Prospects & Overviews
Do all creatures possess an acquired
immune system of some sort?
Jacob Rimer, Irun R. Cohen and Nir Friedman
Recent findings have provided evidence for the existence
of non-vertebrate acquired immunity. We survey these
findings and propose that all living organisms must
express both innate and acquired immunity. This is
opposed to the paradigm that only vertebrates manifest
the two forms of immune mechanism; other species are
thought to use innate immunity alone. We suggest new
definitions of innate and acquired immunity, based on
whether immune recognition molecules are encoded in the
inherited genome or are generated through somatic
processes. We reason that both forms of immunity are
similarly ancient, and have co-evolved in response to
lifestyle, cost-benefit tradeoffs and symbiosis versus
parasitism. However, different species have evolved
different immune solutions that are not necessarily
genetically related, b ut serve a similar general functi on
allowing individuals to learn from their own immune
experience; survival of species is contingent on the
acquired immune experie nce of its individuals.
.adaptive immunity; CRISPR; DSCAM; innate immunity;
The immune system has several roles: protection against
parasitism by viruses, bacteria, and foreign or aberrant cells;
repair of organ and tissue damage; and maintenance of
integrity and regeneration [1]. Different types of living
organisms from unicellular bacteria and archaea to multi-
cellular plants and animals have different immune needs. In
general, however, the current paradigm, which is based
primarily on the vertebrate immune system, divides immunity
into two arms or sub-systems: innate immunity and acquired
immunity. What we here shall call “acquired immunity” is
usually termed “adaptive immunity”; but we believe the
adjective “acquired” is more suitable than “adaptive”, since,
from an evolutionary perspective, even innate immunity is
It has been assumed that the innate sub-system is
evolutionarily more ancient, and that variants of this system
function in plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates [2]. In
contrast to innate immunity, acquired immunity has been
seen as an evolutionary innovation that is restricted to
vertebrates. However, similar to vertebrates, invertebrates,
and plants are also exposed to continuous assault from
various parasites, and they too must heal wounds and manage
symbiotic relationships in a multi-organismal ecosystem;
even prokaryote bacteria and archaea have to deal with
parasitic viruses [3]. Is it possible to maintain life in the face of
these external threats and internal needs without having some
kind of acquired immune system? We review recent findings
that provide evidence for the existence of non-vertebrate
somatically acquired immunity, and discuss why we believe
that some form of acquired immunity is essential.
We propose that all species must express the two forms of
immune mechanisms. Different acquired mechanisms com-
plement innate mechanisms by allowing individuals to learn
from their own immunological experience on a time scale that
is much shorter than the evolution of the species. Acquired
immunity, as we define it below, faces challenges new to the
evolutionary experience of the species by employing various
somatic mechanisms that offer specificity and diversity,
far beyond those offered by non-immune allelic variation.
Acquired immunity ensures that a sufficient number of
individuals can survive the challenge, allowing the species to
DOI 10.1002/bies.201300124
Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
*Corresponding author:
Nir Friedman
BCR, B-cell receptor; CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats; DAMP, danger-associated molecular pattern; DSCAM,
Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule; FREP, fibrinogen-related protein;
NK, natural killer; NKT, natural killer T; PAMP, pathogen-associated
molecular pattern; PRR, pattern recognitio n receptor; RAG, recombination
activating genes; R genes, resistance genes; RM, restriction modification;
RNAi, RNA interference; TCR, T-cell receptor; VLR, variable lymphocyte
receptor. 273Bioessays 36: 273–281, ß 2014 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.
Problems & Paradigms
adapt evolutionarily on longer time scales. Survival of the
species, in other words, is contingent on the immune
experience of its individual members, and individual immune
experience can only be gained by somatically generated
immune mechanisms.
An alternative view of the immune
We begin with a primary definition that differentiates between
innate and acquired immunity, based on whether the immune
recognition molecules are encoded or not encoded directly in
the inherited genome (Fig. 1). This definition is independent
of the specific molecular and cellular mechanisms by which
this recognition is realized. We sharpen the details as we
Innate immunity uses immune molecules that are encoded
in the inherited genome as fully functional molecules. Innate
immune recognition molecules recognize
classes of potential pathogens and internal
signals of injury or aberration in need of
immune attention; thus, innate immunity
targets characteristic “biomarker” mole-
cules. Innate immune mechanisms evolve
on the time scale of species.
Acquired immunity uses immune recog-
nition molecules that are not pre-encoded
in the inherited genome as complete
molecules, but are somatically created
through various innate mechanisms
deployed by individual members of the
species. These mechanisms generate so-
matic immune recognition molecules by
exploiting genomically inherited subunits,
or by using pathogen-derived molecules as
templates. Each acquired immune recognition molecule can
recognize a specific target molecule. Acquired immunity
evolves somatically at the time scale of individuals.
Note that acquired immune processes also employ
accessory molecules effectors and others, which are innately
encoded in the inherited genome. The point is that the
somatically acquired molecules confer discrete specificity to
the immune recognition process. The two systems also appear
to differ functionally: innate immune mechanisms are typically
poised for immediate deployment and can be effective as a first
line of response; however, these ready-made mechanisms
are not as specific as are acquired mechanisms. Acquired
immunity exhibits memory of previous immune challenges
during the lifetime of the individual, which renders acquired
immunity more effective upon repeated challenge. Acquired
immunity must deploy mechanisms to ensure self-tolerance,
although even innate immunity must be regulated to avoid
destruction of self. We argue that these functional character-
istics are not in themselves defining, but are operational
consequences of our fundamental definition.
Figure 1. A schematic representation of innate and acquired immunity. A: Four
hypothetical antigen structures. B: The innate immune response to these antigens, which
is encoded in the inherited genome (upper) and is expressed as identical receptors
(middle) that can bind antigens 1 and 3 (or 2 and 4). C: A tailor-made acquired immune
response to antigen 4 using molecules that are not directly pre-encoded in the inherited
genome, but are somatically created through various mechanisms in response to demand
(upper); each acquired immune molecule can recognize a specific target antigen (lower).
One strategy, used in CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)
and RNA interference, is to await an external cue (such as a pathogen challenge) before
engaging in tailor-made mass production of acquired recognition molecules, using
pathogen-derived molecules as templates. This strategy can result in heritable immune
memory. For example, in CRISPR, successful recognition molecules are reversibly
incorporated into the heritable genome (dashed arrow). D: Customized acquired immunity.
This strategy, exemplified by mammalian clonal expansion of B and T cells, is to prepare
in advance, using somatic mechanisms, a large variety of molecules, such as BCRs and
TCRs, (randomly made) at low copy number. Upon demand, the system moves to mass
production. Selected recognition molecules can persist as long-term immune memory.
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Problems & Paradigms
Non-vertebrate immune mechanisms
On the basis of the definition given above, we briefly survey
some of the latest findings of non-vertebrate somatically
acquired immunity, together with some representative innate
immune mechanisms. From this phylogenetic evidence, we
may conclude that all classes of living organisms express both
sub-systems of immunity; we suggest that innate and acquired
immunity are similarly ancient (Fig. 2). We also provide some
evidence for immune phenomena that are not well under-
stood, but may point the way for additional acquired
mechanisms yet to be discovered.
Both bacteria and archaea deploy innate defense mechanisms
against phages and viruses [3]. For example, the restriction
modification (RM) system is a broad-spectrum innate immune
system that targets and cleaves DNA. Methylation of the
prokaryote’s own DNA marks it as “self” and prevents it from
being targeted for cleavage [3]. However, it was recently found
that prokaryotes also deploy acquired immunity, which
results from the immune experience of the prokaryotic cell:
CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic
repeats) [4] is a family of several immune mechanisms that
has been found in about half of all bacterial species studied,
and in almost all archaea [5–8]. Short segments of specific
foreign DNA, known as spacers, are reversibly incorporated
into a dedicated “cassette” in the prokaryotic genome, and
function as a heritable immunological memory of past
exposures to sp ecific phage and plasmid infections. CRISP R
insertions are then used to recognize and silence specific
exogenous genetic elements upon secondary challeng e.
Recognition of exogen ous DNA, based on DNA complemen-
tarity, leads to destruction of the foreign DNA via the
recruitment of a complex of innate host proteins. As
expected, prokaryote autoimmun ity and cell death resulting
from self-targeting CRISPR spacers have been reported [9] .
Hence, a tig ht regulation of this system is needed, and
indeed, the first description of CRISPR self-non-self discrimi-
nation was reported in Staphylococcus epidermidis [10]. In
bacteria, horizontal gene transfer of CRISPR has also been
reported [11, 12].
Plants deploy innate immune mechanisms [13] such as
pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). PRRs enable the detec-
tion of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and
trigger an immune response [14]. Plants can discard a
damaged part or mount systemic acquired resistance (SAR),
which is a long-lasting, broad-spectrum, systemic immune
response. Plants also deploy an acquired anti-viral defense
system based on tailored RNA interference (RNAi) mole-
cules [15] that provide systematic, sequence-specific acquired
immunity. The RNAi somatic sequences are derived from viral
parasites using innate mechanisms, and they determine
specific recognition of foreign homologous RNA; this acquired
Figure 2. A brief overview of the immune system across species.
Recent findings provide evidence for the existence of somatically
acquired immunity in non-vertebrates, alongside innate immune
mechanisms. In this figure, several innate immune systems are
presented, together with their complementary acquired immunity
ones (see main text for details). This mapping shows that many
classes of living organisms express the two forms of immunity; both
forms are similarly ancient and have evolved together throughout
evolution. A more comprehensive overview of different immune
systems can be found in [2, 53, 84]. BCR, B-cell receptor; CRISPR,
clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats; DSCAM,
Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule; FREP, fibrinogen-related
protein; NK, natural killer; PRR, pattern recognition receptor; R
genes, resistance genes; RM, restriction modification; RNAi, RNA
interference; TCR, T-cell receptor; VLR, variable lymphocyte
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Problems & Paradigms
recognition, in association with innate effector proteins,
results in specific inactivation of viruses [16]. We discuss RNAi
in more detail in Box 1, and below in relation to arthropods.
In addition, plants have developed intracellular immune
receptors known as resistance (R) proteins, which can
recognize certain pathogen molecules and trigger effector
immunity that is highly polymorphic for different pathogen
strains. R genes, which are the most abundant and diverse of
plant gene families, have been found to reside in clusters
within plant genomes [17]. This suggests the existence of some
means for diversification of R genes and subsequent selection
for greater specificity. However, the mechanisms generating R
gene diversity are not well understood. Autoimmune reactions
have also been observed in plants, and have been attributed to
hybrid necrosis resulting from intra-specific or inter-specific
crosses [13]; R genes have been found to be involved in this
phenomenon. Indeed, the over-expression of an R protein can
also result in autoimmunity [13]. And finally, tight regulation
of R proteins has recently been reported [18]. Note that
although R genes manifest some functional characteristics of
acquired immunity, we currently define R genes as innate,
because a mechanism for generating their somatic diversity
has not been discovered. Lastly, there is evidence that plants
are capable of specific immune responses, and that they often
generate long-term “memory” of previously encountered
pathogens [13, 19]; such memory can be transgenerational [20]
through chromatin modifications of the plant genome [21, 22].
However, the limited mechanistic knowledge regarding
generation of these responses precludes their classification
as acquired, according to our strict definition.
Cnidaria constitute one of the earliest evolutionary branches
in the animal kingdom. These animals mount several types of
innate immune response, including the use of PRRs [2]. Note
that all multi-cellular organisms in our survey use PRRs
(Fig. 2), and so we shall not discuss these further for other
Specific acquired immune mechanisms in Cnidaria have
yet to be characterized. However, there are some findings that
hint at the existence of such mechanisms. It is known that
Cnidaria can discriminate between self and non-self in an
unknown way [23]. There is also evidence for pathogenic
autoimmunity in Hydractinia echinata (snail fur) colonies,
which misuse their incompatible-colony defense system to
actively destroy their own tissues [23]. Interestingly, this form
of autoimmunity in H. echinata has been identified as
maternally inherited and arises coincidentally with the
acquisition of reproductive maturity; the timing is reminiscent
of known autoimmune diseases more prevalent in human
women [24, 25], despite the vastly different biology.
Animals in this phylum produce specialized immune cells.
Caenorhabditis elegans has six coelomocytes, which are
innate immune scavenger cells that maintain the worm by
endocytosing fluid from its body cavity [26]. C. elegans also
uses acquired RNAi immunity against viruses [27, 28]; such
tailored viral silencing agents were shown to be inherited
across generations [29].
Arthropods have several types of hemocytes that are involved
in immunity; for example, their plasmatocytes are analogous
to the phagocytes of other taxa [30]. In addition to plants and
nematodes, acquired RNAi immunity has also been identified
in many insects [31], including Drosophila melanogaster [32,
33]. RNAi mounts and amplifies a highly specific response
against viral pathogens by using small interfering RNA
Box 1
RNAi and mammalian acquired
Different acquired immunity systems seem to have some
common functional analogies. As an example, we
compare RNAi to mammalian T-cell immunity [34, 82].
The RNAi response to a foreign virus is triggered by the
recognition of viral dsRNA by host innate receptors of
the Dicer family proteins. Upon recognition, dsRNA is
sliced by Dicer proteins into small fragments (typically
20–25 base-pairs long) called siRNA, which are highly
specific to the original virus. It has been suggested that
Dicer proteins act analogously to innate pattern-
recognition receptors (PRRs), detecting viral dsRNA
as pathogen-associated molecular patterns [82, 83]. The
siRNA fragments serve as acquired immune recognition
molecules, and specificity is provided by base-pair
complementarity with the viral gene. siRNA molecules
bind members of the Argonaute protein family in an
RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). This complex
serves as an innate effector that silences viral targets,
with specificity provided by the siRNA [82]. siRNA can be
amplified by RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, thus
boosting the RNAi response to the viral mRNA.
The mammalian immune response is initiated by
recognition of either pathogen-associated or danger-
associated molecular patterns, by innate PRRs. The
mammalian immune system prepares in advance a large
variety of randomly made somatic T-cell receptors (TCR),
carried by T cells, using the innate RAG1/2 mechanism.
Here, the T-cell receptors serve as acquired immune
recognition molecules, and specificity is provided by the
sequence and structure unique to each receptor. Upon
recognition of an antigen, with the assistance of the innate
MHC complex, antigen specific T-cell clones are selected
for the immune response. These clones proliferate to
amplify an acquired immune response. Useful clones are
preserved for future needs as immune memory, similarly
to the specific siRNAs in the RNAi system [29].
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Problems & Paradigms
fragments that are derived from viral mRNA as specific
templates for identifying those forign mRNAs, leading to their
destruction [34] (see also Box 1). RNAi requires careful
regulation to avoid energetically costly runaway amplifica-
tion, and also to guard against self-directed reactions, which,
indeed, have been identified [34].
Moreover, the D. melanogaster immune system features a
mechanism to generate acquired immunity based on the
DSCAM (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule) gene [35],
which encodes an immunoglobulin super-family (IgSF)
protein. In D. melanogaster, DSCAM can undergo alternative
splicing, potentially generating tens of thousands of protein
isoforms [36]; this degree of transcript diversity has not been
found in the mammalian homolog of DSCAM. It was later
shown that Anopheles gambiae DSCAM produces pathogen-
specific splice-form repertoires upon immune challenge [37],
which suggests that it functions as an acquired immunity
mechanism [38].
As with other phyla, there is evidence that implicates
immune memory in arthropods. The bumble bee Bombus
terrestris shows specificity in protection upon secondary
exposure to bacterial pathogens [39]. Similarly, priming
D. melanogaster with a sub-lethal dose of Streptococcus
pneumoniae protects against an otherwise-lethal second
challenge of the pathogen [40]. Likewise, evidence for immune
memory was recently found in A. gambiae [41]. The exact
molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for specificity
and memory in these cases are not fully understood.
Molluscs, similarly to arthropods, possess different types of
hemocytes involved in immunity, some of which are
phagocytic [30]. Acquired diversity generated somatically
by alternative splicing has been identified in fibrinogen-
related proteins (FREPs) in the snail Biomphalaria glab-
rata [42]. FREPs are composed of amino-terminal IgSF
domains and carboxy-terminal fibrinogen-related sequences.
They are up-regulated upon parasitic invasion, and can bind
to parasites or their products. Individual snails can differen-
tially express the alleles of different FREP subfamilies, and a
high level of diversity was shown to be generated by somatic
point mutations and alternative splicing [43–45].
Tunicates and cephalochordates
In addition to innate immune PRRs and phagocytes,
Branchiostoma floridae (amphioxus) also has an immune-
type gene family that encodes variable region-containing
chitin-binding proteins (VCBPs) [44]. A large number of VCBP
alleles and haplotypes have levels of polymorphism exceeding
of the number found in the “standard” amphioxus ge-
nome [46]. VCBPs have been found to be secreted into the gut
lumen of Ciona; these molecules bind bacteria in vivo, and
have been shown to promote bacterial recognition and
phagocytosis by granular amoebocytes in vitro [47]. We
currently define VCBPs as innate, since a mechanism for
generating somatic diversity has not been discovered.
Vertebrate jawless fish
These fish use a molecular mechanism of acquired immunity
similar to the RAG1- and RAG2-mediated VDJ rearrangement
characteristic of mammals, but their rearranging receptors
are encoded by a different gene family known as variable
lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) [48, 49]. Two lineages of lymphoid
cells that resemble the adaptive T and B cells of jawed vertebrates
have been identified in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)[50].
The finding of the VLR system, alongside the discovery of a RAG-
like gene cluster in echinoderms [51], have undermined the “big
bang” theory of adaptive immunity [52]. This theory proposed
that adaptive immunity was launched when the genome of an
ancient vertebrate was invaded by a transposon that encoded
RAG, followed by whole genome duplications, that paved the
way for the production of rearranged VDJ receptors [53].
In summary, almost all of the species discussed from
prokaryotes to vertebrates feature both innate and acquired
immunity. The literature also reports more examples of early
evolutionary characteristics of acquired immunity [54–57],
and we expect that more evidence and mechanisms will be
forthcoming. This may take time: bacteria have been under
intensive research for over a century, but CRISPR was
appreciated less than a decade ago.
But from what we already know, it seems that innate and
acquired immunity have been partners from the beginning of the
evolution of life; they have each evolved increasing complexity
but have never stopped working together. Furthermore, the
observations already in hand clearly challenge our ability to
draw a sharp line between innate and acquired immunity
today [2]. Even the distinctions between innate and adaptive
immunity in vertebrates have become blurred [58, 59]
by the discovery, for example, of mammalian marginal zone
and B1-type B cells [60] or NKT cells [61]. Hence, we think that
sharper definitions and terminologies are required (see also
Box 2).
All organisms manifest acquired
immunity that must work in concert
with innate immunity
It should be emphasized that acquired immunity alone is not
enough; the immune system must include both innately
genomic and somatically acquired mechanisms that function
in concert. Obviously, acquired immunity always requires
some innate mechanisms to initiate and regulate the somatic
acquisition or rearrangement processes, as we mentioned
above. Execution of immune function, like destruction of a
target upon recognition, also may require innate mechanisms
that follow recognition mediated by acquired immune
molecules. The dependency of acquired immune mechanisms
on an innate infrastructure, however, should not lead us into
mistakenly classifying processes such as RNAi or DSCAM, for
example, as solely innate. But why did acquired immunity
develop in the first place?
The main reason, we believe, is simple: no species can
survive unless a sufficient number of its member individuals
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Problems & Paradigms
can survive immune challenges that are new to the
evolutionary experience of the species. And for this, somatic
mutations or acquisitions are needed, as we will explain
below. As mentioned above, the immune system has several
roles [1]. There are ongoing routine tasks, such as mainte-
nance and the regulation of organismal integrity, together
with episodic protection from invaders and the need to be
prepared for unforeseen even unforeseeable troubles. The
unforeseen, by definition, can demand huge resources for
preparedness and immediate action. The information carried
by a genome borne by an individual organism is limited by
constraints of space and complexity and so no genome could
ever encode a complete innate immune system sufficient a
priori to deal with every immune contingency. Additionally,
a species whose immune system is solely genetically encoded
and is limited to genomic mutation and individual selection is
likely to need more time to adapt genomically to new
challenges than it may take for the species to be eliminated by
evolving parasites. Acquired specificity, on the other hand,
enables the production of a much greater number of reactivity
patterns than does the genome alone (Box 3).
Above all, somatically acquired immunity quickly builds
immunity from individual experience, enabling the organism
to survive new threats that the species did not encounter
previously, such as a newly mutated pathogen. Acquired
immunity ensures the survival of some individuals, which
buys the time needed by the collective species to adapt to the
new threat, and transfer its experience to its offspring;
obviously an acquired immune molecule that subsequently
enters the inherited genome would fit the ideas of Lamarck
and coworkers [62–64]. Indeed, CRISPR is an example of a
form of acquired immunity that is incorporated into the
genome to become inherited. RNAi viral silencing agents are
known to be inherited across generations in C. elegans [29]. We
have mentioned above the transgenerational memory of
plants [20], and there is similar evidence in arthropods [56].
Vertebrates also use their somatically acquired diversity to
influence the germ line genome. For example, the acquired
TCR repertoire influences the frequency of innate MHC alleles
in specific populations faced with novel epidemic diseases [65,
66]. Hence, somatic acquired immunity is used for adaptation
of the species.
Effective immunity has also to be economical; investment
in immunity must be balanced with other fitness traits. An
organism needs to eat, grow, differentiate, reproduce, and so
Box 2
Custom-fit immunity: Fit to meet the
We believe that recent findings across the plant and
animal kingdoms call for new definitions of innate and
acquired (adaptive) immunity. A better definition for an
unambiguous distinction between mammalian innate
and adaptive immunity has been proposed [58]. Howev-
er, we think that the continued use of innate and adaptive
terms for all new findings might restrict our thinking, in
particular because adaptive immunity has been histori-
cally considered to be restricted to vertebrates.
We suggest the following terms to accommodate
new thinking. Ready-made immunity can be used to
describe generic immune mechanisms that are genomi-
cally inherited, encoded and ready for immediate
deployment, such as pattern-recognition receptors.
Custom-fit immunity, by contrast, describes immune
mechanisms that are not pre-coded in the inherited
genome, but are generated in response to various
somatic experiences. Custom-fit immunity can take
either a Customized form, as in the example of
mammalian clonal expansion of B and T cells, or it
can be fully Tailor-made as in RNAi or CRISPR.
A useful metaphor could be taken from the clothing
industry. A new customer can immediately buy and wear
ready-made, standard-sized clothes. But he or she will
probably be best fitted with tailor-made clothes, which
take longer to produce and are much more expensive.
Customized clothing is based on pre-prepared patterns,
modified to fit each customer. A customized suit can be
prepared much faster than a tailor-made suit, but not as
fast as when buying ready-made clothing off the rack. It
should be noted, however, that once measurements
have been taken, making new custom-fit clothes is much
faster, provided that the customer maintains the same
size and figure.
Box 3
Mechanisms of acquired immunity:
Information capacity and genome size
Specific recognition by acquired immune molecules
requires the generation of a huge potential diversity. For
example, recognition of any 20- to 25-base nucleic
acid sequence (as typically provided by RNAi), requires
(equivalent to 10
) different molecules.
Similar sized repertoires can also be generated by the
vertebrate V(D)J recombination process [81]. The size of
any genome is limited and precludes encoding such
large repertoires. For example, encoding the entire 20-
base sequence repertoire of RNAi would require
20 10
(¼2 10
) nucleotides, which is much larger
than any arthropod or even the human genome. Hence,
various mechanisms have evolved to enable the somatic
generation of such repertoires. One consequence of
these mechanisms is that the repertoire of somatic
recognizing molecules expressed by each individual at a
given time is only a fraction of the potential repertoire
that can be generated by the somatic process (and
which is potentially expressed by the species). This
contrasts with innate recognizing molecules, which are
generally expressed by all individuals within the species;
polymorphic innate molecules are expressed only by
fractions of the species.
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Problems & Paradigms
on. Immune mechanisms can also damage the organism by
direct or collateral effects [67], and recovery from an immune
response should require minimum effort. Again, the solution
is to combine the innate with the acquired. Innate
mechanisms are poised for more generic and immediate
deployment, as a first line of response, and for ongoing
maintenance tasks. Acquired immunity is more specific than
innate immunity and thus saves resources by amplifying
only required specific agents and also spares collateral
damage. Moreover, acquired immune molecules and cells can
be safely removed when the organism returns to routine
maintenance, thereby reducing maintenance costs.
Acquired specificity allows the alloca tion of immune
responses to several specific efforts, even contradicting ones,
and enables decision-making in parallel [1]. Thi s enables
an immune system to effectively carry out two (or more)
different immune efforts simultaneously, and to ght
pathogens while managing a delicate symbiosis with related
commensals. Finally, specificity makes possible immune
memory, which enhances the effectiveness of a response to a
repeated cha llenge. But specific ity itself, although a must,
has its costs: uncontrolled somatic rear rangement increases
the risk of autoimmunity [34], and uncontrolled mutations
in a complex organism increase the risk of cancers [68].
Hence, specificity must be accompanied by tight regulatory
mechanisms; again, some of them are innately encoded,
such as in the MHC.
To sum up, survival of the species is contingent on
the immune experience of its individual members, and
individual immune experience can only be gained by varied
somatic immune mechanisms, working effectively in concert
with innate immunity.
Different acquired immune solutions are
needed for different species and
Our brief summary shows that different species have evolved
different acquired immune solutions that are not homologous
or genetically related; one did not evolve from the other. Each
type of acquired immunity evolved separately, but each serves
a similar generic function allowing individuals to learn from
their own immune experience and adapt accordingly, on the
time scale of a lifetime.
Growing complexity, both internal and environmental,
has marked the advance of immune system evolution:
Internally, organisms have evolved compartmentalized func-
tions for food intake, reproduction, proliferation, and
differentiation. Environmentally, organisms have evolved in
response to an ongoing “arms race” with pathogens [53] that
survive by avoiding or sabotaging host immunity [34, 69].
But successful organisms also need to manage a delicate
symbiosis with commensals the microbiome demands
exquisite immune regulation [70]. There is no reason to
suspect that creatures less complex than jawed vertebrates
were exempt from the pressures exerted by both patho-
gens [44] and symbionts [71]. For example, bacteria and plants
harbor viral symbionts [72]; bacterial symbionts are essential
for nitrogen fixation in plants [73] and for the metabolic needs
of animals generally.
Simple organisms house fewer cells and tissues and so
have simpler internal maintenance problems. For bacteria,
the relatively simple acquired immune solution offered by
CRISPR is sufficient; CRISPR targets DNA or RNA threats, and
can also be incorporated into the genome and transmitted
to future generations. Simple multi-cellular invertebrates
began to generate specialist innate immune cells, and they
also evolved another basic acquired immune mechanism
RNAi. Both CRISPR and RNAi molecules are templated by
specific polynucleotide molecules of the pathogen. The
strategy is to await an external cue (such as a pathogen
challenge) before engaging in tailor-made mass production of
acquired immune molecules that are pathogen specific. In this
way, there is no need to regularly maintain idle acquired
But these solutions use simple RNA strands that are
relatively limited in their effector mechanisms and are
directed mainly against viruses. Each tissue in a complex
organism might require a different immune strategy to deal
with different maintenance tasks (skin compared with brain,
e.g.) and to control different parasites and symbionts (gut
compared with skin, e.g.). Animals such as arthropods and
molluscs have developed alternative splicing methods to
generate acquired immune molecules (DSCAM and FREPs,
respectively); although they are more restricted than verte-
brates in their combinatorial diversity, such mechanisms may
suffice for their internal complexity and their variety of
prokaryote pathogens. Note that arthropods deploy both
RNAi against the more diversified viruses, and DSCAM-
mediated acquired immunity. We anticipate that further
similar combinations are waiting to be discovered.
More complex, multi-cellular organisms such as verte-
brates need to deal with micro-organism pathogens and
symbionts, and also to maintain many more different tissue
types [74]. So new somatic methods for generating combina-
torial diversity evolved. The strategy of these more complex
organisms has been to prepare in advance, using somatically
generated mechanisms, a large variety of recognizing
molecules (potentially randomly made) at low copy number.
Upon demand, the system moves to mass production, and can
advance to customized specificity an example is somatic
hyper-mutation and affinity maturation in B cells. Useful
patterns are preserved for future needs as immune memory.
Adaptive immune cells such as lymphocytes have evolved to
join innate cells and express a variety of immune responses,
such as T helper 1 (T
1) and T
2 type, or regulatory Tr cell
We do not know whether vertebrates, like simpler
organisms, also use RNAi for acquired immunity [75]. RNAi
has a dual use in species such as arthropods, in both defense
and development. However, in vertebrates, to our knowledge,
RNAi is much more extensively used for developmental and
physiological processes. We reason that RNAi-based immune
systems were abandoned by vertebrates because the plethora
of vertebrate viruses could have evolved mechanisms to
sabotage RNAi-based defense systems [76] and, thus, endan-
ger RNAi-based development and physiology. Lymphocytes
would appear to have provided vertebrates with a more
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effective and less dangerous means of acquired immunity.
Emerging specialization is also evident in innate systems: TLR
molecules were first discovered in D. melanogaster where
they function both in development and in immunity [77];
mammals have evolved to use TLR molecules primarily for
immunity [14].
More research is required to establish our understanding
of the evolution of different immune solutions. However, the
evolution of particular immune mechanisms must also have
adapted to life-management factors such as life expectancy,
time to reproductive age, offspring size, the ability to repair,
regenerate, or dispose of damaged organs and so forth. A
timely immune response is also needed, and different
creatures have varied needs in this respect. Reptiles are a
telling example: although they have a vertebrate acquired
immune system, they lack lymph nodes and do not form
germinal centers [78], which are used in mammals as sites of
interactions between innate and acquired immune cells. Being
ectothermic, reptiles may use temperature-induced fluctua-
tions as a defense mechanism, and make do with compara-
tively slower immune responses [78]. Hence, they probably
do not need these complex mammalian immune “meeting
places” to speed up the initiation of the acquired phase of their
immune response.
Here we have discussed why we think that all living organisms
need to express both innate and acquired immunity. We have
proposed a new definition for the terms innate and acquired
immunity; rather than defining the terms by any particular
molecular mechanism or functional arguments, we base the
distinction on whether the defining immune recognition
molecules are encoded directly in the inherited genome of the
species (innate, ready-made immunity), or are generated by a
somatic process at the level of the individual organism
(acquired, custom-fit immunity). Thus, the vertebrate adap-
tive immune system can be viewed as one example of a larger
class of custom-fit immune systems. This is not merely a
semantic difference, but a conceptual one. We believe that
updated definitions better incorporate the latest findings
across the plant and animal kingdoms and can help guide us
to new research questions. New research is required to
establish the mechanistic foundations of the different
acquired immune systems [79], which in our mind have been
overlooked because, in part, of the inadequacy of current
definitions and the prevailing paradigm.
We have also discussed the conditions and tradeoffs that
could have shaped immune system evolution in different
species. Despite incomplete information, we reason that
common principles have shaped the evolution of immune
systems in all creatures. Indeed, better understanding of other
immune systems will provide new insights into our own
immunity. For example, a more comprehensive view of
immune adaptation can prompt us to uncover the mecha-
nisms that generate congenital IgM and IgA autoantibody
repertoires developing in utero that are shared between
the cord bloods of unrelated human newborns [80].
Finally, it seems that only one other physiological system has
evolved to enable a species to exploit individual experience
beyond the information encoded innately in the inherited
genome: the central nervous system. The immune system and
the nervous system are unique in having evolved to provide the
organism and hence the species with information beyond the
bare genomic endowment, and it will surely be illuminating to
further explore their mutual evolution [1].
We thank Robert Fluhr and Rotem Sorek for helpful
discussions, and Ishai Sher for graphical assistance. NF is
incumbent of the Pauline Recanati Career Development Chair
of Immunology.
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