Introduction to the Autodesk
and Power Specialization
Welcome to the Autodesk® Process and Power Specialization Program!
This document will help guide you to success in your completion of the
Process and Power Specialist exam, and will help ensure that you are on-
message with Autodesk® goals, programs, and initiatives to ensure our
joint sales success.
Follow this short, simple guide to gain an understanding of the following
The Concepts of Sales Competency, as seen by Autodesk®
Sales and Channel Learning
The Process and Power Specialist Exams
Sales Competencies: Skills and Behaviors
How to Take the Exam on Autodesk® Learning Central
Exam Preparation Training Materials
Sales Competencies and Autodesk Sales & Channel Learning
We need you to be successful. You are responsible for selling to, servicing and supporting our customer base. Your success is our success. The
Process and Power Specialization program was created to help ensure that you, our valued sales and technical sales representatives:
Understand our target industries and our Go to Market strategy
Have the knowledge and skills you need to be successful
Have access to efficient, smart learning that will make a difference for you when you are in front of our customers
This specialization program was built to help ensure that you understand what you need to know to successfully sell Autodesk’s Process and Power
solutions. The program allows you to demonstrate and improve your abilities in the safe, controlled environment of Autodesk® Learning Central. By
understanding what you know today, and helping you improve your skills, we can help you win more, larger deals faster.
We do not want to overload you with training content. You are a professional, and your full-time job is selling Autodesk® solutions. By testing what
you know today, we can determine the areas where you need to hone your skills. As business guru Stephen R. Covey said, we need to sharpen the
saw every day. Think of this program as a whetstone for your selling skills. These learning tools are available to help you create a sharp, clean, and
accurate edge in your selling efforts.
The Process and Power Specialist Exams
There are Specialist exams for both Sales and Technical Sales roles. These exams were designed to test for the minimum required skills and
competencies required to successfully sell Autodesk’s Process and Power solutions. The supporting training content available on the Process and
Power Specialist learning paths on Autodesk® Learning Central provides remediation for the exam questions.
While this training content is recommended, not required, we heartily recommend that you consume the content prior to taking the examination. In
order to maintain your Specialist credential, you will be required to complete forty (40) Continuing Education Credits (CECs) per six-month period.
Completing these recommended training courses will count toward your CEC requirement, and will help you pass the exam on the first attempt.
The training content is designed around a series of key learning objectives. These objectives focus on improving your knowledge and skills in eight
areas that will make a positive difference in your ability to sell Autodesk® solutions. We will discuss these areas in the next section of this guide.
Sales Competencies: Skills and Knowledge
In order to gauge sales performance, we need a standard scale that can help us objectively measure skills and knowledge. If you have studied
psychology, you know that this is a complex measurement process. Autodesworked with experts in the learning industry to build a competency
model a map of the skills and behaviors that successful professionals display every day to help us:
Honestly and objectively measure sales and technical sales rep skills and knowledge that leads to desired behaviors
Help our sales and technical sales people understand where they are strong, and where they need to improve
Build concise, streamlined training materials that will help you be more effective in front of the customer where it really matters
The full competency model is an extensive set of documents, but we will be focusing on a subset of the total competencies. Our goal is to make it
simple to understand. Here are the eight competency elements that map directly to sales success:
Industry Knowledge
Industry Knowledge is classified as specific information that you need to know around an entire industry what companies in that industry do, how
they are organized, the trends that affect the industry in general, specific issues with which the industry must contend, and regulations that affect the
way that this industry functions. Industry Knowledge will help you discover and select customers.
Business Knowledge
Business Knowledge centers on how specific companies operate, how they make money, how they grow their market share, how they manage risk,
and how they achieve their goals. Business Knowledge will assist you in achieving trusted advisor status with your customer helping them to
understand that you are their preferred solution provider.
Solution Knowledge
Solution Knowledge allows an individual to propose a viable workflow that can increase customer process efficiency and thereby reduce their total
operating costs. A combination of business knowledge and solution knowledge is what allows a successful sales or technical sales rep to not only
propose a solution, but to also present that solution in the context of improved customer business and workflow efficiency. Solution Knowledge is not
just for technical sales people! A level of solution knowledge is critical to understand how Autodesk products work together to create unique business
value for our customers.
Product Knowledge
Generally in the domain of the technical sales representative, Product Knowledge is just what it says it is the ability to understand the design and
operation of specific Autodesk software products. While product knowledge is often seen as totally functional how the product works it can truly be
extended to “what the product does”. Knowledge of multiple products will combine to assist in the creation of streamlined workflows solutions for
our customers.
Investigating Skills
Investigating Skills allow a sales or technical sales rep to extract pertinent information from a customer company. While investigative skills are usually
classified as interviewing and information-getting skills, it’s also important to note that successful sales people often are as good at leveraging their
resources other members of their sales team, advocates in the customer’s organization, the customer’s competitors, et al as they are at actual one-
on-one interviewing.
Articulating Skills
A sales or technical sales rep’s Articulating Skills include their abilities to deliver information, explain complex concepts and influence customer
stakeholders. While sheer storytelling performance is a strong indicator of good sales potential, the truly successful sales representative will have a
high level of industry, business and solution knowledge that they can leverage to deliver a compelling story. The most successful reps will be highly
skilled in articulation, allowing them to interface with multiple stakeholders at multiple levels in the customer organization.
Problem Solving Skills
The ability to analyze an issue, and the ability to reason one’s way toward synthesizing a viable solution to that issue are classified as Problem Solving
Skills. While problem solving skills are generally considered to be of the highest importance to a technical sales representative, the most successful
sales reps also boast excellent problem solving skills around customer needs and requirements.
Managing Skills
What’s your “sales motion”? This general concept of a sales rhythm or pace is dependent on a sales rep’s Managing Skills. How well do they forecast
deals? Do they take full advantage of CRM systems? How do they leverage the people resources on their team? Do they work well with the technical
side of the house? How good are they at negotiation? The managing skills “bucket” is large in scope, but the best sales reps tend to score highly in
terms of their managing skills these are the skills that help them run their sales business effectively and efficiently.
How to Take the Exam
There are Learning Paths on Autodesk® Learning Central dedicated to the Process and Power Specialist Exams one for Sales Representatives, and
one for Technical Sales Representatives.
Important: To obtain credit for this specialization, you must register for the Process and Power Specialization before taking the exam. The simple
task of registering for the specialization will set you up to quickly access all the learning materials and to take the exam.
To register for a Certification or Specialization:
Step 1:
Log into Autodesk® Learning Central
On the Home page, go to the “Quick Links” or “Browse” section and then click Certifications to go to the Certifications page:
Step 2:
When the Certifications page opens, scroll through or use the different Sorting and Filtering tools to find the specific Certification (Sales or
Technical) you are looking for.
Click the Register button associated with that Certification:
Step 3:
When the Certification opens, click Complete Registration.
You are now registered!
Important Notes:
Mandatory components will be indicated with a red asterisk * in the component grouping title.
To register for Recommended components, use the Select Class button to choose an offering.
A checkmark indicates the components in the Certification that you are registering/registered for.
Exam Preparation Training Materials
The following training materials are available to help you prepare for the Specialist Exams. While this training content is not required, we strongly
recommend that you consume the content prior to taking the examination.
Sales Exam Preparation Training Materials
Technical Sales Exam Preparation Training Materials
Course Title
In this course you will learn about the Plant Design Industry, You will learn about the Autodesk Plant
Design Suite and the current editions Autodesk offers. You will also create your own Plant Design Suite
Elevator Pitch.
In this course you will learn about the Plant Design Industry, and the competition in this industry. We will
highlight some of the major players in the game and provide the necessary information to win deals.
In this course you follow along as the plant design solutions are demonstrated in the products using a typical
Course Title
In this course you will learn about the Plant Design Industry, You will learn about the Autodesk Plant
Design Suite and the current editions Autodesk offers. You will also create your own Plant Design Suite
Elevator Pitch.
In this course you will learn about the Plant Design Industry, and the competition in this industry. We will
highlight some of the major players in the game and provide the necessary information to win deals.
In this course you follow along as the plant design solutions are demonstrated in the products using a typical
project. You then perform these workflows using the provided dataset and exercise instructions.