included in reference j.
(13) The JDDC will have approximately 60 calendar days to review the
publication and provide comments to the LA and Joint Staff J-7. Comments
6 November 2020
B-13 Enclosure B
will be made IAW guidance and examples in Appendix E to Enclosure B or
instructions per JDDT user guidelines.
(a) The Joint Staff, Services, CCMDs, CSAs, NGB, and CRAs will
follow the procedures in Enclosure B for commenting on the FD within the
JDDT. In some instances, Joint Staff J-7 may decide to use a traditional CRM
to staff the draft. In those instances, CRAs will submit only one CRM for
review and adjudication. The CRA will collate and deconflict the CRM to
provide their organization’s position, which will be submitted via NIPRNET,
unless the CRM contains classified information. Classified comments must
include the classification source and will be submitted via SIPRNET. Joint
Staff J-7 will function as the Joint Staff CRA and consolidate comments from
all non-voting JDDC members and other USG departments and agencies to
provide the LA with a single Joint Staff CRM. CSAs are authorized to submit
their comments directly to the LA or Joint Staff J-7.
(b) CRAs will review comments electronically using the JDDT
(Enclosure C) or, if specified by Joint Staff J-7, the standard CRM format in
general comment or line-out/line-in format with supporting rationale. When
using a CRM and suggesting additional text, include specific text with the
comment in line-out/line-in format. CRM comments should include whole
sentences from the draft to ensure clarity for the JDDC when reviewing the
comment in the CRM. Keep general comments to a minimum. Line-out/line-in
is the accepted method of comment for JPs. Specific line-out/line-in examples
are provided in Table 1 in Appendix E to this enclosure. The MS Word “track
changes” function should not be used if using the standard CRM format
because the changes are often lost when comments are consolidated and
(c) Review Comments. There are four distinct categories of review
comments: critical, major, substantive, and administrative. See Appendix E to
Enclosure B for descriptions and examples.
(14) In the JDDT, Joint Staff J-7 assigns the LA or JSDS for each JP
and subsequently assigns CRAs from the Services, CCMDs, NGB, and CSAs.
When the commenting window closes and all comments have been received,
the LA adjudicates the comments. The adjudication of each comment includes
a rationale for rejection or modification of critical and major comments and
may include rationales for rejected or modified substantive comments. The
JDDT report is in Rich Text Format and should be converted to docx format for
use and reduction in file size. Specific guidance on the review process and
adjudication of comment matrices can be found in Appendix E to this
enclosure, which also contains a sample of the comment matrix used when
6 November 2020
B-14 Enclosure B
commenting on doctrine items not using the JDDT (e.g., PDs, AJPs, classified
publications). The LA/JSDS (in coordination with the assigned TRA) will
normally complete and forward the adjudicated CRM to Joint Staff J-7 within
30 calendar days of the JSAP suspense for providing comments.
(15) A Joint Staff J-7 AO will review the matrix to determine if it is in
the proper format (e.g., all comments have a proposed adjudication, rationales
are included for rejected or modified critical and major review comments, the
CRM is properly sorted, all attachments referenced in the CRM are included,
and matrices containing classified information are marked). If the matrix is in
the proper format, it will be forwarded to the JDDC for review. It will also be
posted to JEL+ in the Development section. If the CRM is not properly
formatted, the Joint Staff J-7 AO will either correct it or return the CRM to the
LA for correction. Classified matrices with missing or conflicting classification
or releasability information will be returned to the JSDS for resolution. If the
Joint Staff J-7 AO has scheduled a JWG, the LA will forward the adjudicated
CRM to Joint Staff J-7 at least 12 working days prior to the JWG so the Joint
Staff J-7 AO can send the CRM with all attachments to the JDDC at least 10
working days in advance. The Joint Staff J-7 AO should consider extra time for
holidays. Failure to make the established deadline may result in rescheduling
the JWG.
(a) The Joint Staff J-7 AO and LA/JSDS will determine if a virtual
JWG is a better option than meeting in person. A virtual JWG can provide a
mechanism for the JDDC to receive input from the JDDC to enable the LA or
JSDS to adjudicate matrices and produce final drafts. A virtual JWG may be a
viable option when the total number of comments is relatively small and there
are no critical comments or contentious issues. If the decision is to conduct a
virtual JWG, Joint Staff J-7 will forward the adjudicated matrix to the JDDC
who will review the CRM and notify Joint Staff J-7 and the LA/JSDS of the
specific comment(s) being challenged. The Joint Staff J-7 AO will allow a
minimum of 10 working days for CRM review. See Appendix F to Enclosure B
for procedures to comment on adjudicated CRMs for virtual JWGs.
(b) The JWG’s decisions on CRM comments are the final
adjudication of the FD and provide the authoritative basis to develop the FC
draft. JWG decisions and rationale will be documented in the CRM. Post-
JWG-adjudicated matrices are usually delivered for preparation of the next
draft within 60 calendar days after the JSAP suspense for comments.
e. FC Draft. Joint Staff J-7 will develop the FC draft using the consolidated
FD CRM (Figure 6). Unless agreed to by the JWG or directed by the Chairman,
new or modified text will not be introduced into the final draft. Joint Staff J-7
6 November 2020
B-15 Enclosure B
will normally produce the final draft within 30 days from receipt of the
adjudicated FD CRM and staff it to the JDDC in the JDDT 15 days later. The
final draft will be properly formatted, with quotes, vignettes, figures, and text in
single-column, single-space layout and with line numbers for easy reference.
Revised or changed material from the previous draft will be presented in MS
Word track changes format. The JDDT can display and print a clean copy, if
required, but line numbers will change.
(1) FC draft staffing will be at the planner-level using guidance herein
and in reference d. Joint Staff J-7 will staff the FC draft via JSAP after it is
loaded and assigned in the JDDT. Additionally, the JDDC will be informed of
the tasking via e-mail. The JDDT will normally be used for JP and JDN review
and comment submission (Enclosure C). Additionally, Joint Staff J-7 will post
the FC draft and the post-JWG-/final FD-adjudicated matrix on JEL+ and task
each Service, CCMD, Joint Staff directorate, the NGB, and non-voting member
to review the draft and provide comments to the JSDS within 60 calendar days.
The JSDS may include in the JSAP the tentative date for the FC JWG.
Figure 6. Final Coordination Development Phase – New Publication
1 2
3 5 5.5
CRM due
(JSAP + 30
FC Preparation
(1.5 Months)
(2 Months)
Adjudication JSDS
(2 Months)
FC Review and Adjudication
Final Coordination Phase (5.5 Months)
Final Coordination Development Phase - New Publication
CRM comment resolution matrix
FC final coordination
FD first draft
J-7 Joint Staff Directorate for Joint Force Development
JDDC joint doctrine development community
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JSDS Joint Staff doctrine sponsor
JWG joint working group
6 November 2020
B-16 Enclosure B
Notification of the JWG will be given at least 30 calendar days prior to its
conduct. Notification will include the number of critical comments, major
comments, and total number of comments. The JSDS will notify Joint Staff J-
7 of the organizations that fail to respond by the suspense date. Joint Staff J-7
will contact the organization’s CRA to ascertain the organization’s
concurrence/nonconcurrence with the document.
(2) Normally, the JSDS, in coordination with the LA and any assigned
TRA(s), will adjudicate comments on the CRM generated from the JDDT. In
instances when a traditional CRM is used to provide comments, the JSDS
receives and consolidates the FC draft comments into one matrix. In either
case, the JSDS adjudicates each comment and writes rationales for rejected or
modified critical and major comments. The JSDS may elect to provide
rationales for rejected or modified substantive comments. The JSDS then
forwards the matrix to Joint Staff J-7 within 30 calendar days after the JSAP
suspense. Joint Staff J-7 reviews the CRM and, after determining it is in
proper format (i.e., all comments have a proposed adjudication, rationales are
included for rejected or modified critical and major comments, the CRM is
properly sorted, and ensures all attachments referenced in the CRM are
included), disseminates the matrix to the JDDC. The JSDS will forward the
adjudicated matrix to Joint Staff J-7 at least 12 working days prior to the JWG.
Joint Staff J-7 will distribute the matrix and all attachments at least 10
working days prior to the JWG and post on JEL+. Joint Staff J-7 and the
JSDS will ensure JDDC members have access to JWGs via teleconference or
Defense Collaboration Services when requested.
(3) JDDC members will review the FC matrix of adjudicated comments,
identify any contentious issues in the adjudicated matrix, and come prepared
to address the issues at the JWG.
(4) The JSDS will normally convene a JWG to discuss and attempt to
achieve consensus on the recommended adjudications, resolve all contentious
issues, and present a final adjudicated CRM that will form the basis of the
signature draft of the JP. If there are few or no contentious issues, the JSDS
and Joint Staff J-7 will query the JDDC to see if a JWG is desired and, if not,
resolve any issues via a virtual JWG (e.g., e-mail, teleconference). The FC JWG
is conducted at the O-6 civilian equivalent level. Services and CCMDs will
ensure their representative is empowered to speak and make decisions for their
organization. Unless previously coordinated with Joint Staff J-7 through the
JSDS in writing, organizations not participating in the JWG are assumed to
concur with the adjudicated CRM and any modifications made at the JWG.
Only specific language developed and agreed upon by the JWG or directed by
the Chairman will be used in developing the signature version. JWGs will
6 November 2020
B-17 Enclosure B
document decisions and rationales in the CRM. Any unresolved review
comments will be considered contentious issues and be addressed IAW
paragraph 4.g. of this enclosure and reference d. Moreover, J-7 JDB or JSDS-
led JWGs can recommend immediate Change 1 for insertion into the next
JDDAS. The JSDS may request an additional staffing from Joint Staff J-7
when the JWG accepts significant text and graphics changes or to review
resolution of contentious issues. The JSDS will submit this request via a
memorandum to Joint Staff J-7. If Joint Staff J-7 grants the request, the Joint
Staff J-7 AO will staff the JP with the JDDC, with milestones established by
Joint Staff J-7. Any unresolved issues from this staffing may require a GO/FO
or civilian equivalent nonconcurrence with the publication. Resolution of these
issues will be IAW reference d. The JSDS will forward the final adjudicated FC
draft CRM from the JWG to Joint Staff J-7 within two weeks of adjournment of
the JWG. This ends the development stage and begins the approval stage for a
new publication.
f. Fast-Track Joint Doctrine Development. Fast-track development is an
abbreviated process to develop a new JP in about 12 months from PD approval.
Any JDDC voting member or director of a Joint Staff directorate may
recommend fast-track development of a JP. The JDPC or out-of-cycle
coordination process validates the recommendation, and DJ-7 approves it. The
process is the same as normal JP development, but most milestones after FD
development are compressed. The LA/JSDS, with the support of a joint
doctrine development team, including the Services and other interested
agencies, produce the revision draft. All drafts are coordinated and comments
adjudicated at the planner level or higher. The LA/JSDS tracks progress
monthly with status reports to the DJS, DJ-7, other JDDC voting members,
and director of a Joint Staff directorate, with the intent of completing the
project in 12 months.
g. Elevating Contentious Issues
(1) The LA/JSDS elevate contentious issues to appropriate decision-
making authorities as early as practical in the development stage to resolve
them before they impact the development time line. When issues arise that
JWGs do not resolve, the JSDS should take appropriate action IAW reference d.
The JSDS should be prepared to take unresolved issues to the JDPC, GO/FO
or civilian equivalent review, or Tank process (see reference e) for resolution, if
(2) All members of the JDDC should raise critical concerns in the
development stage rather than the approval stage, unless extenuating
circumstances exist.
6 November 2020
B-18 Enclosure B
(3) Joint Staff J-7 will post contentious issues associated with the
FC/RFC version that are resolved outside the JWG review in JEL+.
h. Milestones
(1) Joint Staff J-7 will establish milestones for the development or
revision of a publication in the PD. The LA is responsible for meeting
established milestones through the comment resolution of the FD. The JSDS,
in coordination with the LA, is responsible for meeting the milestones for the
FC/RFC draft. The JSDS is responsible for moving the JP through preparation
for signature in all cases. Once any milestone is 14 days overdue, the first
GO/FO or civilian equivalent in the LA/JSDS chain will send a letter to Joint
Staff J-7 requesting an adjustment to the milestones and prescribing a “way
ahead” for the publication.
(2) Joint Staff J-7 will review the memorandum and, if approved, adjust
the milestones. If a milestone is overdue or delayed due to an unresolved
contentious issue, the LA or JSDS will identify the issue in the memorandum.
Joint Staff J-7 may convene a planner-level JWG to provide FC/RFC review of
the issue. If the planner-level JWG is unable to resolve the issues, the
procedures in reference d will be followed to resolve the issue and move the
publication forward. Normally, Joint Staff J-7 will revise the milestones to
reflect the time taken to resolve the issue.
5. Approval Stage. Once staffing is complete, the JSDS will deliver the FC-
/RFC-adjudicated matrix to Joint Staff J-7. A normal approval stage lasts 2.5
months (Figure 7). Within six weeks, Joint Staff J-7 will prepare the signature
draft of the publication, including the preface, executive summary, and, with
assistance from the LA and JSDS, the summary of changes page (RFC only).
Joint Staff J-7 will return the signature draft to the JSDS, who will prepare the
JSAP staffing package for signature. The signature draft represents the JDDC
recommendation to Joint Staff J-7 for approval of joint doctrine.
a. Joint Staff doctrine planners, also known as terminologists, will ensure
JP glossaries are correct during maintenance and prior to DJ-7’s final approval.
b. The JSDS staffs the publication through the chain of command for
approval by the appropriate director of a Joint Staff directorate. Following
approval by the DJS, Joint Staff J-7 forwards the publication for signature.
This process should be completed within 30 calendar days. The JSDS updates
the appropriate director of a Joint Staff directorate on the progress of the
publication during the staffing process. Any issues should be adjudicated IAW
6 November 2020
B-19 Enclosure B
this manual. If the Joint Staff director wishes to make changes to the JDDC-
agreed signature draft, the procedures in reference d will be followed.
Substantive, major, and critical changes must be coordinated with the JDDC.
c. JPs are approved and signed as follows:
(1) By the Chairman for the capstone publication (JP 1, Volume 1).
(2) By the DJ-7, for the Chairman, for JP 1, Volume 2, and all other
d. Joint Staff J-7 will notify the JDDC through joint doctrine distribution
when a new publication or revised JP has been signed and then post, as
Figure 7. Approval Stage – New and Existing Publications
2 2.5
Signature Draft Preparation
(1.5 Months)
Approval Stage
(2.5 Months)
Signature Draft
Review JSDS
(.75 Months)
Initiation Development
Approval Maintenance
Approval Stage - New and Existing Publications
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
DJ-7 Director, Joint Force Development
FC final coordination
J-7 Joint Staff Directorate for Joint Force Development
JSDS Joint Staff doctrine sponsor
JWG joint working group
RFC revision final coordination
6 November 2020
B-20 Enclosure B
appropriate, the signed publication to the NIPRNET JEL+ and the JEL (as
appropriate) and SIPRNET JEL+.
6. Maintenance Stage. The purpose of the maintenance stage is to monitor the
efficacy of JPs after approval to ensure their relevance; provide a mechanism
for the joint community’s informal and formal feedback, including a change
process; and to develop recommendations on their future disposition. The
maintenance stage begins with the signature of the JP.
a. JP Change Process. The JP change process is designed to allow for
responsive, adaptive, and timely revisions to JPs outside the normal revision
process. Proposed changes should reflect extant capability and may be based
on recent lessons learned, changes in operating capabilities, new or approved
revisions to other publications that influence the content of the JP, capability
development recommendations derived from approved joint concepts, changes
in law or policy, or new mission areas. Changes to publications are categorized
as urgent or routine. There are specific processes for each. Urgent or routine
changes are submitted to Joint Staff J-7 IAW the procedures listed below.
(1) Urgent. Any member of the JDDC may recommend an urgent
change. Urgent changes require immediate promulgation to prevent personnel
hazard or damage to equipment, emphasize a limitation that adversely affects
operational effectiveness, or is necessary to respond adaptively to swiftly
changing operational priorities or senior-leader guidance. Urgent change
recommendations require GO/FO or civilian-equivalent endorsement from the
submitting organization and will be forwarded to the Joint Staff (Attn: Joint
Staff J-7), the LA, and the JSDS. The change recommendation should include
a justification for the urgent change request and the proposed new or revised
text. The LA will advise Joint Staff J-7 if the recommendation requires an
urgent change. If so, the LA/JSDS will provide Joint Staff J-7 with a properly
formatted edit to the JP, and Joint Staff J-7 will staff the proposed change via
JSAP and allow the Services, CCMDs, CSAs, NGB, and Joint Staff directorates
three working days to concur or propose modifications to the proposed change.
Once approved, Joint Staff J-7 will release a message notifying the JDDC of the
change and will incorporate the change into the electronic version of the
publication posted to the JEL and JEL+ Websites.
(2) Routine. Any member of the JDDC may recommend routine
changes at any time that includes during the revision process (e.g., J-7, JSDS,
or JWG decision) or in maintenance. Routine changes provide validated
improvements; address potentially incorrect, incomplete, misleading, or
confusing information; correct operating techniques; and update a JP with new
terms and other information to harmonize it with other recently updated JPs.
6 November 2020
B-21 Enclosure B
Submitters will forward routine change recommendations electronically to
Joint Staff J-7 with an information copy to the LA. Routine changes to JPs are
not limited in scope but should not be so extensive that the JP requires a
complete revision. Routine changes are considered during the JP’s normal
maintenance cycle.
(3) User Feedback. The joint community is encouraged to submit
comments regarding a JP whenever there is a perceived need for modification of
any kind.
(4) The administrative instructions appendix of each JP contains
instructions for submitting user comments and change recommendations,
including comments based on lessons learned. These comments are
considered for incorporation during the JP’s maintenance cycle. If the
comments recommend any changes, the AA will forward them to Joint Staff J-7
and the LA for action. A sample administrative instructions is included as
Enclosure E, Appendix A, to this publication.
b. Analysis Process. The utility and quality of approved JPs are
continuously assessed. Joint Staff J-7 reviews and conducts analysis on JPs
based on their priority. Priority is determined through a periodic review of the
joint doctrine hierarchy to determine the degree that the subject matter of JPs
are linked to execution of the current national strategies (e.g., security,
defense, and military), alignment of global campaign plans, CCMD plans and
input, and other criteria determined at the time of the review. Joint Staff J-7
uses this prioritization to schedule reviews and analysis of JPs, ensuring each
publication is considered in conjunction with the needs of the joint force.
Capstone and keystone JPs are, by default, “high priority” and receive a formal
assessment approximately two years following their promulgation, unless
directed otherwise. Based on a JP’s priority, Joint Staff J-7 conducts analysis
to determine the optimal option for maintaining the JP’s relevancy. At any level
of analysis, Joint Education and Doctrine can change LA and JSDS assignment
as well as render the decision to validate, update, revise, consolidate, transfer,
cancel, or conduct special study. There are four types of analysis.
(1) PR. Joint Staff J-7 conducts an early, focused analysis of a JP (in
coordination with the JSDS, LA, and TRA [if one is assigned]) to determine the
most appropriate option for maintaining the relevancy of an existing JP as it
approaches the revision stage. The PR informs the decision on the type of
action and identifies the associated risks involved in scheduling a JP’s revision.
PRs are not conducted on capstone and keystone JPs.
6 November 2020
B-22 Enclosure B
(2) Targeted Update (TU). TUs are analysis efforts that focus on an
identified portion(s) of a JP or specific topics captured in a PR. A TU will not
include changes to a JP’s scope.
(3) Formal Assessment. Formal assessments are conducted on JPs
when a PR determines significant revision is required or as directed. As noted
above, capstone and keystone publications will be formally assessed
approximately every two years of their promulgation, unless directed otherwise.
(4) Special Study. Joint Staff J-7 conducts special studies to address
additional considerations outside the scope of a formal assessment in order to
determine the most efficient course of action for maintaining the relevancy of
joint doctrine.
c. Disposition Recommendations
(1) Validate without change
(a) The JP’s core subject matter is factually correct; content
contains only minor administrative inconsistencies; content does not conflict
with capstone, keystone, or functional JPs; and there is low risk to the joint
force with this recommended action.
(b) Validated JPs may contain minor administrative inconsistencies
such as reference dates; numbers and titles; web links, contact information;
and grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Joint Staff J-7 will post a
“validated” date on the JP in addition to the existing approval date, and the JP
will remain in the joint doctrine library until the next scheduled analysis.
(c) Validation is not revision. JPs that are not revised within five
years, will be removed from the hierarchy by JDB. Relevant strategic and
operational material in the publication will be consolidated with another JP or
transferred to another publication.
(2) Update
(a) The JP’s subject matter is still current; administrative or
substantive factors require clarification; and the anticipated magnitude of
change does not reach the level that requires a formal assessment based on
coordination between the AA, JSDS, and LA.
(b) Updates focus on an identified portion(s) of a JP. This can
include the text, addition of new text or changes to existing text for clarification
6 November 2020
B-23 Enclosure B
or currency, and new or changed terminology from other JPs. An update will
not include changes to a JP’s scope.
(c) Updated recommendations entail a moderate risk to the joint
force because analytical resources are allocated to other priorities.
(3) Assess. A JP should undergo a formal assessment when the PR
determines significant revision is required. The following examples are
circumstances that could lead to a recommendation for a formal assessment:
the JP’s subject matter is no longer current; new or revised policy creates
inconsistencies in the JP that can affect joint operations; significant extant
capabilities have emerged that impact the JP; lessons learned highlight
necessary changes; joint commands have implemented joint training best
practices not reflected in the JP; centers of excellence or communities of
interest have highlighted the need for change; CCMD plans have established
improved methods of planning, executing, and assessing operations; the JP
conflicts with other JPs; and the JP’s content is factually incorrect or has
changed significantly since the last revision.
(4) Consolidate. Consolidating or reorganizing a JP into a new or
existing JP for future revision, which may require integrating the text into
keystone or other JP(s); changing classified material (if any) into an appendix;
or additional actions. This recommendation would likely require a new scope
for the existing JP. It would typically be accomplished “in-stride” with ongoing
revisions and may require a reassessment of the PD and JSDS, LA, and TRAs
(if assigned). Once the material is consolidated, the legacy publication(s) is/are
(5) Transfer. A JP may be transferred to a CCMD, Service, Joint Staff
directorate, or other organization after J7 JDB consults with the receiving
organization at any stage of revision. Content in the JP which is still valid will
migrate to a different type of publication upon J7 JDB direction (e.g., Service or
multi-Service doctrine, guide, handbook, or manual). Action will be taken after
Joint Staff J-7 and the JSDS, LA, and TRA (if assigned) review content
placement and notify the JDDC. Considerations for transferring a JP include
disposition of terms within the DoD Dictionary and ensuring essential
information is retained.
(6) Cancel. The JP is removed from the joint doctrine hierarchy.
Notification of cancellation will be placed on JEL+ and emailed to the JDDC at
least 90 days prior to cancellation. JPs scheduled to be canceled pursuant to
policy direction or executive decision will be marked with a white box in the
bottom right-hand corner on the joint doctrine hierarchy chart, which is posted
6 November 2020
B-24 Enclosure B
on the JEL and JEL+ Websites. The DoD Terminologist will assist relevant
Joint Staff J-7 joint doctrine planners in recommending term and definition
changes to preserve valid terms.
(7) Special Study. Recommendations to determine optimum disposition
of content.
d. Analysis Methodology
(1) PR. The AA begins a PR IAW the calendar year JDDAS, which is
developed on a JP’s priority and Joint Staff J-7 capacity. In coordination with
the JSDS and LA, the AA recommends one of four options: validate without
change, TU, assess, or special study. The AA forwards findings and
recommendations to Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, through JDB, who
signs a promulgation memorandum for JDDC distribution.
(2) TU. When Joint Staff J-7 agrees to a TU, the AA will develop an
RFF questionnaire in coordination with the LA, JSDS, and TRA (if one
assigned) and issue a JSAP IAW the JDDAS. The JSAP will contain a
stipulation restricting comments to only those issues identified in the RFF
(a) The AA will adjudicate the RFF and assist the LA and JSDS by
developing a draft PD that establishes milestones, POCs, and other information
necessary to guide RFC development. After coordination and review with the
LA and JSDS, Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will sign the promulgation
memorandum and the draft PD with milestones. Joint Staff J-7 will send the
PD with the adjudicated RFF CRM as an enclosure to the JSDS and LA by e-
mail for execution, as appropriate.
(b) Due to potential changes that may occur between the PR
recommendations up to the JP TU’s draft PD, the analysis type may change
during the maintenance phase. A JP update’s other potential outputs include
validate, assessment, or a special study.
(3) Formal Assessment. The formal assessment will be initiated by the
Joint Staff J-7 AA IAW the JDDAS. The AA will develop an RFF, IAW the LA,
JSDS, and TRA (if assigned), to focus efforts on detailed information collection.
The LA will use the formal assessment as the basis to develop a revision draft
of the JP.
(a) Formal Assessment Process. The AA will conduct a formal
assessment when it has been determined by a PR that significant revision is
6 November 2020
B-25 Enclosure B
required. Formal assessments are a holistic, analytic effort and are conducted
as scheduled in the JDDAS or as otherwise directed.
(b) Methodology. The AA will develop an assessment plan that
specifies milestones, research and potential collection venues, and POCs (i.e.,
LA, JSDS, TRAs [if assigned], and SMEs). Research typically includes a
thorough review of the subject JP; strategic guidance and policy review;
doctrine review (joint, Service, multi-Service, Allied); exercise observations, to
include joint training insights and best practices; universal joint tasks (UJTs);
lessons learned; operation plan/concept plan review; professional military
education; capability development recommendations derived from approved
joint concepts for incorporation into joint doctrine; and input from the JDDC
via an RFF that queries the JDDC and other organizations to provide input
concerning the JP being assessed.
(c) RFF. The AA develops RFF questions in coordination with the
LA, JSDS, and TRA (if assigned). The RFF JSAP will solicit comments and
recommended changes with a 90-day suspense. The questions request
feedback on general areas such as scope, organization, readability, consistency
with other doctrine, graphics, and photos and specific areas of concern
concerning the JP under assessment. The RFF also includes an opportunity
for the JDDC to provide additional comments on any aspect of the publication.
RFF questions on the scope, table of contents, and organization are intended to
produce a PD ready for approval when Joint Staff J-7 approves the FAR packet,
thus reducing or eliminating PD coordination.
1. Respondents submit their answers to RFF questions in the
JDDT, and the AA will analyze them to determine how they may affect the
publication’s revision. Detailed and in-depth answers to the RFF questions,
including appropriate line-out/line-in changes to the existing text when
possible, are essential to the assessment process. Since this feedback is the
primary input for an RFC, the quality of the RFF responses can affect the
quality of the FAR’s conclusions and recommendations and, ultimately, the
quality of the RFC.
2. The AA adjudicates the RFF responses and completes the
FAR within 90 calendar days following the suspense date for RFF comments.
(d) FAR disposition
1. The AA will forward the FAR for Chief, Joint Education and
Doctrine, approval, through JDB. FARs will typically contain a summary
report; an adjudicated CRM; a proposed PD; and a recommendation to revise,
6 November 2020
B-26 Enclosure B
consolidate, transfer, cancel, or initiate a special study. Recommendations to
revise, consolidate, transfer, cancel, or initiate a special study will include
disposition of transferable content. A FAR recommendation to consolidate,
transfer, or cancel a JP will be briefed by the JSDS/LA to the JDDC members
at the next JDPC or staffed via JSAP. JSAP notification or decision to be
presented to DJ-7.
2. Joint Staff J-7 will review and coordinate the report with the
LA, JSDS, and TRA (if assigned) to issue a promulgation memorandum within
30 calendar days that approves, disapproves, or modifies the FAR
recommendations. Joint Staff J-7 will post the FAR to JEL+ and send the
promulgation memorandum, with the FAR as an enclosure, to the JSDS, LA,
and AA by e-mail for execution as appropriate. For revisions, the LA will
consider the FAR’s findings and recommendations to prepare the RFC draft,
although all changes are still subject to JDDC review and approval through
staffing and subsequent JWG discussion. The LA should follow the guidance
in paragraph 4.e., “FC Draft,” to develop and staff the RFC.
(4) Special Study. Special studies generally arise from three sources. The
first is a directed study to answer specific questions and provide information to
Joint Staff J-7 on doctrine issues. The second is a recommendation to
consolidate, transfer, or cancel a JP and provide results for the disposition of
transferable content. The last is a result of a JDPC decision. In all cases,
JDAB examines the subject to answer the questions of the study. The studies
are typically briefed at the next JDPC following their completion. Special study
findings are coordinated with the LA and JSDS for each of the affected JPs.
Special study outcomes include no change to current doctrine or revise,
consolidate, transfer, or cancel the studies’ subject material, any type to
include content disposition.
7. Revision Stage
a. Revision of a JP follows an 12.5 month process that starts with approval
of the FAR or the “update” RFF CRM as appropriate. The revision stage ends
with delivery of a post-JWG-adjudicated CRM (see Figure 8). For an existing
JP, the revision stage has two phases: PD development and RFC development.
b. PD Phase—Existing JP. An approved FAR that recommends revision will
include a draft PD. Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, may approve the FAR
PD (after coordination with the JSDS, LA, and TRA [if assigned]) or the PD may
require additional staffing. Updates will include a PD, which Chief, Joint
Education and Doctrine, will approve after coordination with the JSDS, LA, and
TRA (if assigned). See Figure 9.
6 November 2020
B-27 Enclosure B
c. RFC Phase. For an existing JP, a normal revision involves a single
staffing of an RFC. By exception, the LA, in coordination with the TRA (if
assigned) or JSDS, may request a second RFC staffing prior to development of
the signature draft. A second RFC staffing requires Chief, Joint Education and
Doctrine, approval.
(1) The LA, in coordination with the JSDS, TRA (if assigned), and Joint
Staff J-7, develops the RFC draft. The FAR is used as a consideration in the
draft’s development by the writing team. In general, the administrative
procedures and time allotted to develop and coordinate the RFC draft are the
same as those described in the FC Development Phase for new publications
(paragraph 4.e.). RFC draft development can take up to five months. See
Figure 10.
(2) Joint Staff J-7 provides the LA and TRA (if assigned) with the FAR
and an MS Word copy of the publication. At the request of the LA and TRA (if
assigned), the MS Word copy may contain track changes with the inputs
Figure 8. Revision Stage
0 2
1 43 65 8 12.07
Program Directive
(0-3 Months)
Revision Final Coordination Phase
(9.0 Months)
Initiation Development
Approval Maintenance
Revision Stage
FAR formal assessment report JWG joint working group
6 November 2020
B-28 Enclosure B
received through JDDT RFF submissions for consideration. A quick start guide
on the basic MS Word track changes function will be included. Prior to
providing this copy, Joint Staff J-7 may review the document and incorporate
additional editorial changes not captured in the RFF review for the LA, TRA (if
assigned), and JSDS to consider when beginning their revision.
For a
publication to be converted into a JDDT format,
the LA must use the MS Word
track changes function (not the MS Word strikethrough and underline
command functions) to annotate changes. Set the track change options as
follows: Insertions—Underline Blue; Deletions—Strikethrough Red.
(3) Staffing procedures, matrix adjudication, JWG procedures, and the
process to elevate contentious issues are identical to those discussed in the FC
development phase. The JSDS will forward the final adjudicated RFC draft
Figure 9. Program Directive Phase – Existing Publication
2 3
Draft Development
(1 Month)
FC PD (1.5 Months)
Use Existing PD/Recommended Draft with No Staffing
Program Directive Phase
(0-3 Months)
(1 Staffing)
(No Staffing)
or Existing
Initiation Development
Approval Maintenance
Program Directive Phase - Existing Publication
FC final coordination
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
PD program directive
6 November 2020
B-29 Enclosure B
CRM from the JWG to Joint Staff J-7 within two weeks of adjournment of the
JWG. This marks the end of the revision stage and the beginning of the
approval stage (see paragraph 5) for a revised/updated publication.
8. Cancellation Process. A JP can be considered for cancellation at any time
during the JP life cycle. In this action, Joint Staff J-7 will initiate a formal
staffing to the JDDC to cancel the JP and identify locations for relevant content
to be placed within the joint doctrine hierarchy.
Figure 10. Revision Final Coordination Phase – Existing Publication
Initiation Development Approval Maintenance
Revision Final Coordination Phase - Existing Publication
1 2 4
3 5 5.5
CRM due
(JSAP + 30
(5.5 Months)
Revision Final Coordination Phase
RFC Preparation
(up to 5.5 Months)
Lead Agent
(2 Months)
Adjudication JSDS
(2 Months)
RFC Review and Adjudication
JSDS joint staff doctrine sponsor
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JDDC joint doctrine development community
CRM comment resolution matrix JWG joint working group
RFC revision final coordination
PD program directive
6 November 2020
B-30 Enclosure B
6 November 2020
Appendix A
B-A-1 Enclosure B
Reply ZIP Code:
(Zip Code) (date)
Subject: Joint Doctrine for (Proposed Project Title) Project Proposal
1. Purpose. To recommend development of a joint publication for (state the
proposed title or give a brief description).
2. Background. (Discuss relevant background information that generated the
project. Include as a minimum the apparent void that exists, research
conducted to indicate a need for this project, and how the project or the subject
will enhance the operational effectiveness of joint U.S. forces.)
3. Scope. (Provide detailed recommendations as to what this project should
4. Recommended Target Audience. (Specify intended users.)
5. References. (List the existing relevant joint, Service, and multinational
publications to be considered.)
6. Recommended Lead Agent and Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor. (Recommend
each one.)
7. Urgency. (Normally “Next JDPC” or “Now” for critical voids only.)
8. Other Relevant Information. (Specify as required.)
9. Point of Contact. The (organization) POC is (name, rank, organization,
phone number, and e-mail address).
6 November 2020
Appendix A
B-A-2 Enclosure B
A Concept Paper
B Program Directive
6 November 2020
Appendix B
B-B-1 Enclosure B
Reply ZIP Code:
(Zip Code) (date)
SUBJECT: Program Directive for Joint Publication (JP) X-XX, Title
1. Purpose. This memorandum provides the chapter outline, milestones, and
guidance for the [development/revision] of JP (number), (title). It also assigns
[organization] as the lead agent (LA), [organization] as primary review authority
(PRA) (if applicable), [organization(s)] as technical review authorities (TRAs) (if
applicable), and the [Joint Staff directorate] as the Joint Staff doctrine sponsor
2. Background. (Discuss relevant background information that generated the
project. Include such things as the FAR or FEA that validated development or
revision and the JDPC decision regarding the project. Example: IAW Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual (CJCSM) 5120.01B, Joint Doctrine
Development Process, the assessment agent [AA] completed a formal
assessment of JP X-XX and recommended the LA develop a complete revision.)
3. Scope. (Concisely describe the aspect of joint force operations that will be
explained in the JP. This statement will be used verbatim in the preface of the
JP, and the target audience is the joint force reader, though it will also guide
those involved in the publication’s development/revision. Once Joint Staff J-7
approves the PD, any substantive or higher level changes to this paragraph will
be accomplished IAW paragraph 4.c. (3) of Enclosure B, “Joint Doctrine
Development and Revision Process,” under the initiation stage.)
4. Chapter Outline. (Provide a detailed chapter outline based upon draft
outline in project proposal, read-ahead package, FAR or as agreed upon in the
PD JWG. Shortened word forms (e.g., acronyms, initialisms, and
abbreviations) will not appear in the chapter outline of PDs since that serves as
the basis for the JP table of contents.)
6 November 2020
Appendix B
B-B-2 Enclosure B
5. Recommended Target Audience. (Identify the intended target audience.
Example: This publication provides guidance to the Joint Staff, Services,
combatant commanders (CCDRs), subordinate joint force commanders (JFCs),
component commanders, the National Guard Bureau, combat support
agencies, and their staffs. This publication also provides information to US
Government departments and agencies, international organizations,
nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector.)
6. References. This JP will be (developed/revised/changed) IAW Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 5120.02E, Joint Doctrine
Development System, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual
(CJCSM) 5120.01B, Joint Doctrine Development Process. Additionally, the LA
and JSDS will use relevant Department of Defense (DoD) issuances and CJCS
directives; joint, Service, multi-Service, and multinational doctrine; Joint Staff
J-7 Deputy Director, Joint Education and Doctrine Division, Joint Doctrine
Branch, formal assessment results; lessons learned from recent operations and
exercises; and other pertinent regulations and manuals in the [development or
revision] of this JP.
7. Project Development Milestones
a. First Draft (FD) for a new JP: MMM YY (5.5 months after PD approval).
NOTE: This is not part of an RFC for an existing JP.
b. [Revision] Final Coordination: MMM YY (TBD)
c. Approval: MMM YY (TBD)
Note: The actual “MMM YY” will be added when the PD is submitted for
8. Coordination. The LA is directed to coordinate with the Services, combatant
commands, other Joint Staff directorates, and combat support agencies.
Coordination with relevant interagency partners is recommended and
encouraged. Direct liaison is authorized between relevant US Government
departments and agencies.
9. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms [Short title: DoD
Dictionary] terminology will be used to the greatest extent possible during the
[development/revision] of this (project/publication). New or modified DoD
Dictionary terms should only be used when such terms are essential to the
6 November 2020
Appendix B
B-B-3 Enclosure B
development and understanding of the proposed doctrine. Terms that are no
longer used or needed for this publication should be identified and
proposed for deletion or recommended for another JP proponent.
10. Other Relevant Information. (Specify.)
11. Points of Contact. (e.g., LA, PRA, JSDS, TRA (if assigned), Joint Staff J-7.
Include DSN, commercial phone, and e-mail.)
(Director, J-7, signature block)
6 November 2020
Appendix B
B-B-4 Enclosure B
6 November 2020
Appendix C
B-C-1 Enclosure B
Note: This list is designed to assist doctrine developers or reviewers in
identifying sources that may be useful during doctrine development. This is
neither an all-inclusive list, nor is it meant to limit the doctrine developer from
consulting other sources as appropriate.
1. FARs.
2. Other JPs/JDNs.
3. Service doctrine.
4. Multi-Service publications.
5. Joint, Service, NGB, and CSA insights and lessons learned and validated
best practices and observations.
6. Operations (e.g., commander’s facilitated after action review, trip reports,
and best practices).
7. JT&E results.
8. Approved joint concepts (reference n).
9. Trip reports.
10. CJCS directives (i.e., instructions, manuals, guides, general directives
[military committee memorandum {memorandum issued in the name of the
Chairman}, and notices).
11. DoD issuances.
12. USC.
13. Joint and Service periodicals/newsletters (e.g., Naval Institute
Proceedings, Joint Force Quarterly).
14. Books.
6 November 2020
Appendix C
B-C-2 Enclosure B
15. Studies.
16. Standard operating procedures.
17. Interviews.
18. Oral histories.
19. Independent documents from the NIPRNET and SIPRNET.
20. Websites dedicated to particular subject areas.
21. USG Websites.
22. Joint Requirements Oversight Council-endorsed DCR packages.
23. Mission training guides.
24. Universal Joint Task List (UJTL).
25. News sources.
26. United Nations publications, treaties ratified by the United States (e.g.,
Geneva and Hague conventions), and publications from other international
27. Multinational publications (military and civilian) (e.g., allied publications).
28. U.S. military education institutions (e.g., School of Advanced Studies) and
foreign military education institutions, (e.g., Bulletin d’Etudes de la Marine).
29. Exercises/war games.
30. Seminars/conferences/JWGs (e.g., worldwide civil affairs conference,
personnel recovery conference).
31. Policies and documents from other USG departments and agencies.
32. Executive orders.
6 November 2020
Appendix C
B-C-3 Enclosure B
33. National Security Presidential Memorandum.
34. Other Presidential or SecDef guidance (e.g., Unified Command Plan,
SecDef memorandums).
35. Interagency memorandums of agreement and understanding.
36. Campaign and operation plans.
37. CCMD and joint task force (JTF) operation orders.
38. JDPC documents.
39. AJODWG documents.
6 November 2020
Appendix C
B-C-4 Enclosure B
6 November 2020
Appendix D
B-D-1 Enclosure B
FROM: (sender)
SUBJ: TASKER—JP (publication number), (title), (name of action,
[Preliminary Coordination Program Directive (PC PD)]), (JSAP #) (Suspense: DD
Attachments: (Include the Joint Staff Form 136, the document being reviewed,
the previously adjudicated CRM, if any, and other documents relevant to the
1. The subject JSAP has been formally tasked in the JSAP system (either on
NIPRNET or SIPRNET, as appropriate) IAW CJCSI 5120.02 and CJCSM
5120.01 for (AO or planner)-level coordination.
2. Coordination instructions are provided in the attached Joint Staff Form
3. Comments are due NLT (Suspense date-DD MMM YY).
NOTE: This e-mail notification will be sent to JDDC distribution via NIPRNET
6 November 2020
Appendix D
B-D-2 Enclosure B
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-1 Enclosure B
1. General
a. There are four types of review comments: critical, major, substantive,
and administrative.
(1) Critical Review Comments. A critical comment indicates the
submitting organization's intent to nonconcur with the text of a publication
under consideration unless the LA/JSDS resolves the comment. During FC/RFC
staffing, critical review comments require a GO/FO- or civilian equivalent-level-
signed memorandum from the submitting organization. Per JSAP instructions,
the JSDS will downgrade any critical comment to a major comment if submitted
without the GO/FO- or civilianequivalent-signed memorandum. While the
LA/JSDS and submitter of critical comments may agree to compromise language
during the LA/JSDS adjudication, the final text will be determined by consensus
of the JWG, as is the case for all comments. Acceptable rationale for submitting
a critical comment includes any of the following:
(a) Existing or proposed text is inconsistent with approved joint
(b) Existing or proposed text violates (or potentially violates) U.S.
law or international law, including the law of war.
(c) Existing or proposed text contains flaws that might contribute to
confusion, potential incidents of friendly fire, or unacceptable employment of
military forces.
(d) Existing or proposed text does not address an operationally
significant topic and leaves a doctrinal void.
(e) Existing or proposed text contains inconsistencies or omissions
when compared to DoD or national policy.
(2) Major Review Comments. A major review comment highlights an
issue important to the submitting organization, but does not merit a “critical”
designation. The LA/JSDS and submitting organization should discuss major
comments during the adjudication. This dialogue may carry through the JWG if
required. The submitter has an option to upgrade the comment to critical if
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-2 Enclosure B
resolution is not satisfactory but only if it meets the criteria described in the
previous paragraph on critical comments and the submitter provides the required
GO/FO- or civilian equivalent-level-signed memorandum. While the LA and
submitter of the comment may agree on modified language, the final text will still
be determined by consensus of the JWG, if convened, or by staffing with JWG
members when a JWG is not convened. Examples of rationale for categorizing a
comment as major include:
(a) Existing or proposed text has significant deviations from
approved doctrine.
(b) Existing or proposed text contains inaccuracies in fact or
procedure that could cause significant degradation in joint processes or
(c) Existing or proposed text addresses multiple issues or entries,
that when taken together, highlight key shortfalls in the doctrine.
(3) Substantive Review Comments. Substantive review comments are
provided because sections in the document appear to be, or are, incorrect,
incomplete, inconsistent, misleading, or confusing. Examples of rationale for
categorizing a comment as substantive include:
(a) Existing or proposed text contains factual inaccuracies, voids, or
inconsistencies with—or needless duplication of—existing, approved joint
doctrine that should be addressed for clarity or accuracy.
(b) Existing or proposed text does not offer a better solution than
other approved joint doctrine that should be offered as a model for the
document under review.
(c) Existing or proposed text contains flaws in approach,
organization, or philosophy that, if modified, would significantly improve the
utility or accuracy of the doctrine.
(4) Administrative Review Comments. Administrative review comments
correct typographical, grammatical, and editorial errors (e.g., misuse of
capitalization, establishment, or use of shortened word forms).
Note: General comments, or comments without line-out/line-in text,
sufficient rationale, or substantiation, may simply be “noted” by the LA or
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-3 Enclosure B
b. Rationale. The rationale for critical, major, and substantive comments
should include objective evidence, historical precedent, conflicts with existing
policy or joint doctrine, lessons learned, observed best practices, or validated
concepts. Administrative comments should identify the correct grammar,
punctuation, acronym usage, or other editorial issues. This will help support
the institutionalization of editorial standards for the JDDC for future drafts.
c. The sample CRM in Table 1 is in the format generated by JDDT. The
CRA submits the organization’s CRM in this format, as discussed in
paragraphs d (1) through (7). The CRM generated by JDDT for the LA or JSDS
includes additional columns, as described in paragraphs d (8)-(9).
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-4 Enclosure B
Sample Standard Comment Resolution Matrix
80 3
26) -
The supported joint force commander (JFC) JFC requires all
commanders tasked for CD and countering transnational
organized crime (CTOC) operations have the requisite shared
understanding of the authorities and statutory limitations
under which they are to be tasked, and their responsibilities,
therein, to include standing rules of engagement (ROE) and
standing rules for the use of force (RUF).
IAW CJCSI 5705.01
after the initial
introduction of the
acronym use only the
81 6
39) -
(a) Title 18, USC, Section 1385 created in 1878, The PCA) is
a criminal statute, known as the Posse Comitatus Act
(PCA)created in 1878, that prohibits the willful use of the
Army or the Air Force in the enforcement of the laws of the
US. The PCA only applies to active duty members of the
Army and the Air Force. However, in 1981, Congress passed
Title 10, USC, Section 375, which directed the Secretary of
Defense (SecDef) to extend the prohibition of direct
participation in civilian law enforcement activities, such as
searches, seizures, arrests, or similar activities, to US military
personnel in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), United
States Navy (USN), United States Army (USA), and United
States Air Force (USAF).
Accuracy. Written
from the USC Title 18
Section 1385 and Title
10 USC, Section 375.
82 11
39) -
(a) The PCA is a criminal statute, created in 1878, that
prohibits the willful use of the Army or the Air Force in the
enforcement of the laws of the US. The PCA only applies to
active duty members of the Army and the Air Force.
However, in 1981, Congress passed Title 10, USC, Section
3275, which directed the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) to
extend the prohibition of direct participation in civilian law
enforcement activities, such as searches, seizures, arrests, or
This is not 375.
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-5 Enclosure B
Sample Standard Comment Resolution Matrix
similar activities, to the United States Marine Corps (USMC),
United States Navy (USN), United States Army (USA), and
United States Air Force (USAF).
Table 1. Sample Standard Comment Resolution Matrix
d. The sample CRM in Table 2 shows an example of how to adjudicate comments. Except as noted below,
an entry is required in each of the columns.
Sample Joint Publication Adjudicated Matrix
11 1
General Comment: This Joint Pub does not reference
opioids. Given the national focus on addressing the opioid
crisis, efforts to interdict fentanyl, and that the opioid crisis
is mentioned in the National Security Strategy, should we
incorporate a discussion on opioids into this document?
Align Joint Pub 3-07.4
with national guidance.
12 1
01) -
Joint Publication 3-07.4
Joint Counterdrug Operations
Revision Final Coordination
XX Month 2018
Correct name of JP.
OB 13
13 1
01) -
Joint Publication 3-07.4
Joint Counterdrug Operations
Revision Final Coordination
XX Month 2018
NG-J377: Correct title
of this revision per the
lead agent.
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-6 Enclosure B
Sample Joint Publication Adjudicated Matrix
14 2
05) -
This publication provides doctrine to plan, execute, and
assess United States (US) military support for counterdrug
First time seen in
document, should be
spelled out.
15 3
11) -
It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and
performance of the Armed Forces of the USUnited States in
joint operations, and it provides considerations for military
interaction with governmental and nongovernmental
agencies, multinational forces, and other interorganizational
Previously spelled out.
Not for this
16 2
23) -
a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to
the Joint Staff, commanders of combatant commands,
subordinate unified commands, joint task forces,
subordinate components of these commands, the Services,
and combat support agencies, the National Guard Bureau,
state, local, and tribal governments.
NG-J377: NGB and
NG JFHQ-States have
a large role in CD
Table 2. Sample Joint Publication Adjudicated Matrix
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-7 Enclosure B
(1) Column 1: ITEM. Numerical order of consolidated comments based
on an original sort by page number and line number. Numbers in this column
are added automatically by JDDT.
(2) Column 2: #. Used to track comments by source. JDDT
automatically inserts these numbers. They are linked to the submitting
command or organization and will not change when consolidated with other
(3) Column 3: SOURCE. JDDT automatically inserts the source of the
comment, as follows:
OCJCS/LC—Joint Staff Office of Legal Counsel
OJSS—Office of the Joint Staff Surgeon
DCMA—Defense Contract Management Agency
DHA—Defense Health Agency
DIA—Defense Intelligence Agency
DISA—Defense Information Systems Agency
DLA—Defense Logistics Agency
DTRA—Defense Threat Reduction Agency
NGA—National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGB—National Guard Bureau
NSA—National Security Agency
USAFRICOM—United States Africa Command
USCENTCOM—United States Central Command
USCYBERCOM—United States Cyber Command
USEUCOM—United States European Command
USINDOPACOM-United States Indo-Pacific Command
USNORAD—United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense
USNORTHCOM—United States Northern Command
USSOCOM—United States Special Operations Command
USSOUTHCOM—United States Southern Command
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-8 Enclosure B
USSPACECOM—United States Space Command
USSTRATCOM—United States Strategic Command
USTRANSCOM—United States Transportation Command
USA—United States Army
USAF—United States Air Force
USCG—United States Coast Guard
USMC—United States Marine Corps
USN—United States Navy
USSF—United States Space Force
(4) Column 4: TYPE. C—Critical; M—Major; S—Substantive; A—
(5) Column 5: PAGE (Line) are automatically assigned by JDDT and
used to sort the CRM.
(6) Column 6: COMMENT. Comment text is automatically formatted
by JDDT in line-out/line-in format. Ensure track changes is turned on within
JDDT. JDDT copies complete sentences into the matrix so that reviewers need
not refer back to the publication to understand the rationale for the change.
For glossary entries, copy the entire term and definition, to include source tag.
Comments must include rationales with references, whenever possible. If
commenting on text within a figure, select figure caption, turn off track
changes in JDDT, and manually type in current text. Turn on track changes in
JDDT and modify the text.
(7) Column 7: RATIONALE
(a) Comments without sufficient rationale or substantiation may be
rejected or “noted” by the AA, LA, or JSDS.
(b) Concise explanation of the rationale for the comment. Preface
explanation with descriptors like “Clarity,” “Correctness,” or “Completeness,”
for example, to help frame the argument. Comment submissions must be
substantiated and devoid of personal opinions.
(8) Column 8: DECISION
(a) Accept (“A”), reject (“R”) (rationale required for rejection of critical
and major review comments), accept with modification to the comment (“M”)
(rationale required for modification), overcome by (“OB”) (refer to ITEM number
from the far left hand column that caused the OB), or noted (“Noted”) for
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-9 Enclosure B
comments that are non-specific and contain information that cannot be readily
incorporated. OB should not be used if the intent of the recommended change
is not captured in the comment being accepted. In this case the comment
should be rejected. OB is acceptable if the text being commented on is
removed by another accepted comment.
(b) This column is for the LA and/or JSDS use only. No rationale is
required for accepted items.
(9) Column 9: MODIFICATION. LA or JSDS may modify a comment in
the JDDT.
provide a rationale for the proposed modification. Rationales for rejection or
modification of substantive or administrative comments are optional.
6 November 2020
Appendix E
B-E-10 Enclosure B
6 November 2020
Appendix F
B-F-1 Enclosure B
1. The adjudicated CRM, with all attachments (if applicable), will be forwarded
to the JDDC a minimum of 10 working days prior to a JWG for review and
preparation for the JWG. Typically, a JWG will be held for the FD and
FC/RFC. However, if the LA, JSDS, and Joint Staff J-7 agree that a JWG is not
necessary due to the limited number of comments on an FD or FC/RFC (there
can be no critical comments), the adjudicated CRM may be staffed for comment
instead, following the guidelines for a virtual JWG. The procedures for
commenting on the adjudicated CRM for a virtual JWG are:
a. Do not change anything in the original adjudicated CRM.
b. Do not alter the original comment text or adjudication when inserting
into the new matrix.
c. Use line-out/line-in format to indicate modification (Table 3).
6 November 2020
Appendix F to Enclosure B
Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix
23) -
Joint doctrine established in this publication
applies to the Joint Staff, commanders of
combatant commands (CCMDs), subordinate
unified commands, joint task forces (JTFs),
and subordinate components of these
commands, the Services, and combat support
First time appears in
document and is used
throughout the
Preface stands
31) -
Commanders of forces operating as part of a
multinational (alliance or coalition) military
command should follow multinational doctrine
and procedures ratified by the United States
Previously spelled out
Commanders of forces operating
as part of a multinational (alliance
or coalition) military command
should follow multinational
doctrine and procedures ratified
by the United States US.
06) -
“We continue to devote significant law
enforcement resources to reduce the supply of
drugs via sea, air, and land interdiction, and
law enforcement operations and
investigations. We also continue to partner
with our international allies, helping them
address transnational organized crime, while
addressing substance use disorders and other
public health issues.
Delete entire quote
and, in lieu of no
current NDCS,
replace with CN
quote from either
current President or
from the President's
commission on
combatting drug
addiction and the
opioid crisis.
OB 20
Table 3. Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix
6 November 2020
Appendix F to Enclosure B
Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix
09) -
“It shall be the policy of the United States to
use all lawful means to combat the drug
demand and opioid crisis currently afflicting
our country, Heads of executive departments
and agencies shall exercise all appropriate
emergency authorities.” “We continue to
devote significant law enforcement resources
to reduce the supply of drugs via sea, air, and
land interdiction, and law enforcement
operations and investigations. We also
continue to partner with our international
allies, helping them address transnational
organized crime, while addressing substance
use disorders and other public health issues.”
President Donald Trump, 2018 National
Drug Control Strategy
Barack Obama, 2015 National Drug
Control Strategy
Update to current
administration quote
“It shall be the policy of the
United States to use all lawful
means to combat the drug demand
and opioid crisis currently
afflicting our country, ...Heads of
executive departments and
agencies shall exercise all
appropriate emergency
authorities.” “We continue to
devote significant law
enforcement resources to reduce
the supply of drugs via sea, air,
and land interdiction, and law
enforcement operations and
investigations. We also continue
to partner with our international
allies, helping them address
transnational organized crime,
while addressing substance use
disorders and other public health
Presidential Memorandum for
the Heads of Executive
Departments, Combatting the
National Drug Demand and
Opioid Crisis, October 26, 2017
6 November 2020
Appendix F to Enclosure B
Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix
Barack Obama, 2015 National
Drug Control Strategy
Table 3. Sample Comments on Adjudicated Comment Resolution Matrix (continued)
d. Provide rationale for modification and flag.
e. In the modification column, provide new recommended adjudication (e.g., USN–M [modify]).
f. If your organization wishes to recommend a change to the adjudication, provide recommended
adjudication and rationale for the change.
2. The JSDS and Joint Staff J-7 will review all comments to the original adjudicated CRM and will provide a
revised CRM to the JDDC. Through the virtual JWG, a final adjudication will be finalized with the JDDC.
The comments to the final adjudicated CRM will then be reviewed to ensure they do not conflict with other
comments in the original adjudicated CRM. Should there be a change to the adjudication of a major
comment, the change will be sent to the JDDC for further comment.
6 November 2020
C-1 Enclosure C
1. General. The JDDT is a collaborative, web-based application, for both
primary and contributing reviewers, residing on the NIPRNET. Access to JDDT
requires DoD common access card (CAC). The JDDT implements automated
business capabilities to improve the joint doctrine development process.
2. The JDDT
a. Overview. The JDDT automates joint doctrine development staffing and
coordination. It includes printable user’s guides. It is a subsystem component
of the umbrella Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic Information
System (JDEIS) technology and deployed on the NIPRNET along with the JEL+
web portal. JEL+ and JDDT are considered one interrelated capability under
the JDEIS program for purposes of information system certification and
accreditation (see Enclosure F for more information).
b. Functions. The primary functions of the JDDT are to enable the
distribution of a draft document by Joint Staff J-7 for coordination within the
Joint Staff and among other DoD entities and to create, preserve, collect, and
consolidate comments on the draft(s) into a common database. The JDDT also
has the capability to facilitate the review and adjudication of large numbers of
comments on draft documents. Upon collection and consolidation of these
comments, they may be distributed and displayed in matrix format among the
JDDC to further the coordination and adjudication process. Additionally, the
JDDT offers management and administration features for designated Joint
Staff J-7 AOs, JSDSs, and LAs in the doctrine development process.
c. Description. The JDDT consists of a central comment and draft
publication database and a web application for distribution, collation, and
tracking of comment data and the entering, reviewing, adjudicating, and
editing of comment data. It is designed to handle JPs but can easily
accommodate other types of documents such as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff instructions (CJCSIs) and CJCSMs. The system facilitates capture and
adjudication of comments made against a draft document, to include RFFs. It
is also capable of generating various reports to assist in the management,
analysis, and assessment of comment data.
d. Reviewer Types. The JDDT supports two classes of reviewers: primary
reviewers and contributing reviewers. The role of an individual will depend
upon which JP is being staffed. For example, an AO in Joint Staff J-4
6 November 2020
C-2 Enclosure C
[Logistics Directorate] may be the LA (i.e., primary reviewer) for a logistics
publication and concurrently be a contributing reviewer for logistics issues in
intelligence or operations publications. When registering for an account, users
will enter their organization. User organization is essential to attribute user
comments to the correct CRA.
(1) Primary Reviewers. Primary reviewers have accounts in the JDDT
that enable assignment to establish a reviewer hierarchy. The LA and the
JSDS for each JP and the joint doctrine POCs for each voting member must be
primary reviewers to establish a hierarchy. The hierarchy of reviewers is
established when the LA (or JSDS) is assigned and the CRA organizational
accounts are assigned as subordinates. This hierarchy ensures the LA (or
JSDS) receives comments only from the person authorized by their
organization. CRAs, using the organizational accounts, can make subsequent
assignments to subordinate primary reviewers within their organization for
internal staffing.
(a) A primary reviewer may comment on a publication assigned to
them in the JDDT. The Services, CCMDs, NGB, and CSAs (as organizational
accounts) and Joint Staff J-7 AO (or JDAB assessment agent for RFFs) are
assigned when the draft publication is initially uploaded in the JDDT. A
primary reviewer may then assign the publication to other primary reviewers
within their organization and task contributing reviewers to review the draft JP.
(b) Primary reviewers select “Submit Comments” under Draft
Actions to send the comments for adjudication. The JDDT generates an e-mail
notification to the reviewing authority informing them that comments have
been submitted.
(c) Primary reviewers may elect to review drafts as contributing
reviewers without creating a separate account.
(2) Contributing Reviewers. Contributing reviewers are individuals
from organizations who may possess specialized knowledge of, or have an
interest in, a draft JP. External tasking must provide guidance to direct a
contributing reviewer to perform a review of the JP in the JDDT. Contributing
reviewer comments must be uploaded by an organization’s primary reviewer
(CRA) for the comments to be consolidated in the JDDT. The JDDC member
organization or tasking authority should provide a comment key. The
comment key allows the contributing reviewer to open and comment on a draft
JP. The contributing reviewer must select “Commenting Complete” when the
review is complete, in addition to notifying their POC or CRA and providing the
comment key. Upon notification of completion and receipt of the comment key,
6 November 2020
C-3 Enclosure C
the primary reviewer (or another contributing reviewer) must load the
comments into their view of the publication to see them.
(a) The CRA or tasking authority should supply a comment key
when sending the tasker. This simplifies retrieving comments from multiple
commenters. The same comment key can be used by multiple reviewers
because all comments are differentiated by the reviewer’s e-mail address. The
rules for creating a comment key follow:
1. The comment key should reflect the short name of the
2. Comment keys are not case-sensitive in JDDT v5. If
contributing reviewers are not assigned a comment key, they should check
with their organization’s POC or the JDDT administrator for assistance.
3. The comment key should not contain any spaces or special
characters except an underscore.
(b) Supplemental instructions sent out with the JSAP include the
comment keys for the Joint Staff directorates. The Joint Staff J-7 AO uses
these keys to retrieve Joint Staff directorate comments. Other commands or
DoD departments and agencies not represented by a CRA can modify a
comment key to represent their command or agency (e.g., OSD can use
OSD_JP401). However, upon completion of their review, they must notify the
Joint Staff J-7 AO and provide the comment key they used so their comments
can be retrieved. If the comment key is not provided, the reviewer’s e-mail
address can be used to retrieve the comments. Guidance for contributing
reviewers is provided in the supplemental instructions.
(3) Consolidation/Submission of Comments to LA/JSDS. CRAs
consolidate all reviewer comments (primary and contributing) for their
organization and submit them to the LA/JSDS. Before submitting, CRAs
should review their organization’s comments for consistency.
3. Basic Workflow Outline
a. The system administrator loads a document into the JDDT and assigns it
to the LA/JSDS for further assignment.
b. The Joint Staff J-7 AO tasks joint doctrine development actions via the
JSAP on either the NIPRNET or SIPRNET, as appropriate. To provide timely
notification to JDDC members, the Joint Staff J-7 AO will also send the JDDC
6 November 2020
C-4 Enclosure C
an e-mail with supporting attachments. The JSAP is one of the attachments.
It provides the purpose, background, and coordinating instructions. Another
attachment is the supplemental instructions, which provides guidance on the
use of the JDDT.
c. Organizational accounts are assigned under the LA or JSDS. Authorized
CRAs who have access to the organizational account may further assign
subordinate primary reviewers or task contributing reviewers within their
organizations. The CRA must approve or vet these comments and consolidate
them into a single submission.
d. AOs in other Joint Staff directorates tasked to review JPs or RFFs in the
JDDT log in as contributing reviewers and use the comment key provided in
the supplemental instructions. They must notify the Joint Staff J-7 AO once
completed. The Joint Staff J-7 AO will collect and collate Joint Staff directorate
comments and submit the consolidated Joint Staff comments to the LA/JSDS.
A single Joint Staff position for conflicting comments is not required.
e. CRAs, using the organizational account, may assign additional primary
reviewers within their organization. If CRAs elect to assign other primary
reviewers, they must consolidate and deconflict their organizations’ comments
in the JDDT. CRAs will submit their organization’s consolidated and
deconflicted comments to the LA and JSDS. The LA or JSDS then adjudicates
all comments, usually, in the JDDT. The adjudicated CRM is used to support
4. Responsibilities
a. Joint Staff J-7. Develop, deploy, maintain, and upgrade the JDDT.
Provide a system administrator to perform the functions noted above and to
manage the JDDT. Plan and implement the migration of joint doctrine
development processes to the JDDT.
b. Other Joint Staff Directorates. Use the JDDT as appropriate to perform
functions assigned (LA/JSDS, etc.). Joint Staff users will normally use the
JDDT as contributing reviewers.
c. JDDC. Utilize the JDDT as appropriate to perform functions assigned
under the joint doctrine development process.
(1) Each JDDC member organization will designate one or more CRAs
as primary reviewers in the JDDT. The authorized CRAs will be provided
access to the command’s organizational account.
6 November 2020
C-5 Enclosure C
(2) The CRA, as well as the LA and JSDS, will register for a primary
reviewer account in the JDDT. The JDDT administrator reviews and approves
the request. On approval, an automated e-mail is sent that provides a
verification code. The registrant, using the link provided, must enter the
verification code to activate his or her account. When the account is activated,
the individual’s CAC will be associated with the account. CRAs are assigned to
review draft publications and RFFs and submit their organization’s comments
to the respective LA/JSDS.
6 November 2020
C-6 Enclosure C
6 November 2020
D-1 Enclosure D
1. JP Hierarchy
a. The JP hierarchy provides a framework for the serial structure of joint
doctrine. The organizational structure follows traditional Joint Staff lines of
responsibility to the maximum extent possible. The hierarchy is divided into two
levels: above-the-line doctrine and below-the-line doctrine.
(1) Above-the-line publications include capstone and keystone
publications, which are intended to be used by combatant commanders
(CCDRs), subordinate unified commanders, subordinate JFCs, JTF
commanders, Service component commanders, the NGB chief and staff, CSA
directors, and Joint Staff directors. The capstone publication (JP 1, Volume 1
and Volume 2) links joint doctrine to national strategy and the contributions of
other USG departments and agencies, alliances, and coalitions and covers policy
for joint command and control. The keystone publications (JPs 1-0, 2-0, etc.)
constitute the doctrinal foundation of the series.
(2) Below-the-line publications include supporting JPs and contain
specific mission-area guidance for the joint community.
b. A current version of the joint doctrine hierarchy will be maintained on the
JEL and JEL+.
2. JP Series Description
a. Capstone Doctrine. JP 1, Volume 1, “Joint Warfighting,” and Volume 2,
“The Joint Force,” provide doctrine for unified action by the Armed Forces of the
United States. As such, JP 1 specifies the authorized command relationships
and authority that military commanders can use, provides guidance for the
exercise of that military authority, provides fundamental principles and
guidance for command and control, prescribes guidance for organizing joint
forces, and describes policy for selected joint activities. It also provides the
doctrinal basis for interagency coordination and for U.S. military involvement in
multiagency and multinational operations.
b. Keystone Doctrine. JP 1-0, JP 2-0, JP 3-0, JP 4-0, JP 5-0, and JP 6-0 are
the keystone JPs for each series of their publications. The keystone JPs, and
each subordinate JP, will align with the capstone JP’s content and terminology.
6 November 2020
D-2 Enclosure D
Keystone JPs drive the content and terminology for each subordinate JP within
their series, as follows:
(1) JP 1-0 SeriesJoint Personnel. Publications in this series establish
joint doctrine for personnel support of joint operations.
(2) JP 2-0 SeriesJoint Intelligence. Publications in this series provide
the doctrinal foundation and fundamental principles that guide intelligence
support to joint operations across the range of military operations.
(3) JP 3-0 SeriesJoint Operations. Publications in this series establish
joint doctrine to plan, execute, and assess joint operations.
(4) JP 4-0 SeriesJoint Logistics. Publications in this series establish
joint doctrine to plan, execute, and assess logistic support of joint operations.
Included in this series is guidance on transportation, distribution, supply,
maintenance, logistics services, operational contract support, engineering, and
health services.
(5) JP 5-0—Joint Planning. This publication establishes the joint
doctrine to plan operations, to include establishing the planning process relating
to the conduct of joint military operations throughout the range of military
operations. Designed for the JTF and above, it provides broad guidance on
operation and campaign planning.
(6) JP 6-0—Joint Communications System. This publication establishes
joint doctrine for communications system support to joint and multinational
operations and outlines the responsibilities of the Services, CSAs, CCMDs, and
NGB with respect to ensuring effective communications system support.
3. JP Titles. The full title of a JP consists of a numeric designation and a
subject. The Joint Staff J-7 assigns the publication number to ensure subject
matter continuity. The LA or JSDS proposes and develops the title, in
coordination with the JDDC. Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, approves JP
titles. The title will contain the word “joint.”
a. With the exception of JP 1, the first numerical group (one digit) identifies
the functional field as listed above.
b. The second numerical group (possibly two digits), preceded by a hyphen,
places the publication within a functional field. The single digit “0” is the
designator for the keystone manual for the series of a functional field. The
double digit designator indicates a below-the-line publication.
6 November 2020
D-3 Enclosure D
c. The third numerical group, preceded by a period, designates those
publications that provide supporting or expanded doctrine for sequenced JPs
within a functional field.
4. JP Releasability. The administrative appendix of each JP will contain
releasability information. JPs fall under one of three categories of releasability:
unclassified with unlimited distribution, controlled unclassified information
(CUI) with controlled dissemination, and classified. Examples of the releasability
text for these categories are shown in the samples of the administrative
instructions in Enclosure E. Classified publication release must adhere to the
procedures in references o, p, and q. Foreign governments desiring copies of
classified JPs must make such requests through their embassies in Washington,
DC. Respective defense attachés may request classified JPs by sending written
requests to Defense Intelligence Agency/IE-3, MacDill Blvd., Joint Base
Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100.
a. Approved Publications. Only approved, unclassified publications are
releasable outside the Services, CCMDs, NGB, CSAs, DoD agencies, and Joint
Staff. Approved unclassified JPs with unlimited distribution are hosted on the
JEL and are available to the public. Approved CUI JPs are hosted on the JEL+
and may only be distributed per the annotated limited dissemination controls,
IAW DoD Instruction 5200.48, “Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).”
b. Publications Under Development. Draft or proposed publications
(including JDNs) are only releasable to the JDDC. Such publications, when
unclassified, may be released to other individuals and agencies but only for the
express purpose of review and comment as part of the doctrine development
process. Classified publications will be handled IAW DoD policy and the level of
classification. Draft unclassified publications are not found on the publicly
accessible JEL but, instead, are posted only on the NIPRNET JEL+
<https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/index.jsp> and SIPRNET JEL+
<https://jdeis.js.smil.mil/jdeis/index.jsp?>. This is to help prevent the
possibility of misrepresenting joint doctrine under development as approved
doctrine and precludes quoting or publishing “doctrinal statements” that may
eventually change before final staffing and approval. Any exceptions must be
approved through Joint Staff J-7.
5. Printing and Distribution. The Joint Staff does not print hard copies of JPs
for distribution. The distribution of a JP is dependent upon its releasability (see
paragraph 4 above). Examples of each type of distribution guidance are shown
in the samples of the administrative instructions in Enclosure E.
6 November 2020
D-4 Enclosure D
6 November 2020
E-1 Enclosure E
1. Structure. JPs will have several main parts. JPs will be organized as
shown in the appendix to this enclosure and as described below.
a. Front and Back Covers. The JP number, title, date, and logos of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff and the five Services will be printed on the front cover
(sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E). For classified and CUI publications, the
overall classification of the publication will be printed at the top and bottom of
the front and back covers. A figure showing the joint doctrine development
process and hierarchy describing the relative position of the publication being
presented will be printed inside the back cover. In classified publications, the
figure inside the back cover (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E) will be
marked UNCLASSIFIED. The publication covers will be color-coded as follows:
INFORMATION—dark blue (R=21, G=61, B=89)
(2) CONFIDENTIAL—blue. (R=0, G=0, B=255)
(3) SECRET—red. (R=255, G=0, B=0)
(4) TOP SECRET—orange. (R=255, G=165, B=0)
b. Security Instructions (if JP is classified). Security instructions are
required for all classified JPs. They will include the following:
(1) The long and short titles of the JP will be UNCLASSIFIED. They can
both be used when referring to the JP in all forms of communications.
However, within the text of a JP, the long title will be used when referring to
another JP.
(2) The reason for the classification and any reproduction or
distribution restrictions or instructions.
(3) Instructions for foreign release and sanitization.
c. CJCS Letter. A letter (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E) is included in
any JP the Chairman signs, to provide personal guidance concerning the
subject matter of the publication (currently only JP 1, Volume 1). The final
6 November 2020
E-2 Enclosure E
draft of this letter is the responsibility of the JSDS and will be included in the
FC/RFC version.
d. Preface. A preface (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E) will be included
to describe the scope, purpose, and application of the JP. With the exception
of the capstone and keystone publications, the purpose and application
paragraphs found in the samples contain approved language and should
normally be used without modification. Departures from the approved basic
entry will be adjudicated during publication coordination based on justification
e. Summary of Changes. A summary of changes (sample, Appendix A to
Enclosure E) will be included in all revised and changed JPs and will provide
bulletized statements as to what significant changes were made since the
previous edition. It should be prepared by the LA/JSDS during preparation of
the signature draft.
f. Table of Contents. A table of contents (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure
E) will be included in a bullet-style format; no shortened word forms are
g. Executive Summary. An executive summary (sample, Appendix A to
Enclosure E) provides an overview of the publication and is prepared by the
Joint Staff J-7 during preparation of the signature draft. The executive
summary opens with a “Commander’s Overview,” which is a bullet-format list
of overarching themes presented in the publication, followed by a section that
synopsizes the fundamental discussions within the publication. The executive
summary will consist of material extracted directly from the body of the
publication without substantive modification and will not introduce any new
material. Slight modifications may be made for readability (e.g., replacing a
pronoun with the noun it represents, establishing or spelling out shortened
word forms, formatting, and excising information from a paragraph that is
clearly intended as an elaboration in the original text but superfluous to a
summary). The material in the executive summary must not conflict with the
material contained in the body of the publication. The synopsis portion of the
executive summary is formatted in two columns, with detailed information on
the right and corresponding key points on the left. The left column entry
should not be duplicated in the right column. Shortened word forms in the
executive summary must be independently established in the Commander’s
Overview, as well as the left and right columns in the second section.
Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms established in the executive summary
must be reestablished again in the body of the publication. Executive
6 November 2020
E-3 Enclosure E
summaries should not be prepared until the signature draft is complete to
alleviate having to rewrite them to match the publication.
h. Body of Publication. The body of the publication (sample, Appendix A to
Enclosure E) will be divided into chapters that use Roman numerals. The
chapters may be divided into sections (e.g., SECTION A), and paragraphs are
numbered and are continuous through the chapter. Footnotes will not be used
in JPs or JDNs. Terms normally capitalized when referring to a specific person,
place, or thing are not capitalized when used in a general context (e.g., “In most
scenarios, joint task forces will conduct stability activities” as opposed to,
“Joint Task Force Abel is tasked to ...”) This editorial rule applies throughout
the publication.
i. Appendices and Annexes. Appendices and annexes provide supplemental
information that is initially discussed in the chapters, with the exception of the
POCs, reference, and administrative instructions appendices. Appendices are
placed at the end of the narrative body before the glossary. Annexes to
appendices, if required, follow the appendix to which they apply.
(1) Checklists, Sample Formats, and Historical Vignettes. Appendices
or annexes that are designated as a checklist or sample format (e.g., operation
plan, message) may use shortened word forms without first establishing them.
It is understood that a checklist for SMEs will not require an explanation of
such terms common to the area of expertise associated with the checklist.
Similarly, a sample format will likely be understood for the area of use for
which it is intended. Shortened word forms in appendices or annexes that are
not established in the text under the normal acronym usage guidelines will not
appear in the JP’s glossary. Appendices that are historical vignettes should
establish shortened word forms for the reader. Shortened word forms in
historical vignettes will not appear in the JP’s glossary.
(2) References. References, if any, are listed in the next to the last
appendix to the JP (see sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E). This list is to
include all documents used to develop or revise the JP; it is not intended to be
a bibliography of source material related to the JP’s content. References
should be listed in alphabetical/numerical order within each major
hierarchical category (general, DoD publications, CJCS publications, AJPs,
Service publications). For example, CJCSIs should be listed before CJCSMs.
CJCSI 5120.02 should be listed before CJCSI 5715.01; JP 2-0 should be listed
before JP 2-01.2. JP titles will be used verbatim, except when a JP is under
revision and an approved PD has changed the title. In such cases, the new title
will be used. Dates are not used in references, unless the date is actually part
of a title. Correct use of “series” in a JP is in the context of referring to DoD
6 November 2020
E-4 Enclosure E
issuances or CJCS directives in a series (e.g., CJCSM 3122 series, since there
are 3122.02 and 3122.05 issuances in the series). Series will not be used in a
JP to refer to the letter of an issuance. Series may also be used to refer to a JP
series. Establish shortened word forms (if necessary) will not be used in the
reference appendix as designators unless they were properly established in the
text of the document (i.e., CJCSI, CJCSM). Spell out shortened word forms if
not properly established in the text of the document and not used a second
time in the reference appendix. Shortened word forms used in the text and
used again in the reference appendix or those established in the reference
appendix and used again in the reference appendix are included in Part I of the
JP’s glossary.
(3) POCs. This appendix is required and lists POCs who were
instrumental in the development of the JP. Shortened word forms may be used
in the POCs appendix without first being established but will not be included in
Part I of the JP’s glossary.
(4) Administrative Instructions. This appendix is required and is
always the last appendix (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E). If the
publication is a change or a revision, the administrative instructions appendix
will contain information on which JP(s) is being superseded by the revised JP.
Shortened word forms may be used in the administrative instructions appendix
without first being established. These are not included in Part I of the JP’s
j. Glossary. The glossary (sample, Appendix A to Enclosure E) usually
consists of two parts: Part I, “Shortened Word Forms (e.g., Abbreviations,
Acronyms, and Initialisms)” and Part II, “Terms and Definitions.” It is placed in
the back of the publication after the appendices.
(1) Part I—Shortened Word Forms (e.g., Abbreviations, Acronyms, and
Initialisms). Part I will list shortened word forms established in the body of the
JP. Such shortened word forms can be established when the term they
represent is used at least twice, consistent with guidelines in this manual.
Shortened word forms are placed in parentheses following their first
appearance after the word or phrase they represent. They will not be used to
establish other shortened word forms (e.g., the meaning of J-2X is “joint force
counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element” and should not be
written as “joint force counterintelligence [CI] and human intelligence
[HUMINT] staff element” to establish CI and HUMINT for later use). There is no
requirement to establish and use shortened word forms. Where a shortened
word form stands for more than one term in reference j, it may have only one
meaning in a publication. Once established, shortened word forms may be
6 November 2020
E-5 Enclosure E
used as adjectives as well as nouns. Publication writers are encouraged to
review existing shortened word forms listed in reference j and verify, modify, or
remove any that are obsolete.
(a) For the following portions of a JP, shortened word forms may be
established if used twice within that portion. If established in one of these
portions, it does not establish the term for use within other portions of the JP.
Shortened word forms not established in the main body of a JP are not listed in
Part I of the glossary.
1. Preface;
2. Summary of changes;
3. Executive summary (shortened word forms must be
established separately in the commander’s overview and both columns of the
synopsis portion);
4. Figures. Shortened word forms will either be established in
the figure or in a legend within the figure; and
5. Vignettes cited as various sources.
(b) Special considerations:
1. Shortened word forms used in a quote will be identified in
brackets immediately following their use and will not be included in the
glossary. If used in a vignette, and not properly established in the vignette, the
meaning of shortened word forms will be placed in brackets immediately
following their use and will not be included in the glossary.
2. In rare cases where a shortened word form is more widely
recognized than the word or phrase it represents, and it is used only once in
the text, the term may be used with its meaning placed in brackets
immediately following (example, DNA [deoxyribonucleic acid]). If such a term is
used two or more times, it will be established in the normal way (with the
shortened word form in parenthesis) and included in Part I of the glossary.
3. To distinguish Joint Staff directorates (specific usage) and
directorates of a joint staff (general usage), follow these conventions:
a. When referring to the Joint Staff, the construct is: Joint
Staff J-# [Name of Directorate] (e.g., Joint Staff J-7 [Joint Staff Directorate for
6 November 2020
E-6 Enclosure E
Joint Force Development]). It can then be referred to in the JP as ‘Joint Staff J-
#’ or ‘JS J-#’ based on whether “JS” has been previously established. The use
of Joint Staff directorates will not be listed in Part I of the JP’s glossary.
b. When generally referring to a joint staff, the proper
construct is: name of directorate (J-#) (e.g., operations directorate of a joint
staff [J-3]). If the J-# appears more than twice and after proper establishment,
it can then be referred to as J-# (e.g., J-3) throughout the text of the JP. The
general usage will be listed in Part I of the glossary.
4. The shortened word forms “U.S.” and “DoD” should be
adjusted for consistency to “US” and “DoD” for JP usage, whether used in
quotes, vignettes, or directive/issuance titles. This change does not change the
intent of the term and allows for consistent use within joint doctrine. “US”
should only be used as an adjective and be spelled out when used as a noun in
a sentence.
5. Avoid excessive use of shortened word forms, especially in a
single sentence or paragraph.
6. Shortened word forms will not appear in the table of
7. Shortened word forms will not be established or used in
chapter titles, section headings, major paragraph titles, figure titles, or titles of
appendices, as these entries appear in the table of contents.
8. Shortened word forms will not be established or used in
picture captions.
9. When establishing shortened word forms, terms should not
be capitalized unless they are proper nouns.
10. A shortened word form should not be used to create other
shortened word forms (i.e., DLA support team [DST], should be Defense
Logistics Agency support team [DST]).
11. Brevity terms will not be listed in a JP’s shortened word
form list. The use of a brevity term in the text of a document will be consistent
with the current version of reference r. Brevity terms required in a specific part
of a JP may be presented in a figure format. If not presented in a figure format,
a brevity term may be presented as “brevity term” [brevity term meaning] in
text where first used in the JP.
6 November 2020
E-7 Enclosure E
(2) Part II—Terms and Definitions. The glossary shall include terms
and definitions currently in reference j for which the JP is already the
proponent; proposed terms and definitions not previously defined in joint
doctrine but that are being recommended for inclusion; or terms and
definitions in reference j for which the JP is not currently the proponent of but
recommends for modification, thus assuming proponency. Each term will be
annotated in parentheses at the end of the definition as to its proponency,
inclusion, modification, or removal. Coordinate any proponency change (i.e., a
JWG for JP 3-XX recommends proponency change of a term in JP 3-YY) with
the LA/JSDS of the JP owning the term and submit as part of the comments
for the JPs concerned and subsequently for JWG consideration. The LA/JSDS
must ensure changes to terms and definitions are annotated on the summary
of changes page when the JP is approved. Glossary notations for terms and
definitions are summarized in Table 4.
6 November 2020
E-8 Enclosure E
In parentheses at the end of the applicable entry.
(Editor Use Only)
(DoD Dictionary. Source: JP X-
“JP X-XX” represents the
proponent publication.
(DoD Dictionary. Source: JP
“JP X-XX” represents the
proponent publication.
Annotates proponent
publication for term.
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this term
and its definition will be included
in the DoD Dictionary.)
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft
notation with “(Approved for
inclusion in the DoD
Introduces, staffs, and
proposes addition of a
new entry in the DoD
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this term
and its definition will modify the
existing term XXXXX” and its
definition in the DoD Dictionary.)
“XXXXX represents the term to
be replaced.
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft
notation with “(Approved for
replacement of “XXXXX” and
its definition in the DoD
Recommends, staffs,
and modifies an
existing term and
definition to be
incorporated into the
DoD Dictionary.
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this term
will modify the existing term
“XXXXX” and be incorporated
into the DoD Dictionary.)
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft notation
with “(Approved for
replacement of XXXXX” in
the DoD Dictionary.)”
Recommends, staffs,
and modifies an
existing term to be
incorporated into the
DoD Dictionary.
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this
definition will modify the existing
definition and be incorporated
into the DoD Dictionary.)
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft
notation with “(Approved for
incorporation into the DoD
Recommends, staffs,
and modifies an
existing definition for
incorporation into the
DoD Dictionary.
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this
publication will assume
proponency for this term and its
definition and this publication
number will be added to [or will
replace the existing proponent
number in the DoD Dictionary.)
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft notation
with “(Approved for
incorporation into the DoD
Dictionary with JP X-XX as
the Source JP.)”
Declares or assumes
proponency of a term
and definition for
staffing and upon
approval will revise
the DoD Dictionary.
(Upon approval of this [revised or
changed] publication, this term
and its definition will be removed
from the DoD Dictionary.)
Upon approval of the signature
draft, replace the draft notation
withterm. None.
(Approved for removal from
the DoD Dictionary.)”
Recommends, staffs,
and deletes an existing
term and definition
from the DoD
Table 4. Glossary Notations for Terms and Definitions Placement
6 November 2020
E-9 Enclosure E
(a) Publication writers are encouraged to examine existing DoD
Dictionary terminology relating to the subject matter of the publication for
relevance and currency and verify, modify, or remove terms and definitions as
appropriate. All terms and definitions must meet the criteria of reference s.
Publication writers are also encouraged to examine the existing terminology in
the Terminology Repository and policy terminology relating to the subject
matter of the publication. The definition of terms in the Terminology
Repository may provide a starting point for adapting terms for joint doctrine.
Terms in the Terminology Repository may be adopted into joint doctrine, as
practices they describe are validated.
(b) Publication writers should remove obsolete terminology from the
DoD Dictionary by using the notation in Table 4 for the term in the proponent
publication glossary. Terms that are modified by a JP will, by default, show
that JP as the proponent in the next update to reference j. If a JP revision
proposes to assume proponency of, or modify a definition of a term currently
sourced to another JP, coordination between LA/JSDSs is required before
staffing of the revision. The joint terminologists will coordinate any change of
this nature with the respective JSDS, LA, and Services for informal input. Any
changes of this nature must still go through the joint doctrine development
(c) Publication writers should avoid repeating glossary definitions
verbatim in the text of a JP but should use text to discuss or expand the
(d) Glossary terms should be written in lower case unless otherwise
designated. For example, “operational control” is in lower case. However, a
glossary term that is the title of a one-of-a-kind organization or capability is
capitalized (e.g., Joint Electronic Library).
(e) Joint doctrine should avoid defining terms that have a
commonly understood meaning or a combination of terms where their root
meaning is understood or meets definition criteria defined per references. If
additional text is desired to elaborate on a definition, that information should
be provided in the text of the publication. Reference j also provides additional
criteria for inclusion of terms in reference n.
(f) Glossary definitions do not contain shortened word forms.
2. Page Formatting
6 November 2020
E-10 Enclosure E
a. FD. FD editions of new publications and revisions or changes to
previously approved publications will be 8.5 x 11-inch, black and white
standard page format. FDs will be single-spaced and single-column with
numbered lines.
b. Additional Drafts and FCs. Revised material will be presented in MS
Word track changes format. Setting for track change makeup should be the
following: Insertions, Underline, Blue; Deletions, Strikethrough, Red. FCs and
additional drafts (e.g., RFC or RFD) will be single-spaced and single-column
with numbered lines. Joint Staff J-7 will convert all additional drafts and FC
editions of each publication, with the assistance of the JSDS and LA, into an
8.5 x 11-inch format, with text single-spaced in single-column layout, with
continuously numbered lines throughout the document. Changed material will
be presented using MS Word track changes function. Vertical lines will be
retained in approved routine changes and the footer annotated with “CH”
initialism and change number in Arabic numerals.
c. Approved Publications. All publications will be available for download
from the JEL or JEL+ in Adobe Acrobat PDF [portable document file] 8.5 x 11-
inch format with the following resolutions:
(1) Low-Resolution Version. This version is optimized for download
with 72 dpi photos and figures.
(2) High-Resolution Version. This version is optimized for local printing
with 150 dpi photos and figures.
d. Page Classification. The classification is shown at the top and bottom
centers of each page. Unclassified publications are not marked.
e. Margins. The top and bottom margins of each page will be 1 inch. The
left and right margins of each page will be 1.25 inches.
f. Chapters. The top line on the first page of each chapter contains the
chapter number in Roman numerals (e.g., CHAPTER II) and is centered on the
page (sample, page Appendix A to Enclosure E) in regular type, Times New
Roman 14-point font. The title of each chapter is printed in capital letters
directly below the chapter number and centered on the page in bold type,
Times New Roman 12-point font. The top line and title will be purple (R=129,
G=0, B=129). All chapters will start on the right side (odd-numbered pages) of
the publication.
6 November 2020
E-11 Enclosure E
g. Sections. Sections are lettered consecutively in each chapter using
capital letters (e.g., SECTION A). Section headings are centered in the column
in bold type, Times New Roman 12-point font.
h. Paragraphs. Paragraphs are numbered sequentially within each chapter
using Arabic numerals when there are at least two paragraphs or
subparagraphs at the same level. A paragraph numbered “1” must have a
paragraph “2,” just as subparagraph “a” must have a subparagraph “b.” If
sections are used within a chapter, paragraph numbering will be continuous
within the chapter and will not begin again with each new section. Paragraph
headings are left justified, in bold type, Times New Roman 12-point font, and
purple (R=129, G=0, B=129). The text of the paragraph is in regular type,
Times New Roman 12-point font with bold type used to emphasize key points,
as desired. Paragraph classification markings will be IAW references o, p, and
i. Indenting. Paragraphs and subparagraphs will be indented as follows
(Table 5):
Table 5. Indenting Sample
j. Headers and Footers. With the exception of the first page of a preface,
summary of changes, table of contents, executive summary, chapter, appendix,
or annex, all JP pages will display a header consisting of a margin-to-margin
horizontal line (one point thickness). Above the horizontal line, odd-numbered
1. Flush left; tabbed .3 inches after period.
Second line is blank. Third line is tabbed .3 inches and full justified.
a. Tabbed .3 inches, two spaces after period, and full justified.
(1) Tabbed .6 inches, two spaces after closed parenthesis, and
full justified.
(a) Tabbed .9 inches, two spaces after closed parenthesis,
and full justified.
1. Subsequent subparagraphs are tabbed 1.2 inches,
underlined numbered, two spaces after period, and full justified.
a. Additional subparagraphs are tabbed 1.5 inches,
underlined lettered, two spaces after period, and full justified.
6 November 2020
E-12 Enclosure E
pages will have the chapter title displayed (right justified); even-numbered
pages will have the chapter identifier (i.e., “Chapter II”) left justified. Footers
will display a similar horizontal line below the page text. Page numbering
information IAW subparagraph (11) will be placed below the horizontal line.
Headers and footers will be purple (R=129, G=0, B=129) and will use Times
New Roman 12-point font, title case, for text.
k. Page Numbering. Publications will have the page number for odd-
numbered pages in the bottom right corner. For even-numbered pages, the
page number is placed in the bottom left corner with the publication short title
(e.g., JP X-XX.X) in the lower right corner.
(1) Preface, Summary of Changes, Table of Contents, and Executive
Summary. The pages preceding Chapter I, beginning with the first page of the
preface and including the summary of changes, table of contents, and the
executive summary, are to be numbered consecutively with lowercase Roman
(2) Chapters. Pages will be numbered consecutively in each chapter
using chapter and page number hyphenated (e.g., V-1 for chapter five, page 1).
(3) Appendices. Appendices are lettered consecutively using appendix
letter and page number hyphenated (e.g., A-2 for appendix A, page 2). To avoid
confusion with Roman-numerated chapters, the letters “I,” “V,” and “X” will not
be used as appendix letters.
(4) Annexes. Annexes to appendices are not listed in the table of
contents but are listed on the first page of the corresponding appendix below
the title. When appendices have an annex(es), the appendix text will begin on
the third page. Annexes to appendices are lettered consecutively using
appendix letter, annex letter, and page number, and hyphenated (e.g., B-A-3
for appendix B, annex A, page 3).
(5) Glossary. Glossary pages will be numbered using “GL” and page
number hyphenated (e.g., GL-4).
(6) Blank Pages. For proper JP printing, so all chapters and specific
sections of the JP start with the odd-numbered page on the right side, the
following guidelines are given:
(a) A blank page with no text should follow the cover of the JP.
6 November 2020
E-13 Enclosure E
(b) If any of the following parts of the JP end on an odd-numbered
page, then a blank page with “Intentionally Blank” (without quote marks)
centered on the page will be inserted on the following page: signature page,
preface, summary of changes, table of contents, executive summary, chapters,
appendices, and glossary part II.
3. Other Guidance
a. Copyrights. Copyrights on proprietary materials will be secured from the
owners. The owners must agree to the printing and electronic distribution of
their copyrighted material. Copyrighted material will be marked in JPs to
comply with copyright laws and give fair credit to the owners of such material.
b. Figures. Figures should be used to illustrate points and support the
text. Figures are numbered consecutively within chapters or appendices using
a chapter number or appendix letter, a hyphenated figure number, and a
period followed by an appropriate caption (e.g., “Figure IV-2. Health Services
Tenets”). The figure number and caption are centered under the figure in bold
type, Arial 10-point font. The caption of the figure and the heading at the top
of the figure should match. The figure should have a black outline box. If the
caption is more than two lines in length, it shall be full justified under the
figure. If there is a full page, landscape-layout figure, the figure number and
caption remain centered under the figure. There will be a reference to each
figure within the text. Figures should be placed as close as possible to, and
immediately following, the text they support. Avoid use of shortened word
forms in figures. If used, shortened word forms must be established in the
figure or in a legend within the figure.
c. Photographs. Use JPEG photographs sparingly to reinforce the contents
of the text. Photographs should be placed as close as possible to the text they
support. Photographs will not be numbered but will have a caption in italic
type, Arial 11-point font. If the caption is two lines or fewer, the text is
centered; if three lines or more, it is full justified. Photo captions will not use
shortened word forms.
d. Quotes. Each chapter may begin with a quote that has relevance to the
chapter material. Avoid using quotes elsewhere in the remainder of a chapter.
The source of each quote must also be provided with a date for time-frame
reference if appropriate. Quotes will be placed in a light blue (R=153, G=204,
B=255) text box and indented .3 inches from both the left and right margins in
italic type, Arial 11-point font. Source notations will be right justified in bold
type, Arial 10-point font.
6 November 2020
E-14 Enclosure E
e. Blue Boxes. Blue boxes are used to emphasize key terms or concepts
that are central to understanding a particular topic. Each blue box that
contains a vignette will have a title. A source or reference is optional. Unlike
figures and photographs, there is no caption. The text will be placed in a light
blue (R=153, G=204, B=255) box and indented .3 inches from both left and
right margins in Arial 10-point font.
f. Vignettes and Examples. Vignettes and examples support the publication
by providing short, pertinent narratives that enhance the meaning of the text
but should not be construed as being doctrine. Each vignette or example will
be placed in a light blue (R=153, G=204, B=255) box and indented .3 inches
from both the left and right margins. Include a title and the source for
vignettes that are cited verbatim. For vignettes developed from several sources,
citing “Various Sources” is acceptable. The body and source will be in bold
type, Arial 11-point font; the source will be right justified. Use the same format
for “Key Terms” in JDNs.
g. Reference to Chapters, Appendices, and Other Documents
(1) When placed within a paragraph, references within the body of the
text and appendices to other chapters or appendices of the same publication
will include the full name of the referenced chapter or appendix and will be in
quotations and not in italics. References to other JPs, DoD issuances, CJCS
directives, Service publications, or other documents will include the full name
of the referenced document (less the version identifier) and the title of the
document will be in italics without quotations; the document designator will
not be in italics. When referencing a document containing supporting
information, the order of precedence is JP over JDN. Do not include edition
letter on CJCS issuances, as readers should use the most current edition when
reviewing policy.
(2) When placed at the end of a paragraph and separate from the
paragraph, references to other chapters or appendices of the same publication
will include the full name of the referenced chapter or appendix and will be in
quotations, and the entire reference will be in italics. References to other JPs,
DoD issuances, CJCS directives, Service publications, or other documents will
include the full name of the referenced document (less the version identifier)
and will not be in italics or have quotations; the rest of the reference sentence
will be italicized, to include the document designator. References will be set off
from the paragraph and full justified. Margins will be equal to the paragraph
above, and the first line will not be indented. When more than two references
are listed, a semicolon will separate the individual references, as commas
separate the designator and the reference title.
6 November 2020
E-15 Enclosure E
(3) References to federal law should state the chapter or section of the
USC (e.g., Title 10, United States Code [USC], Section 402). References to the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) will list the part referenced (e.g., Title 32,
Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Part 176). Subsequent references may be
abbreviated (e.g., Title 10, USC, Section 402). Do not reference a public law or
the specific national defense authorization act for a fiscal year. If a law has a
ubiquitous title such as the Posse Comitatus Act, it may be included in
parentheses after the correct reference to the USC or CFR (e.g., Title 18, USC,
Section 1385 [Posse Comitatus Act]). Normally, the name of the chapter,
section, or part is not listed when citing U.S. law.
h. Italics. The use of italicized text will be consistent with the specific uses
as described in this manual. No other use of italicized text is acceptable. Place
a term or terms in bold text for emphasis.
6 November 2020
E-16 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-1 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-2 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-3 Enclosure E
Joint Warfighting is the capstone doctrine for the US military. This joint doctrine is
designed to sharpen our ability to compete, deter, and win in the most dangerous security
environment seen in decades, one distinguished by great power competition, disruptive
technology, and the accelerating pace of change in the character of war. Our strategic objectives
are to achieve decisive advantage for our warriors and victory.
From competition through armed conflict, adversaries are challenging our national security
through combined conventional and irregular approaches, across all domains (ground, air,
maritime, space, cyber, and the associated electromagnetic spectrum). In this rapidly evolving
environment, we adaptively prepare for simultaneous threats and opportunities worldwide. Our
missions are to defend the homeland, respond to contingencies, deter strategic and conventional
attack, assure allies and partners, and compete below the level of armed conflict. Global
integration is the joint force’s strategic approach to retaining overmatch and expanding the
competitive space through integrated multifunctional, all-domain, and transregional operations.
Doctrine provides fundamental principles and authoritative guidance for the unified action of
US military forces. Since we cannot predict the timing, location, and conditions of the next fight,
commanders are expected to adapt doctrine to circumstance. The Armed Forces of the United
States function within the US system of civil-military relations, serve under the civilian control of
the President as Commander-in-Chief, and embody the highest values and standards of American
society. We defend the United States, our allies, and our partners with the strength, agility,
endurance, resilience, flexibility, and awareness to fight and win against any potential adversary.
General, U.S. Army
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-4 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-5 Enclosure E
1. Scope
This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance for…. This publication is the
keystone document of the joint operations series. It provides the doctrinal foundation and
fundamental principles that guide the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations across
the competition continuum.
2. Purpose
This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (CJCS). It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance of the Armed
Forces of the United States in joint operations, and it provides considerations for military
interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational forces, and other
interorganizational partners. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by
combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs), and prescribes joint doctrine for
operations and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces of the United
States in preparing and executing their plans and orders. It is not the intent of this publication to
restrict the authority of the JFC from organizing the force and executing the mission in a manner
the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort in the achievement of objectives.
3. Application
a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, combatant
commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate components of these
commands, the Services, National Guard Bureau, and combat support agencies.
b. This doctrine constitutes official advice concerning the enclosed subject matter; however,
the judgment of the commander is paramount in all situations.
c. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service
publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS, normally in coordination with
the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided more current and specific guidance.
Commanders of forces operating as part of a multinational (alliance or coalition) military
command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures ratified by the United States. For
doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States, commanders should evaluate and follow
the multinational command’s doctrine and procedures, where applicable and consistent with US
law, regulations, and doctrine.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-6 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-7 Enclosure E
Changes title from Command and Control for Joint Maritime Operations.
Revises scope statement.
Revises discussion of composite warfare and adds a figure on composite warfare
commander organization.
Revises command and control considerations for specific maritime operations.
Adds a paragraph on seapower essential functions.
Adds figure on operational employment constructs for amphibious ready groups and
marine expeditionary units (aggregated, disaggregated, distributed).
Removes discussion of global fleet station, Maritime Civil Affairs and Security
Training Command, and maritime expeditionary security force.
Revises the discussion on maritime domain awareness.
Enhances discussion on assessment.
Enhances consistency among other doctrinal publications and Department of Defense
(DoD) and other United States Government policies.
Modifies, adds, and removes terms and definitions from the DoD Dictionary of
Military and Associated Terms.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-8 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-9 Enclosure E
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... ix
Section A.
Introduction .................................................................................................................... I-1
Operational Framework .................................................................................................. I-1
The Threat Theory .......................................................................................................... I-1
Fundamentals .................................................................................................................. I-1
War ................................................................................................................................. I-2
Section B.
Foundations .................................................................................................................. I-10
Strategic Security Environment and National Security Challenges ............................. I-10
Instruments of National Power and the Range of Military Operations ........................ I-11
National Strategic Direction .................................................................................................II-1
Strategic Guidance and Responsibilities ..............................................................................II-3
Defense Continuity Program ..............................................................................................II-20
A Establishing Directive (Support Relationship) Considerations ..................................... A-1
B The Profession of Arms ..................................................................................................B-1
C References ......................................................................................................................C-1
D Administrative Instructions ........................................................................................... D-1
Part I Shortened Word Forms (Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms) ................ GL-1
Part II Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................ GL-5
I-1 Principles of War .......................................................................................................... I-3
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-10 Enclosure E
I-2 Levels of Warfare ......................................................................................................... I-7
I-3 Range of Military Operations ..................................................................................... I-14
(Table of contents has been condensed for this sample)
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-11 Enclosure E
Discusses how global integration is used to arrange cohesive military actions in time,
space, and purpose to address transregional, all-domain, and multifunctional
Presents the foundations of the profession of arms and joint force campaigns and
Outlines the fundamentals of unified action.
Introduces joint functions.
Global Integration
Contemporary Security
The joint force operates in a complex and volatile
security environment characterized by contested norms
and persistent disorder. National security threats
continue to e
volve and have become increasingly
transregional, all-domain, and multifunctional.
Most adversaries would prefer to achieve objectives by
operating below the threshold that would provoke a US
military response. Their ability to operate by
manipulating popular perceptions and using nonmilitary
means has produced strategic gains in opposition to US
security interests and ends. Accordingly, the joint force
refined the spectrum of strategic relationships as the
competition continuum.
Global Integration
Global integration is the arrangement of cohesive
military actions in time, space, and purpose, executed as
a whole to address transregional, all-domain, and
multifunctional challenges.
(Executive summary has been condensed for this sample)
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-12 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-13 Enclosure E
“Joint doctrine is flag officer business. If we are to continue the essential
transition to improve jointness, everyone must be involved.”
General John M. Shalikashvili,
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1993-1997
1. Layout (Paragraph Title)
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-14 Enclosure E
2. XXX
Figure, Photograph, Quote, or Vignette
Quote or Vignette Source
Figure #. Figure Caption.
Photo caption.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-15 Enclosure E
1. General
a. Title 10, United States Code.
b. Federal Aviation Administration Order JO 4200.2G, Procedures for Handling Airspace
2. Department of Defense Publication
DoD Directive 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components.
3. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Publications
a. CJCSI 3151.01C, Global Command and Control System Common Operational Picture
Reporting Requirements.
b. CJCSM 3122.01A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Volume I,
Planning Policies and Procedures.
c. CJCSM 3130.03, Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) Planning Guidance and
d. JP 1, Volume 2, the Joint Force.
4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Publications
a. Allied Administrative Publication-06, NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions.
b. Allied Joint Publication-3.3.5, Doctrine for Joint Airspace Control.
5. Multi-Service Publications
a. ATP 3-04.64/NTTP 3-55.14/MCRP 3-20.5/AFTTP 3-2.64, Multi-Service Tactics,
Techniques, and Procedures for the Tactical Employment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
b. ATP 3-52.1/NTTP 3-56.4/MCWP 3-25.13/AFTTP 3-2.78, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques,
and Procedures for Airspace Control.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-16 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-17 Enclosure E
(Available on the public JEL and NIPRNET and SIPRNET JEL+.)
1. User Comments
Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the Joint
Doctrine Feedback Form located at: https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it
to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-support@mail.mil. These comments should address content (accuracy,
usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. Authorship
a. The lead agent for this publication is the US Air Force. The technical review authority [if
one is assigned] is __________. The Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Director
for Operations (J-3).
b. The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community, made
a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent, Mr. _________, United
States Transportation Command; technical review authority [if one is assigned], Mr. ______,
[organization]; Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, Lt Col _________, Joint Staff J-4; LTC ________,
Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch; and Mr. ________, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine
3. Supersession and Cancellation (if required)
This publication supersedes JP 3-30, Joint Air Operations, 25 July 2019.
4. Change Recommendations
a. To provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication, please
complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-
b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change source
document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a proposed change
to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other organizations are
requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents reflected in this
publication are initiated.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-18 Enclosure E
5. Lessons Learned
The Joint Lessons Learned Program’s (JLLP’s) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint Lessons Learned
Information System (JLLIS) is the DoD system of record for lessons learned and facilitates the
collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative resolution, and dissemination of
observations, issues, best practices, and lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine development
process by providing insights and lessons learned derived from operations, exercises, war games,
and other events. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Insights and lessons learned are routinely
sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the development process. The
JLLIS Website can be found at https://www.jllis.mil (NIPRNET) or http://www.jllis.smil.mil
6. Releasability
UNCLASSIFIED. This JP is approved for public release. Access to this publication is
unrestricted; distribution is unlimited and releasable outside the combatant commands, Services,
National Guard Bureau, and Joint Staff.
7. Printing and Distribution
a. The Joint Staff does not print hard copies of JPs for distribution. An electronic version of
this JP is available on:
(1) NIPRNET Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/index.jsp
(limited to .mil and .gov users with a DoD common access card),
(2) SIPRNET JEL+ at https://jdeis.js.smil.mil/jdeis/index.jsp, and
(3) Internet JEL [Joint Electronic Library] at http://www.jcs.mil/Doctrine/.
b. This JP can be locally reproduced for use within the combatant commands, Services,
National Guard Bureau, Joint Staff, and combat support agencies.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-19 Enclosure E
(Available only on JEL+.)
1. User Comments
Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the Joint
Doctrine Feedback Form located at: https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it
to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-[email protected]. These comments should address content (accuracy,
usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. Authorship
a. The lead agent for this publication is the US Air Force. The technical review authority [if
one is assigned] is __________. The Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Director
for Operations (J-3).
b. The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community, made
a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent, Mr. _________, United
States Transportation Command; technical review authority [if one is assigned], Mr. _____,
[organization]; Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, Lt Col _________, Joint Staff J-4; LTC ________,
Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch; and Mr. ________, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine
3. Supersession and Cancellation (if required)
This publication supersedes JP 3-30, Joint Air Operations, 25 July 2019.
4. Change Recommendations
a. To provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication, please
complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-
b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change source
document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a proposed change
to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other organizations are
requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents reflected in this
publication are initiated.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-20 Enclosure E
5. Lessons Learned
The Joint Lessons Learned Program’s (JLLP’s) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint Lessons Learned
Information System (JLLIS) is the DoD system of record for lessons learned and facilitates the
collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative resolution, and dissemination of
observations, issues, best practices, and lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine development
process by providing insights and lessons learned derived from operations, exercises, war games,
and other events. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Insights and lessons learned are routinely
sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the development process. The
JLLIS Website can be found at https://www.jllis.mil (NIPRNET) or http://www.jllis.smil.mil
6. Releasability
publication is controlled by Joint Staff because [REASON FROM MEMO HERE]. The
information in this publication should be disseminated on an as-needed basis and IAW the
annotated limited dissemination controls. Requests for release to non-authorized parties should be
directed to the Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Branch.
For more information, please see DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
7. Printing and Distribution
Before distributing this JP, please e-mail the Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Branch, at
js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-suppor[email protected], or call 703-692-7273/DSN 692-7273, or contact the
lead agent or Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (see Appendix [XX], “Points of Contact”).
a. The Joint Staff does not print hard copies of JPs for distribution. An electronic version of
this JP is available on:
(1) NIPRNET Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/index.jsp
(limited to .mil and .gov users with a DoD common access card) and
(2) SIPRNET JEL+ at https://jdeis.js.smil.mil/jdeis/index.jsp.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-21 Enclosure E
b. Access to this unclassified publication is limited. This JP can be locally reproduced for use
within the combatant commands, Services, National Guard Bureau, Joint Staff, and combat
support agencies. However, reproduction authorization for this JP must be IAW lead agent/Joint
Staff doctrine sponsor guidance (see Appendix [XX], “Points of Contact”).
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-22 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-23 Enclosure E
(Available only on SIPRNET JEL+)
1. (U) User Comments
(U) Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the
Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at: https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-
mail it to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-support@mail.mil. These comments should address content
(accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. (U) Authorship
a. (U) The lead agent for this publication is the US Air Force. The technical review authority
[if one is assigned] is _____. The Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Director
for Operations (J-3).
b. (U) The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community,
made a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent, Mr. _________,
United States Transportation Command; technical review authority [if one is assigned], Mr. _____,
[organization]; Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, Lt Col _________, Joint Staff J-4; LTC ________,
Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch; and Mr. ________, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine
3. (U) Supersession and Cancellation (if required)
(U) This publication supersedes JP 3-30, Joint Air Operations, 25 July 2019.
4. (U) Change Recommendations
a. (U) to provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication, please
complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/jp_feedback_form.pdf and e-mail it to: js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-
b. (U) When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change source
document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a proposed change
to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other organizations are
requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents reflected in this
publication are initiated.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-24 Enclosure E
5. (U) Lessons Learned
(U) The Joint Lessons Learned Program’s (JLLP’s) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint Lessons Learned
Information System (JLLIS) is the DoD system of record for lessons learned and facilitates the
collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative resolution, and dissemination of lessons
learned to improve the development and readiness of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with
joint doctrine through the joint doctrine development process by providing insights and lessons
learned derived from operations, exercises, war games, and other events. As these inputs are
incorporated into joint doctrine, they become institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the
JLLP. Insights and lessons learned are routinely sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout
formal staffing of the development process. The JLLIS Website can be found at
https://www.jllis.mil (NIPRNET) or http://www.jllis.smil.mil (SIPRNET).
6. (U) Releasability
(U) CLASSIFIED. This JP is classified and not approved for electronic release on the
NIPRNET or Internet (WWW). Electronic release is restricted to Joint Staff activities through
controlled access on the SIPRNET JEL+ at https://jdeis.js.smil.mil/jdeis/index.jsp.
7. (U) Printing and Distribution
(U) Before distributing this JP, please e-mail the Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Branch, on
NIPRNET, at js.pentagon.j7.mbx.jedd-suppor[email protected] or call 730-692-7273/DSN 692-7273;
contact the lead agent or Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (see Appendix [XX], “Points of Contact”);
or contact your local foreign disclosure officer.
a. (U) The Joint Staff does not print hard copies of JPs for distribution.
b. (U) Defense attachés may request an electronic version of this classified JP by sending a
written request to Defense Intelligence Agency/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-
Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100.
c. (U) This JP can be locally reproduced for use within the combatant commands, Services,
National Guard Bureau, and combat support agencies. However, access to and reproduction
authorization for this classified JP must be IAW DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, DoD
Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification, and DoD Manual
5200.01, Volume 3, DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information.
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-25 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-26 Enclosure E
AA assessment agent
AIG addressee indicator group
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual
CRA coordinating review authority
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIRM Directorate for Information and Resource Management
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-27 Enclosure E
(Note: For specific notations, see Table 5.)
Example of an Existing Term and Definition
sortie. In air operations, an operational flight by one aircraft. (DoD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-30)
Example of a New Term and Definition
counterguerrilla operations. Activities conducted by security forces against the armed
paramilitary wing of an insurgency. (Upon approval of this revised publication, this term and
its definition will be included in the DoD Dictionary.)
Example of a Modified Term and Definition
intelligence asset. Any resource utilized by an intelligence organization for an operational support
role. (Upon approval of this revised publication, this term and its definition will modify the
existing term “asset (intelligence)” and its definition in the DoD Dictionary.)
Example of a Modified Term and Existing Definition
air operations center. The senior agency of the Air Force component commander that provides
command and control of Air Force air and space operations and coordinates with other
components and Services. Also called AOC. (Upon approval of this revised publication, this
term will modify the existing term “air and space operations center” and be incorporated into
the DoD Dictionary.)
Example of an Existing Term and a Modified Definition
accountability. The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other
person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. (Upon approval of this
revised publication, this definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated into
the DoD Dictionary.)
Example of a Change of Proponent
unmanned aircraft system. That system whose components include the necessary equipment,
network, and personnel to control an unmanned aircraft. Also called UAS. (Upon approval
of this revised publication, this publication will assume proponency for this term and its
definition and this publication number will replace the existing proponent number in the DoD
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-28 Enclosure E
Example of a Recommendation to Remove a Term and Definition From
the DoD Dictionary
Inactive National Guard. None. (Upon approval of this changed publication, this term and its
definition will be removed from the DoD Dictionary.)
(Glossary, Part II has been condensed for this sample)
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-29 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
Appendix A
E-A-30 Enclosure E
6 November 2020
F-1 Enclosure F
l. General. Joint Staff J-7 maintains, operates, and ensures accessibility of
the CJCS JEL on the Internet and NIPRNET and JEL+ on both the NIPRNET
2. Overview. The joint doctrine development process and the worldwide
distribution of approved joint doctrine are supported by various information
systems. The JEL provides access to unlimited distribution of selected joint
doctrine and related content in a public-facing venue and is centered on the
distribution of electronic documents. Content posted to the JEL is publicly
accessible. JEL+ is available on NIPRNET and SIPRNET. The NIPRNET JEL+
presents the same content as the JEL, but it includes distribution of JPs that
are releasable by the JSDS, as well as enhanced database-centered searches of
cross-indexed joint doctrine and related content via restricted-access venues.
The SIPRNET JEL+ presents the same content as the NIRPNET JEL+ and
includes classified joint doctrine (JPs and classified appendices to JPs).
3. Information Systems. JDEIS is the umbrella program whereas JEL and
JEL+ are the web portal-based information distribution subsystems of JDEIS.
JDEIS consists of JEL and JEL+ web portals; the JDDT; the UJTL Task
Development Tool; the Content and Cross-Referencing Management tool; the
Data Mining Tool; and various other associated tools, equipment, and
expertise. These additional subsystems are employed to develop, deploy,
maintain, analyze, or enhance the content that is distributed to the end user
on the JEL and JEL+ portals.
4. Purpose
a. The information systems supporting the joint doctrine development
process are designed to directly support the Chairman, the Joint Staff, CCDRs,
the Services, the NGB, CSAs, and interagency partners. The system also
supports selected multinational partners by providing a centralized capability
to facilitate the development, awareness of, access to, and distribution of joint
doctrine. This system supports related joint force development of other related
content to include education, training, concepts, force employment, and
assessment-related information for the entire joint community.
b. The collective purpose of these systems is to facilitate the timely
development, accurate maintenance, and responsive distribution of joint
6 November 2020
F-2 Enclosure F
doctrine and related information to the Armed Forces of the United States and
other relevant audiences as required.
c. JEL+ also supports the defense readiness reporting community by
providing access to authoritative databases of joint doctrine and UJTs required
for mission-essential task list assessment and reporting of readiness.
Additional UJTL resources and briefings are also located on JEL+, to include
the identification of UJTs associated with each JP as the UJTs’ primary
reference (see reference t).
6 November 2020
G-1 Enclosure G
1. General. To remain relevant and forward-looking, the joint doctrine
development process provides for the occasional development of JDNs. A JDN
does not represent an agreed to or fully staffed doctrinal position but provides
a short-term, bridging solution to a potential doctrine void identified by the
JDDC. A JDN should contain information on techniques, procedures, and
organizational constructs that are underpinned by lessons learned and best
practices that could be applied with existing or emerging capabilities.
2. Purpose. To inform the joint community of techniques and procedures for
using a new or revised process, capability, or organization in joint operations,
and to explain the information in sufficient detail for commanders and staffs to
consider its utility.
3. Objective and Scope
a. Approved joint doctrine provides the baseline context for a JDN. Thus, a
JDN should address a perceived doctrinal void or deficiency or should
otherwise describe constructs that can improve the joint force’s ability to plan,
execute, and assess joint operations. The primary objective is to solicit the
joint community’s help to solve a problem by examining the JDN’s constructs
and assessing its potential added value relative to existing joint doctrine.
However, a JDN may also simply provide information on a topic of interest to
the JDDC or broader joint community, such as describing the potential impact
of an emerging concept on related JPs (see reference h). A JDN’s topic and
proposed solution may be directed at the content of one or several JPs.
b. A JDN is not authoritative and is not approved joint doctrine.
Commanders and staff may use its contents at their discretion, (e.g., to inform
an approach to a specific problem set or the development of alternative courses
of action). If conflicts arise between the contents of a JDN and the contents of
a JP, the JP will take precedence unless the Chairman has provided more
current and specific guidance.
c. Because a JDN is not authoritative, the development, review, and
approval procedures are not as extensive or restrictive as those for developing
or revising a JP. For example, while the Joint Staff J-7 will determine if a JDN
proposal meets required standards as described below, the analysis will
normally not be as extensive as a typical FEA for a new JP proposal (as
outlined in Enclosure B). JDNs will follow the same editorial rules as JPs. Any
6 November 2020
G-2 Enclosure G
new terms and definitions introduced by a JDN will be captured in a blue box
within the body of the text but will not be included in the JDN’s glossary. A
JDN can be assigned to the organization making the doctrine proposal. A JDN
does not necessarily have an assigned JSDS or LA. The draft JDN staffing with
the JDDC is intended to solicit the JDDC’s ideas that may help determine the
validity of a JDN’s proposed solution to a potential doctrinal void. The JDDC’s
response may help the JDN proponent refine the draft JDN and, subsequently,
propose changes to one or more JPs in development or revision.
d. There is no specific limit on a JDN’s length, but the JDN should not
contain extraneous information or graphics that are not directly relevant to
using and evaluating the ideas in the context of improving current joint
4. Procedures
a. Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine, will manage the development,
staffing, and maintenance of JDNs.
b. Any member of the JDDC may propose a JDN. The proposing
organization is referred to as the JDN proponent.
c. JDN Proposal Submission. The JDN proponent will forward a proposal
for JDN development to Chief, Joint Education and Doctrine. The JDN
proposal must have at least a proponent’s planner-level endorsement. A
complete proposal is a paper (with optional briefing) that contains the
(1) Proposed JDN Title: A succinct descriptive label.
(2) Doctrinal Issue: A concise statement in the context of joint doctrine
that describes the warfighter challenge or problem (e.g., “There currently is no
process and staff organization to cooperate with interorganizational
(3) Desired Outcome: Describe the product’s ultimate utility (e.g., “This
JDN proposes a solution that may inform the future revisions of JPs X, Y, and
(4) Background: Provide a discussion of relevant background facts that
drove the development of the product (e.g., “The problem has been documented
during the course of three successive exercises.”).
6 November 2020
G-3 Enclosure G
(5) Potential Solution: Summarize key aspects of the proposed solution
and the existing capabilities to be applied (e.g., “USXCOM HQ used an
alternative to existing organizational structure and processes during
contingency planning and in two exercises over the past 18 months. The
alternative facilitated more efficient and effective information sharing with our
interorganizational partners.”).
(6) Briefing Packet: If the JDN proposal is submitted outside of the
JDPC, a briefing packet is optional but may be provided if it will help Joint
Staff J-7 understand the proposal. However, if the proposal is made via the
JDPC process, a briefing is required to generate discussion and a JDPC
(7) Proposed JDN development milestones.
(8) POC: List the government lead and contact information for the
proponent organization that is recommending the JDN.
d. JDN Proposal Review. The J-7 under JDAB will conduct a FEA on the
proposed JDN and will present its finding to the JDPC. The J-7 will conduct a
FEA on the proposed JDN and will present its finding to the JDPC. The JDPC
voting members will review the JDN proposal and vote on the development of a
new JDN. The FEA will address the following:
(1) Does the proposal sufficiently identify and document an issue that
improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the joint force?
(2) Does the proposal provide enough information on the potential
solution for Joint Staff J-7 to determine its efficacy in the broader joint
(3) Is the proposed solution executable using existing or emerging
e. JDN Development, Staffing, and Approval
(1) Joint Staff J-7 will coordinate with the JDN proponent if additional
information is required and on the final decision. If Joint Staff J-7 approves
the proposal, Joint Staff J-7 will notify the JDN proponent of the decision and
provide a JDB POC to facilitate coordination throughout the development
6 November 2020
G-4 Enclosure G
(2) The JDN proponent will develop the JDN according to the approved
milestones, in a format that provides the look and feel of a JP, using Enclosure
E of this manual. Depending on the topic and circumstances, Chief, Joint
Education and Doctrine, may collaborate with the proponent in development.
The JDN will have a gray (R=214, G=218, B=229) cover to differentiate it from
approved JPs.
(3) JDNs will normally only be staffed for planner-level review (Figure
11). The JDPC may request additional preliminary AO-level staffing.
Therefore, the development process may include staffing the FD with the
JDDC, revising the draft based on the JDDC’s comments for a final O-6-level
staffing, or preparing a final draft for signature as follows:
(a) The JDN proponent will submit the FD to the Joint Staff J-7.
The Joint Staff J-7 will review the draft, coordinate with the JDN proponent for
more information if necessary, and staff the FD by JSAP with the JDDC.
Figure 11. Joint Doctrine Note Timeline
2 761 43
(2 Months)
(2 Months)
(1.5 Months)
(1.5 Months)
FD Phase
(3.5 Months)
FC Phase
(3.5 Months)
Joint Doctrine Note Development (7-9 Months)
(Chief, JED)
(1 Month)
Joint Doctrine Note Timeline
FC final coordination
FD first draft
JDDC joint doctrine development community
JDN joint doctrine note
JED Joint Education and Doctrine
JP joint publication
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JSDS Joint Staff doctrine sponsor
LA lead agent
6 November 2020
G-5 Enclosure G
Suspense for comments will normally be 60 calendar days. JDDC members
will submit comments in a CRM or through the JDDT by the suspense date to
the Joint Staff J-7 with a copy to the JDN proponent. The draft JDN staffing
with the JDDC is intended to solicit ideas that may help improve the final
product. The JDB POC will consolidate the comments into a single “record”
matrix and forward it to the JDN proponent.
(b) The JDN proponent will adjudicate the comments in the record
matrix. The Joint Staff J-7 will clarify any issues with the JDN proponent, who
will then prepare the final draft JDN using the adjudicated matrix and other
relevant information. The JDN proponent will consider the JDDC’s comments
when preparing the final draft and will collaborate with the Joint Staff J-7 as
necessary during the revision. Based on comments received, a JWG may be
required to satisfactorily resolve all issues with the draft JDN.
(c) The JDN proponent will forward the final draft JDN to the Joint
Staff J-7 for planner-level staffing following the same procedures as the FD.
(d) The JDN proponent and the Joint Staff J-7 may decide to skip
the first AO-level draft and move directly to a final planner-level draft. This
option would result in a single coordination with the JDDC. However, based
on the comments received and a JWG recommendation, a second O-6-level
staffing may be requested. Joint Staff J-7 (Assistant Chief, Joint Education
and Doctrine) has to approve the second staffing.
(4) The Joint Staff J-7 will review the final draft and provide it to the
editors, who will prepare it for approval.
(5) Only the DJ-7, or Vice Director J-7 in his absence, will approve a
f. Distribution and Maintenance
(1) After JDN signature, the Joint Staff J-7 will post it on both JEL+
and the JEL. They will then notify the JDDC through a JDDC distribution e-
(2) Approved JDNs will be reviewed annually by Chief, Joint Education
and Doctrine, for applicability. A JDN is canceled when its content has been
put into permanent publication or the requirement no longer exists.
6 November 2020
G-6 Enclosure G
6 November 2020
H-1 Enclosure H
1. Introduction. The United States actively participates in developing Allied
and multinational joint doctrine and assists in NATO MCTB terminology
development. Multinational operations require clearly understood and widely
accepted joint doctrine and terminology (see reference u.), particularly when
operations are conducted by Allied and partner-nation forces. While this
enclosure primarily addresses U.S. contributions to AJD publication
development, the procedures described can be easily modified to describe U.S.
support to other multinational joint doctrine development efforts.
2. Background
a. References f and s establish and describe formal procedures for AJD
publication development and terminology committee proposal review for NATO.
They provide detailed guidance for use by both communities to standardize the
joint doctrine development process and terminology procedures. The United
States has agreed to abide by certain policies and procedures in both
references. The Allied Joint Doctrine Program Manager and DoD
Terminologist/Program Manager both have planner-level responsibilities to
include activity selection and prioritization, position recommendation, and
staffing and ratification approval.
b. AJD is organized within an AJD architecture—a framework based on a
traditional joint staff functional alignment with AJPs. The Allied Joint Doctrine
Program Manager within Joint Staff J-7 is responsible for the oversight,
staffing, and ratification of Level 1 and Level 2 Allied publications. See
paragraph 5 for staffing of Level 3 Allied publications.
(1) Level 1–Capstone (AJP-01) and keystone publications (AJP-2, 3, 4,
5, and 6) that contain overarching joint doctrine.
(2) Level 2–Supporting joint doctrine in specific functional areas at the
operational level (AJP-2.1, AJP-3.4.5, AJP-4.6, etc.).
(3) Level 3–Lower-level publications such as Allied tactical publications,
Allied logistics publications, and Allied intelligence publications. Level 3
publications should follow individual staffing quantities practiced with Level 1
and 2 publications. Level 3 publications should be staffed by a Service
representative or SME that is a member of the associated NATO board. The
staffing should be among the Services and other entities as required. The
6 November 2020
H-2 Enclosure H
Service representative or SME should submit a consolidated matrix of
comments that does not conflict with U.S.-approved joint doctrine or AJD
publication content. (NATO develops these lower-level subordinate and
supporting allied publications [tactical/administrative/training] where staffing,
coordination, adjudication of comments, and formal U.S. positions are provided
by the Service representative or SME to the responsible standardization board
as designated in reference g.)
c. The AJODWG has the responsibility of developing and managing AJD
within NATO. Allied Joint Doctrine Program Manager is the U.S. representative
and HOD to the AJODWG unless otherwise directed. The Allied Joint Doctrine
Program Manager is also the program representative at any other NATO
meeting if he or she attends. Moreover, the Allied Joint Doctrine Program
Manager provides recommendations and subsequently attends or modifies
existing participation to new or ongoing U.S. joint doctrine support for
multinational products and events.
d. The NATO MCTB develops and manages broad terminology determined
by the NATO Terminology Office. The NATO MCTB consists of delegates from
NATO member nations. The DoD Terminologist, as the NATO Terminology
program manager, is the U.S. representative and HOD to the MCTB. For more
information on NATO MCTB support see reference s.
3. Development
a. U.S. joint doctrine is to be used as the initial basis for the inputs to
Allied and multinational joint doctrine. As necessary, the JDB will compile
variances to U.S. joint doctrine based on U.S.-agreed multinational policies,
command structure, and other imposed limitations, for ratification submission
and socialization, and work with multinational partners and U.S.
representatives to minimize impacts of such variances. Unless otherwise pre-
approved by the Allied Joint Doctrine Program Manager, all U.S.
recommendations prepared by DoD entities and positions advocated for in any
forum (e.g., committee, board, working group [WG], conference, briefing) related
to the AJD publication library overall structure must reflect the current U.S.
joint doctrine publication hierarchy and its existing direction, practices, and
on-going efforts. Any other information or action is not sanctioned by the AJD
program nor recognized as the formal program or DoD
b. The JDB will socialize to authors/editors of U.S.-sponsored Allied and
multinational doctrine, as well as U.S. representatives, relevant requirements
for the staffing of Allied and multinational joint doctrine.
6 November 2020
H-3 Enclosure H
c. The JDB will monitor the AJODWG page located on the NATO
Standardization Office Website as the source for announcements and posting of
documents to be staffed for obtaining national positions. Those
announcements will form the basis for the JDB to generate select staffing
requirements to review AJPs. The staffing suspense should allow adequate
time for JDB to collate and deconflict U.S. comments prior to posting them on
the AJODWG page.
d. Joint Staff J-7 will submit ratification of formal U.S. positions on all
Level 1 AJPs and on Level 2 AJPs not otherwise assigned to another DoD
e. For those other NATO publications not staffed by Joint Staff J-7, the
ratification response of a formal U.S. position will be submitted by the
appropriate organization as designated by reference g. The ratification
response should not conflict with U.S.-approved joint doctrine and U.S.
comments or reservations on higher-level AJPs.
4. WGs
a. U.S. representatives to AJD WGs (often referred to as custodial WGs) will
ensure Joint Staff J-7 is aware of AJD development activities and ensure WGs
following development procedures found in reference f. For guidance on
hierarchy structure see para 3.
b. Designated U.S. custodians (to include policy document leads) will also
serve as authors and content editors as they accomplish their responsibilities
to multinational joint doctrine and other document glossary development.
Prior to beginning the development process, custodians will become familiar
with these responsibilities and also review U.S. joint doctrine and other
material on the subject matter and track and correct variance to U.S. joint
c. U.S. representatives will provide Joint Staff J-7 with a trip report
following the WG, highlighting any potential issues, such as conflicts with U.S.
joint doctrine and differences that may lead to reservations in implementing
the doctrine.
5. Staffing. The Allied Joint Doctrine Program Manager identifies Allied and
multinational joint doctrine projects to be staffed for comment to select JDDC
members and forwards a coordinated, single, U.S. position to the designated
doctrine or terminology custodian. Individual Joint Staff AJP custodians and
6 November 2020
H-4 Enclosure H
AJP subject matter experts who attend writing or working groups coordinate
AJP draft content with OSD and other civilian and military counterparts and
provide comments in submitted matrix comments. Doctrinal and terminology
comments will neither diverge from nor be in conflict with US joint doctrine
and the DoD Dictionary. The DoD Terminologist, as the NATO Terminology
program manager, also selects certain projects and audiences for staffing and
comment IAW reference s. Level 3 publication Service representative or SME
staffings should be among the Services and other entities as required and
submitted as a consolidated matrix of comments that does not conflict with
U.S.-approved joint doctrine and U.S. comments on higher-level AJPs.
Furthermore, Allied Doctrine program management staffing does not replace
U.S. custodian or Joint Staff AJP subject matter expert staffing practices nor
dissemination of related notices/materials/efforts. All variances to U.S. joint
doctrine should be socialized with the JDB prior to ratification for situational
awareness and harmonization mitigation efforts.
a. Base comments on consistency with U.S. law, policy, and joint doctrine
and with Service capabilities, roles, and missions. Comments and their
supporting rationale must clearly provide sufficient detail to persuade
international reviewers. If referencing a U.S. publication or document, provide
key text with the comment to familiarize Allied partners with all relevant U.S.
source information. Categorize comments as directed in study draft comment
review matrix directions (below) and organizational ratification draft memo
submission requirements.
(1) Critical. Failure to correct the material would result in the United
States not agreeing to follow or abide by the publication. This includes
material that violates U.S. law or policy, conflicts with U.S. joint doctrine, is
inconsistent with NATO doctrine or policies, or that is significantly inaccurate.
(2) Substantive. A material change that would significantly improve the
content of the publication in terms of accuracy or consistency.
(3) Editorial. Input would improve the layout or content and correct
spelling or punctuation but should not impact ratification.
b. The JDB submits ratification of the formal U.S. position on Level 1 and
Level 2 AJPs. Level 3 publications are to be ratified by the Service
representative or SME to the associated NATO board as the U.S. representative
and include content that does not conflict with U.S.-approved joint doctrine
and U.S. comments on higher-level AJPs. If an LA intends to respond with a
“Not Ratifying,” they should inform the JDB immediately with rationale and
accompanying comments.
6 November 2020
H-5 Enclosure H
6. Implementation. All U.S.-ratified Allied and multinational doctrine is
implemented upon approval and promulgation. When a member of the JDDC
requests that implementation be delayed, they will notify the JDB during initial
study or ratification draft staffing, provide sound rationale for the delay, and
recommend an implementation date.
6 November 2020
H-6 Enclosure H
6 November 2020
I-1 Enclosure I
a. Title 10, USC, Section 153
b. JP 1, Volume 1, “Joint Warfighting”
c. CJCSI 5120.02 Series, “Joint Doctrine Development System”
d. CJCSI 5711.01 Series, “Policy on Action Processing”
e. CJCSI 5002.01 Series, "Meetings in the JCS Conference Room"
f. Allied Administrative Publication-47, “Allied Joint Doctrine Development”
g. CJCSI 2700.01 Series, “Rationalization, Standardization, and
Interoperability (RSI) Activities”
h. CJCSI 5123.01 Series, “Charter of the Joint Requirements Oversight
Council (JROC) and the Implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration
and Development System (JCIDS)”
I. “The Joint Doctrine Developer’s Guide,”
j. “DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms” (Short title: DoD
k. Joint Staff Guide 5711 series, “Editorial Guidance and Accepted Usage
for Joint Staff Correspondence”
l. The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual (latest
m. Sabin, William A. The Gregg Reference Manual: A Manual of Style,
Grammar, Usage and Formatting. 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2005
n. CJCSI 3010.02 Series, “Guidance for Developing and Implementing
Joint Concepts”
o. DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 1, “DoD Information Security Program:
Overview, Classification, and Declassification”
6 November 2020
I-2 Enclosure I
p. DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 2, “DoD Information Security Program:
Marking of Classified Information”
q. DoD Manual 5200.01 Volume 3, “DoD Information Security Program:
Protection of Classified Information”
r. Army Techniques Publication 1-02.1/Marine Corps Reference Publication
3-30B/Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 6-02.1/Air Force Tactics,
Techniques, and Procedures 3-2.5, “Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and
Procedures for Multi-Service Brevity Codes”
s. CJCSI 5705.01 Series, “Standardization of Military and Associated
t. CJCSM 3500.04 Series, “Universal Joint Task Manual”
u. NATO Term, The Official NATO Terminology Database
6 November 2020
GL-1 Glossary
Items marked with an asterisk (*) have definitions in PART II
AA assessment agent*
AJD Allied joint doctrine
AJODWG Allied Joint Operations Doctrine Working Group
AJP Allied joint publication
AO action officer
CAC common access card
CCA Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-controlled
CCDR combatant commander
CCMD combatant command
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction*
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual*
CRA coordinating review authority*
CRM comment resolution matrix
CSA combat support agency
CUI controlled unclassified information
DCR doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership
and education, personnel, facilities, and policy
change recommendation
DJ-7 Director, Joint Force Development
DJS Director, Joint Staff
DoD Department of Defense
dpi dots per inch
FAR formal assessment report
FC final coordination
FD first draft
FEA front-end analysis
GO/FO general officer/flag officer
HOD head of delegation
6 November 2020
GL-2 Glossary
IAW in accordance with
JDAB Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch
JDB Joint Doctrine Branch
JDDAS Joint Doctrine Development and Assessment Schedule
JDDC joint doctrine development community
JDDT Joint Doctrine Development Tool
JDEIS Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic
Information System
JDN joint doctrine note
JDPC Joint Doctrine Planning Conference*
JEL Joint Electronic Library
JEL+ Joint Electronic Library Plus
JFC joint force commander
JLLIS Joint Lessons Learned Information System
JP joint publication
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JSDS Joint Staff doctrine sponsor*
JT&E joint test and evaluation
JTF joint task force
JWG joint working group
LA lead agent*
MCTB Military Committee Terminology Board
MS Microsoft
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGB National Guard Bureau
NIPRNET Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network
OB overcome by
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
PC preliminary coordination
PD program directive
POC point of contact
PR preliminary review
PRA primary review authority*
PSA primary staff assistant
RFC revision final coordination
6 November 2020
GL-3 Glossary
RFF request for feedback
SecDef Secretary of Defense
SIPRNET SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
SME subject matter expert
TRA technical review authority*
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
TU targeted update
UJT universal joint task
UJTL Universal Joint Task List
USC United States Code
USG United States Government
WG working group
6 November 2020
GL-4 Glossary
6 November 2020
GL-5 Glossary
assessment agent. The organization responsible for conducting an assessment
of an approved publication. Also called AA. (Upon approval of this revised
directive, this definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated
into the DoD Dictionary.)
capstone joint publication. The top joint publication in the hierarchy of joint
publications that links joint doctrine to national strategy and the contributions
of other United States Government departments and agencies, multinational
partners, and reinforces policy for command and control. (Upon approval of
this revised directive, this term and its definition will modify the existing term
“capstone publication” and its definition in the DoD Dictionary.)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction. A document containing
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff policy that does not involve the
employment of forces and is applicable to the Joint Staff, Services, National
Guard Bureau, defense agencies, and combatant commands and may be
informational to other agencies. Also called CJCSI. (Upon approval of this
revised directive, this definition will modify the existing definition and be
incorporated into the DoD Dictionary.)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual. A document containing
procedures for performing specific tasks that do not involve the employment of
forces and is applicable to the Joint Staff, Services, National Guard Bureau,
defense agencies, and combatant commands and may be informational to other
agencies. Also called CJCSM. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this
definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated into the DoD
coordinating review authority. In joint doctrine development and maintenance,
an agency appointed by the Joint Staff, a Service, a combatant command, or a
combat support agency to coordinate with and assist the lead agent, primary
review authority, Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, and assessment agent. Also
called CRA. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this definition will modify
the existing definition and be incorporated into the DoD Dictionary.)
evaluation agent. None. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this term and
its definition will be removed from the DoD Dictionary.)
Joint Doctrine Planning Conference. A forum convened semiannually to
address and vote on project proposals; discuss key joint doctrinal and
operational issues; discuss potential changes to the joint doctrine development
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GL-6 Glossary
process; keep up to date on the status of the joint publication projects and
emerging publications; and keep abreast of other initiatives of interest to the
members. Also called JDPC. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this
definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated into the DoD
Joint Staff doctrine sponsor. A Joint Staff directorate assigned to coordinate a
joint doctrine project with the Joint Staff. Also called JSDS. (DoD Dictionary.
Source: CJCSM 5120.01)
joint test publication. None. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this term
and its definition will be removed from the DoD Dictionary.)
keystone joint publications. Joint publications that establish the doctrinal
foundation for a series of joint publications in the hierarchy of joint
publications. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this term and its
definition will modify the existing term “keystone publications” and its
definition in the DoD Dictionary.)
lead agent. 1. An individual Service, combatant command, or Joint Staff
directorate assigned to author, develop, and maintain a joint publication.
(CJCSM 5120.01) 2. In medical materiel management, the designated unit or
organization to coordinate or execute day-to-day conduct of an ongoing
operation or function. Also called LA. (Upon approval of this revised directive,
this definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated into the
DoD Dictionary.)
multi-Service publication. None. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this
term and its definition will be removed from the DoD Dictionary.)
primary review authority. The organization that is assigned by the lead agent
to perform the actions and coordination necessary to develop and maintain the
assigned publication under the cognizance of the lead agent. Also called PRA.
(Upon approval of this revised directive, this definition will modify the existing
definition and be incorporated into the DoD Dictionary.)
procedures. Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific
tasks. (DoD Dictionary. Source: CJCSM 5120.01)
tactics. The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each
other. (DoD Dictionary. Source: CJCSM 5120.01)
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GL-7 Glossary
technical review authority. An organization tasked to provide specialized
technical or administrative expertise to the lead agent, primary review
authority, Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, or coordinating review authority for
publications. Also called TRA. (Upon approval of this revised directive, this
definition will modify the existing definition and be incorporated into the DoD
techniques. Non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions,
functions, or tasks. (DoD Dictionary. Source: CJCSM 5120.01)
6 November 2020
GL-8 Glossary
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