Photography Series, GS-1060 TS-120 October 1992
Table of Contents
SERIES DEFINITION....................................................................................................................................2
OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................................2
EVALUATING POSITIONS ..........................................................................................................................5
GRADE CONVERSION TABLE...................................................................................................................6
FACTOR LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS...............................................................................................................6
FACTOR 1, KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BY THE POSITION..................................................................6
FACTOR 2, SUPERVISORY CONTROLS.............................................................................................10
FACTOR 3, GUIDELINES......................................................................................................................11
FACTOR 4, COMPLEXITY.....................................................................................................................12
FACTOR 5, SCOPE AND EFFECT........................................................................................................13
FACTOR 8, PHYSICAL DEMANDS.......................................................................................................15
FACTOR 9, WORK ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................................16
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Photography Series, GS-1060 TS-120 October 1992
This series includes positions that involve supervising or performing work in operating still,
television (video), or motion picture cameras, and in processing photographic film and negatives.
The work requires, in addition to a knowledge of the equipment, techniques, and processes of
photography, either (1) working knowledge of the subject matter to be photographed, and/or (2)
artistic ability in selecting, arranging, and lighting subjects or in processing work.
This standard supersedes the position classification standard for this series issued in October
1. Classify in the
Audiovisual Production Series, GS-1071, positions that involve directing
the arrangements, sequences, actions, photography, sound, and editing for television or
motion picture productions.
2. Classify in the
Visual Information Series, GS-1084, positions that involve planning and
designing visual materials, such as photographs, illustrations, and diagrams, used in
books, exhibits, videotapes, or other communications media.
3. Classify in the most appropriate series under the Federal Wage System positions that
involve using photographic equipment, processes, and techniques when the paramount
requirements are skill and experience in a trade or craft. The positions do not require
knowledge of the subject matter of the work involved or artistic ability in performing
camera or processing work.
4. Classify in the
Photographic Technology Series, GS-1386, positions that involve
performing research or other professional and scientific work in the design, development,
testing, and evaluation of photographic equipment and techniques.
5. Classify in the
Equipment Operator Series, GS-0350, positions that involve as the
primary responsibility operating office microfilm, duplicating, and/or other office
The photography occupation consists of two different but closely related functions: (1)
capturing the image on film (camera work) and (2) developing the image so that it is visible to
the viewer in the form of a slide, transparency, or print (processing work). Some photography
positions involve both camera work and subsequent processing work.
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Camera Work
Camera work requires familiarity with the camera equipment used in assignments to produce
acceptable work. This may range from the standardized equipment that can be found in any
commercial camera shop, such as 35 mm cameras and video camcorders, to more specialized
equipment used primarily by professional photographers, such as medium and large format
cameras, studio-type television or motion picture cameras, and photoreproduction or "copy"
cameras. The work may also involve use of equipment that has been adapted for highly
specialized purposes, such as cameras mounted on microscopes or wired for remote control or
automatic timed operation, or electronic equipment, such as computerized imaging. The
essential knowledge is the same for film/chemical based photography work and
computer/electronic aided photography work. The work also requires understanding the uses of
a wide range of special purpose accessories, including the many types of film, filters, diffusers,
lenses, and lighting sources, such as fiber optics.
All photography work concerns to some degree the elements of lighting and composition in the
presentation of subjects, depending on the objectives of the photographs. Most photography
work in the Federal service involves technical rather than artistic interpretation of the subject
matter. The purpose of these photographs is to render a clear, realistic picture of certain items,
features, or events, such as technical equipment, engineering tests, research subjects, medical
specimens and procedures, art objects and museum artifacts, criminal evidence and crime scenes,
or accident sites. Photography of this type is done primarily for training, documentation,
identification, or study purposes, where lighting and composition are used to highlight or display
the subjects in an effective, technically useful manner.
Some photography work primarily concerns creating images that present subjects in an
aesthetically pleasing or evocative manner. These photographs range from the "public affairs"
pictures that appear in employee newsletters, to more sophisticated photographs taken for
advertising purposes, for reproduction and sale, or for display in exhibits. In these photographs,
lighting and composition are used creatively to attract viewer attention, create a favorable
impression, or elicit certain emotional responses.
Regardless of the purposes of the photographs, the difficulty inherent in camera work is largely a
function of the planning involved and the amount of knowledge required about the subjects
being photographed. In some cases, the photographer may control the content and composition
of the photographs. The planning consists of selecting the subjects, background, positioning,
and manner of presentation. In other cases, the subjects may consist of real-life events that
cannot be altered by the photographer. Planning for these photographs involves studying the
subjects in advance to anticipate the photographic opportunities or to identify those aspects that
must be included in the photographic record. Generally speaking, the more planning that an
assignment involves, the greater is the degree of knowledge or understanding of the subject
Photographer (camera) positions at the lower grade levels tend to concentrate more on the
application of the particular techniques required to take individual photographs. The degree of
subject matter knowledge required is usually limited to a familiarity with the common
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terminology of the program or discipline in order to understand instructions on what features of
the subjects to photograph. The planning is confined to assessing the particular equipment or
lighting needed under the given environmental conditions.
At the higher grade levels, photographers are more involved in taking sequences or collections of
photographs to document larger projects or activities. They must have a broader understanding
of the objectives of the project, and knowledge of the operations or activities involved, in order
to plan the photographic coverage in a way that will ensure accurate, comprehensive, and
objective treatment of the subject. For example, a photographer of engineering tests has to
understand the nature of the events to be captured to determine how the cameras should be set
up, at what stages the photographic record should be made, whether the cameras may be
damaged by the effects of the tests, and how to tie the camera controls into the whole process.
As another example, a photographer taking a photographic record of a planned news event must
be familiar with the background, the major participants and their interrelationships, and the
individual activities expected in order to capture images that do not distort or misrepresent the
actual occurrences.
Processing Work
Processing work requires familiarity with the range of equipment peculiar to individual
assignments. This may range from the equipment common to most photographic processing
laboratories, such as film and negative processors (both automated and manual), printers,
enlargers, duplicators, filmstrip generators, contact printers, and vacuum frames, to more
specialized equipment used for high precision or high resolution processing, such as manual and
computerized rectifiers and orthophoto printers. It also includes the special purpose equipment
used for repairing and duplicating motion picture film for archival preservation.
Camera photography and processing photography generally require an equivalent degree of
technical knowledge of equipment and techniques. The processes used in developing and
printing a piece of film are essentially similar to those used in recording the photograph, i.e., the
exposure of the film to light. Either kind of photography requires understanding and applying
the principles of lighting, color, and exposure and the uses and limitations of various films,
filters, lenses, and papers. In fact, in many cases, a poorly shot piece of film can be salvaged
through processing by altering the chemistry or exposure time or by extensive cropping or
retouching. Likewise, processing work may require the same degree of subject matter
knowledge as camera work. For example, processing a photograph designed to show the firing
of a weapon involves understanding both the objectives of the test and the expected physical
reactions to determine what specialized processing techniques will bring up or enhance the
desired images.
The difficulty inherent in processing positions is a function of the degree of precision or clarity
required of the end products. At the lower extreme are those few work situations where the
processing equipment is largely automated and requires minimal intervention on the part of the
employee. (This type of situation is not addressed in this standard.) Most photographic
assignments fall in the middle range, where the degree of clarity and resolution required is
equivalent to what would be expected of a commercial film processing laboratory. In these
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cases, the employee may manipulate the colors and contrast to improve the quality of the images,
but there is no requirement for a high degree of precision or sharpness of image. At the upper
extreme are those assignments involving the application of intensive processing efforts to
achieve a degree of quality and sharpness required for very specialized purposes. This is
characteristic of photographs taken, for example, as identification for insurance purposes, as
criminal evidence, or for cartographic use.
Photographer is the title for nonsupervisory positions that involve primarily still photography or
any form of film processing work.
Videographer is the title for nonsupervisory positions that involve primarily operating video
Supervisory Photographer and Supervisory Videographer are the titles for positions that meet the
criteria in the appropriate
supervisory grade evaluation guide.
Agencies may add parenthetical titles of their choosing where further distinctions in the work are
necessary for personnel management purposes.
The grade level criteria in this standard cover typical full performance positions at grades GS-7
through GS-11. When a position fails to meet the lowest, or exceeds the highest level provided
for a particular factor, evaluate that factor using the FES
Primary Standard along with this
Evaluate positions on a factor-by-factor basis using the factor level descriptions found in this
standard. Only the designated point values may be used. This standard includes specific
illustrative work situations to supplement the concepts contained in the factor level descriptions.
Any one of these examples is not, by itself, totally representative of the factor level. Avoid
evaluating positions solely on the basis of comparison with assignments covered in the
illustrations. More complete instructions for evaluating positions under the Factor Evaluation
System are found in the
Introduction to the Position Classification Standards and The Classifier's
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Total points on all evaluation factors are converted to GS grade as follows:
GS Grade Point Range
7 1355-1600
8 1605-1850
9 1855-2100
10 2105-2350
11 2355-2750
Level 1-5 -- 750 Points
In camera work, employees use knowledge of basic photographic composition in positioning
subjects, arranging backgrounds, and selecting camera angles and views to achieve aesthetically
pleasing results. They also use knowledge of the capabilities, limitations, compatibilities, and
operation of a variety of standard and specialized cameras, including electronic still imaging, and
accessories, including different films, filters, diffusers, lenses, and lights. Some employees
apply basic knowledge of specialized subject matter terminology to understand instructions
about what features of an object to photograph or emphasize. This knowledge is used in
applying a range of complicated techniques to photograph different types of subjects under
varying environmental conditions.
In processing work, employees use knowledge of developing, copying, and printing processes
and skill in operating a variety of manual and automatic photographic laboratory equipment to
assess the condition of source materials, make requisite adjustments in processing methods, and
apply processing and printing quality control procedures. They apply knowledge of the working
characteristics of photographic chemicals and solutions, the effect of solution and air
temperature on processing, and the interaction between a variety of chemicals and photographic
films and papers. This knowledge is used in processing a range of photographic products that
are tailored to achieve proper contrast, density, and color.
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- The employee provides photographic support to the organization's public information
activities by photographing or videotaping award presentations, official portraits,
buildings and grounds, and staged or candid shots of equipment and work operations.
The subjects of the photographs or videotapes are typically identified at the onset of the
assignments. The employee applies knowledge of the appropriate cameras, lights, film
type, lenses, and exposures needed to photograph indoors and outdoors, in confined and
spacious areas, in natural and fluorescent lighting, and at night.
- The employee photographs museum artifacts, equipment components, medical
specimens, or other stationary objects for documentation, diagnostic, or training
purposes. The assignments pose special technical problems related to the illumination of
small spaces, the reflective properties of the surfaces, or the need to show fine details or
exact color renditions. The employee applies knowledge of how special lighting
techniques, such as fiber optic, axial, or ring lighting, can be used to illuminate cavities
or minute parts, and what special filters will eliminate glare and reflections, adjust colors,
or enhance contrasts.
- The employee develops black-and-white and color film; makes prints, photographic
reproductions of drawings, charts, or printed material; and produces duplicate negatives,
internegatives, slides, and viewgraphs. The employee evaluates the photographic
characteristics of the source materials and selects corresponding films, filters, exposures,
and papers based on their reproductive capabilities. The employee applies knowledge of
how the developing process can be manipulated (e.g., by changing chemical solutions,
timing, exposure, or agitation) to compensate for deviations from normal film quality.
The employee also applies skill in using techniques such as dodging, burning, cropping,
and retouching to reduce obvious flaws in the material, and in applying sensitometric and
densitometric tests to evaluate and adjust color balance and density.
Level 1-6 -- 950 Points
In camera work, employees use knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of specialized
photographic equipment, films, and processes to adapt equipment to compensate for physical
stresses and special wiring requirements. They also use knowledge of specialized photography
requirements, such as high-speed cameras, special films, wired or photoelectric triggering
mechanisms, or other specialized equipment or techniques to complete assignments requiring
unusually high degrees of detail, critical timing, or critical focus. Some employees apply
knowledge of the operations or characteristics of a specialized subject matter field, such as
anatomy, forensic science, or a category of technical equipment, or of a program area or topic
being depicted to plan the photographic coverage of subjects, events, or activities.
Employees use knowledge of the organization, the photographic objectives, and viewer reaction
to various types of images to select or stage scenes and events that will evoke the desired
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In processing work, employees use knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of
unusual archival materials, such as glass plate negatives, nitrate film, diazo prints, and lantern
slides, to generate photographic reproductions. This work also requires knowledge about
compatibility with modern equipment and chemicals, and the specialized techniques used in
handling them to repair and print from damaged, fragile, or deteriorated source media.
Some employees use knowledge of and skill in operating special-purpose or high-precision
photographic laboratory equipment to adapt standard procedures, techniques, and processes in
processing film. They assess and resolve difficult or unusual problems related to the
enhancement or correction of photographic images.
- The employee performs still photographic and video documentation of surgeries, post
mortems, and other medical procedures for research and education purposes. The
employee coordinates with the surgical team prior to the procedure to determine
photographic requirements and the equipment and lighting needed to capture the desired
images. The employee uses subject-matter knowledge to anticipate the various stages in
the procedure, to recognize points of interest, and to apply discretion in documenting
elements beyond the scope of the surgeon's explicit instructions. This knowledge is also
used in reviewing clinical case histories to document with photographs progression of
diseases or other medical phenomena over time.
- The employee sets up and operates standard and high speed still and video cameras to
document missile test launchings and flights, blast effects on launchers and targets, and
pre-test missile installations. The employee meets with project engineers to review test
plans and procedures and to determine the type of photographic information desired.
Using knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of the photographic equipment used,
the employee adapts the equipment to assure successful accomplishment of the test
objectives and to withstand the stresses to which it will be subjected, such as rewiring
power sources for remote control operation or building special mounts to withstand
- The employee performs studio and remote videography in support of the organization's
audiovisual production facility. The employee reviews the script with the director prior
to videotaping to define the production's photographic and stylistic requirements. The
employee uses this understanding of the director's intentions to deviate from the script
and take additional field shots that will facilitate editing, capture interesting scenes that
were not anticipated, and minimize distracting audio and visual elements. The employee
may also perform video documentation using his/her own initiative in determining what
scenes are necessary to establish the main facts, accurately represent the event, and place
it in proper context.
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The employee photographs criminal evidence and custom processes the film to obtain
high quality photographs for investigative and legal purposes. The employee works
closely with investigators to photograph latent fingerprints, such as perspiration, dust,
and grease prints, and other evidence susceptible to photographic enhancement. The
employee understands how images appear in the light spectrum and applies a range of
specialized technical methods to bring up fine details, sharpen images, or eliminate
certain colors or features when processing photographic renditions that can be used in
- The employee carries out precision processing operations to generate high quality,
precisely scaled photographic reproductions of maps, charts, and other cartographic
materials. The employee applies skill in the operation of a variety of specialized
photographic laboratory equipment such as vacuum frames, precision process cameras,
and manual rectifiers. The employee generates products with specified density, tone
range, dimensional accuracy, and minimal distortion and image displacement.
Level 1-7 -- 1250 Points
Employees use a comprehensive knowledge of a wide range of specialized photographic
equipment, techniques, and processes to develop, modify, or adapt equipment and procedures to
meet new requirements or to perform assignments involving unusual or unprecedented situations
that require photographic treatment. They use a knowledge of the most recent advancements in
the field of photography and of the range of new equipment, experimental materials, techniques,
or processes to create photographic products or to evaluate possibilities for improvements,
modifications, or replacements of existing equipment, materials, and techniques. Some
employees apply a thorough knowledge of the subject matter area including an understanding of
the objectives and operations involved in scientific, engineering, or medical research projects to
independently plan the photographic recording and reporting.
Some employees apply knowledge of the techniques and methods for communicating
information with photography to create photographic products that go beyond being technically
perfect to provide insight into the object itself or present a heightened aspect of reality. They
also use this knowledge to create the illusion of real action, to simulate events, or to use trick
photography in unprecedented situations where artistic and creative ability is required.
- The employee participates as a member of the planning team in contributing
photographic knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of cameras and equipment to
the total planning of a medical, scientific, or engineering research project. The employee
develops and adapts equipment and techniques that will be responsive to unusual or
highly specialized situations requiring photographic treatment. Using a comprehensive
knowledge of the subject matter and an understanding of the objectives of the research,
the employee develops and designs the approach to the photographic aspects of the
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project. The employee determines what specific information will be presented to
advance the informational or educational value of the photographic products.
- The employee plans and produces photographs and videotapes including coverage of live
and special events. The employee applies knowledge of new photographic equipment,
methods, and procedures, trends in photography, and artistic and creative ability to
present realistic photographic rendering of events or occurrences that, in fact, are not
subject to successful "real life" photography. The employee uses special effects
photography where a high degree of ingenuity and imagination is required and, where
possible, exercises control over the setting or action of the event by "staging" actions to
improve the artistic effect of the photographs.
Level 2-3 -- 275 Points
The supervisor makes assignments by defining objectives (e.g., indicating generally what
features of the subjects should be emphasized or enhanced), priorities, and deadlines, and assists
the employee when assignments call for substantial departures from established procedures or
standard photographic techniques.
The employee plans and carries out the successive steps of the photographic assignment and
independently solves commonly occurring technical problems, such as inadequate lighting,
poorly shot film, and equipment malfunctions.
Completed work is evaluated for technical quality, appropriateness, and for meeting the
objectives of the assignment. The methods used in accomplishing the work are not usually
reviewed in detail.
Level 2-4 -- 450 Points
The employee is given only the overall objectives and resource limitations of the assignment,
and participates with the supervisor or client in developing deadlines and the extent of
photographic coverage or resolution required.
The employee, having developed expertise in the field, independently plans and carries out all
phases of the assignment, resolves most differences that arise with clients, coordinates the work
with others as necessary, and interprets policy on such matters as the photographing or
presentation of given subjects.
Completed work is reviewed only in terms of its effectiveness in meeting the objectives of the
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Level 3-2 -- 125 Points
The format and content of the visual product are specified and techniques and procedures for
doing the work are established. Technical guides are available that provide detailed instructions
on such matters as lens settings and exposure times to be used in taking routine photographs and
in producing standard negatives and prints under normal conditions.
The employee uses judgment in locating and selecting appropriate references and in making
minor deviations in procedures to fit the specific assignment. Situations where precedents are
not available or where procedures and methods must be substantially altered are referred to the
supervisor for additional guidance.
Level 3-3 -- 275 Points
The parameters of the photographic assignment are well-defined in terms of the subject, the way
in which it will be presented, and the aspects that are to be emphasized. However, methods for
producing the work have not been specified in detail. Guidelines consist primarily of
photography manuals that address the accepted principles and techniques of still or video
photography, processing, or duplication, but often do not cover the more specialized
requirements of the work performed.
The employee uses judgment in interpreting and adapting these guidelines for application to
specific cases and problems. The employee is expected to recognize and exploit photographic
opportunities that arise during the course of an assignment and to determine the specialized
lighting and filters that will enhance the desired features.
Level 3-4 -- 450 Points
The work product expected is presented only in terms of a general theme to be expressed or an
objective to be achieved. The content and style of the photographs or the equipment
configurations used are left largely to the discretion of the employee. Because of the unique
nature of the projects, guidelines are scarce or of limited use. Those guidelines that do exist
consist primarily of photography textbooks that discuss the aesthetic aspects of composition,
lighting, and style, or the operating features and capabilities of standard and specialized
photographic equipment.
The employee uses initiative and resourcefulness in evaluating the subjects to be photographed,
identifying the visual elements necessary to represent the topic or event accurately, and devising
new ways to present the subjects or capture the images desired. In some work situations, the
employee may test and evaluate complex, experimental materials or processes by using precision
photographic analysis equipment to analyze their chemical, physical, and optical properties, or
make significant adaptations to existing equipment to meet specialized requirements.
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Level 4-3 -- 150 Points
The work involves a variety of photographic assignments, each with its own technical
requirements and processes.
- In camera work, the assignments typically involve a variety of still and limited video
photography. The subjects to be photographed are specified, the extent of coverage is
predetermined, and the general format is established. The emphasis is on taking clear
photographs to document visually objects, images, or events, or to display certain
features. The employee's discretion on the photographic composition is generally limited
to determining the position, background, lighting, angles, distance, and other aspects that
will complement or enhance the subjects. However, the assignments require the use of
different cameras, lenses, lens settings, film, filters, lighting equipment, and other
accessories to produce images of acceptable quality.
- In processing work, the assignments involve producing a variety of standard
photographic products such as color or black-and-white prints, enlargements, slides,
contact prints, and duplicate negatives. The work is done both using automated
equipment and manually for "custom" jobs. The emphasis is on maintaining consistent
levels of quality and on applying corrective measures to compensate for defects in the
source materials. The employee uses discretion in identifying what aspects of the image
can be manipulated to enhance the quality of the end product such as adjusting density,
correcting color balance, controlling contrast, or minimizing shadows or glare.
The employee makes decisions on the technical processes that will be used to assure the optimal
photographic product. These decisions are based on such considerations as the amount of light
available, the properties and characteristics of the subjects, the degree of detail required, or, in
processing work, the type and condition of the film or negatives and the nature of the end
product desired.
The employee identifies features that are difficult to photograph, such as reflective surfaces, fine
or subsurface details, confined spaces, or moving parts, or that pose processing problems, such
as under or over exposed film. The employee makes compensating adjustments in equipment
and techniques.
Level 4-4 -- 225 Points
The work involves varied photographic assignments requiring the application of a wide range of
processes, methods, and techniques.
- In camera work, the subjects are identified but no specific format, composition, or
manner of presentation have been specified in advance. The emphasis is on working with
the client in planning the content and execution of a photographic collection. In some
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cases, these products may be designed to document or encapsulate large-scale activities
or a complex sequence of events, for example, the photographic coverage of a political
convention, the construction of a building, the stages of a scientific research program, the
growth of a bacterial culture, a surgical procedure, or a pathological specimen. In others,
they may be designed to achieve certain unusual visual effects, for example, creating the
illusion of reality through the use of miniature sets and special lighting.
- In processing work, the assignments involve photographic products that must meet highly
specialized requirements and standards of quality or precision. The emphasis is on
working with very poor quality, damaged, fragile, or otherwise inadequate source
materials to produce prints that will meet the requirements of the users. The actual
camera work that was done in recording the image is often subordinate to the processing
work in the development of the end product. For example, the photographs may have
been taken by amateurs or by automated equipment, with the processors then responsible
for recovering the maximum information from this imagery to achieve the degree of
clarity or precision required.
The employee makes decisions on the composition of the final photographic products by
identifying the important features of the subject in relation to the purposes of the photographs.
In camera work, the employee assesses how these features can best be displayed or represented
in a manner that ensures comprehensive, accurate, and objective portrayal of the subject. The
employee also decides the scenes, angles, and views that will be photographed and, if necessary,
the models or materials that will be needed to stage elements of the photographs. In processing
work, the employee assesses how the source material can be manipulated, through the selective
use of filters, exposures, and other techniques, to accentuate the main points of interest.
The assignments typically involve complicating conditions that require modifying standard
photographic methods and techniques or adapting equipment to meet specialized requirements.
In camera work, these may include taking photographs under extreme or difficult environmental
conditions, such as in heavy rain or wind, under water, or through glass, or compensating for
limitations and incompatibilities in photographic materials and equipment, such as by
manipulating filtration and lighting to achieve precise color renditions. In processing work,
assignments may include handling source materials with multiple deficiencies that require
different treatments such as negatives that are faded and stained in different areas.
Level 5-2 -- 75 Points
The purpose of the work is to produce photographic products that require application of
fundamental methods, techniques, and procedures in the use of standard camera equipment.
The work products affect the accuracy of information to convey clearly and simply the required
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Level 5-3 -- 150 Points
The purpose of the work is to produce a variety of conventional photographic products that
depict subject matter information or events. These products are conventional in that they are
executed using well-established processes and specifications or the same general manner of
presentation as other precedent materials.
The work products affect the adequacy of the organization’s local training, public information,
or scientific documentation activities.
Level 5-4 -- 225 Points
The purpose of the work is to plan the composition, coverage, and execution of a photographic
collection or to perform high-precision photographic processing. The work typically involves a
number of unusual technical problems, such as photographing subjects under extreme
environmental conditions or by remote control, devising ways to express abstract ideas through
photography, or processing old photographic materials that are incompatible with modern
developing chemicals and equipment.
The work affects a wide range of agency activities such as public information efforts covering
the programs and operations of a major organization and its subordinate field units, the activities
of other agencies involved in related work, or major activities of commercial photography
Match the level of regular and recurring personal contacts with the directly related purpose of
contacts and credit the appropriate point value using the chart below.
Persons Contacted
1. Contacts are with employees in the immediate office and in related support offices.
2. Contacts are with employees in different functions or program areas or at various
organizational levels in the same agency but outside the photography organization.
These contacts are generally for established and routine relationships. Contacts include
illustrating and printing personnel, editors, commercial photography laboratories, and
specialists and technicians in other fields.
3. Contacts are with individuals or groups from outside the agency on matters for which
there is no routine working relationship already established. Contacts include
representatives of manufacturers of photographic equipment and materials, publication
editors, and contractors.
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Purpose of Contacts
a. Contacts are to obtain or request information needed to produce photographic products.
b. Contacts are to plan, coordinate, or advise on work efforts or to resolve technical
problems by influencing individuals or groups who are working toward mutual goals and
are basically cooperative. Contacts may involve planning, advising, and resolving
photographic work efforts in regard to research or informational programs.
a b
*This combination is unlikely.
Level 8-1 -- 5 Points
The work is primarily sedentary, although there is some walking, traveling, and carrying of
lightweight equipment and materials.
Level 8-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires some physical exertion such as long periods of standing; walking over rough
or rocky surfaces; recurring bending, crouching, or stretching; and recurring lifting of
moderately heavy equipment and materials.
Level 8-3 -- 50 Points
The work requires considerable and strenuous physical exertion such as frequent climbing of tall
ladders, lifting heavy objects over 22.5 kilograms (50 lbs), and crouching or crawling in
restricted areas.
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Level 9-1 -- 5 Points
The work is typically performed in adequately lighted and climate controlled offices and studios
and requires no special safety precautions.
Level 9-2 -- 20 Points
The work requires moderate risks or discomforts such as working near or on moving machinery,
using flammable or explosive materials, or being exposed to irritant chemicals or infectious
diseases. The work may require special safety precautions and the use of protective clothing or
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